Gruppelærerdagen and Result’s PhD course. The TA-day is organised every Spring semester." /> Gruppelærerdagen and Result’s PhD course. The TA-day is organised every Spring semester." />
KvaNT - Kvalitet i utdanning naturvitenskap og teknologi

Quality in tertiary STEM education


The TA-day (teaching assistant day) is an offer for everyone with teaching duties as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Science and Technology. The TA-day is designed especially for PhD students and is an offer in English supplementing Gruppelærerdagen and Result’s PhD course. The TA-day is organised every Spring semester.

You are welcome both if you are experienced with teaching or teach for the first time. Sharing experiences and discussing challenges is an important part of the day. The main target group is PhD students at the Faculty of Science and Technology, but the event is open to everyone interested in participating.

The TA-day for Spring 2023 is a physical event on campus Tromsø (Teorifagbygget hus 1 1.317) on Wednesday March 1, 2023. The program consists of a plenary session and one or two rounds with elective modules after lunch. The program will to a large extent be adapted to the specific interests, needs and challenges of the registered participants. 


9:15-11:00 Plenary session: introduction and case discussions (including a break), with David Coucheron & Maarten Beerepoot

11:15-12:15 Elective modules round 1

  • Systematic development of your teaching: self-evaluation, student evaluation and peer review of teaching, with Maarten Beerepoot
  • How to engage your students and increase learning with poll-based teaching, with David Coucheron

12:15-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-14:00 Elective modules round 2

  • Challenging cases for TAs, with David Coucheron & Maarten Beerepoot
  • Thinking classrooms, with Ida Friestad Pedersen & Hilja Huru

You can find the program for previous TA-days below.

PhD course Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at Result (UiT)

Online course in deterring student plagiarism

Digital meetings, classes, events - which tool should I use?

Challenges and opportunities in teaching online classes (videos): Challenges (part 1 | part 2) - Opportunities

Resources in Norwegian are available under "Gruppelærere" in the top menu.

The TA-day at the Faculty of Science and Technology for Spring 2022 is organized digitally in Zoom. The program consists of a plenary session and two rounds of elective modules. The program has to a considerable extent been adapted to the specific interests, needs and challenges of the registered participants. The TA-day Spring 2022 was organised for PhD students at the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics. 45 (PhD) students registered for the TA-day 2022, approximately half from the Faculty of Science and Technology and half from the Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics.


9:15-11:00 Plenary session: expectations and challenges of teaching assistants (Maarten Beerepoot, Ida Friestad Pedersen & Hilja Huru). Download the case descriptions for the plenary session.

11:15-12:15 Elective modules round 1

  • Systematic development of your teaching: self-evaluation, student evaluation and peer review of teaching (Maarten Beerepoot)
  • Effective and ineffective learning strategies (David Coucheron)

12:15-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-14:00 Elective module round 2

  • How to prepare for your teaching & Effective communication to enhance learning (Øistein Søvik) RECORDING

At the beginning of each semester since the spring of 2020 we have arranged “Gruppelærerdagen”. It is a simple training offer for bachelor, master and PhD students who teaches as teaching/learning assistants at the Faculty of Science and Technology. Gruppelærerdagen is in Norwegian, and we have received several request for an offer in English. We are therefore happy to invite you to the first TA-day at the Faculty of Science and Technology on March 23, 2021!

The Teaching Assistant (TA) day at the Faculty of Science and Technology for Spring 2021 is organized digitally in Zoom. The program consists of a plenary session and two rounds with elective modules. The program is to a large extent be adapted to the specific interests, needs and challenges of the registered participants.  


9:15-11:00 Plenary session: expectations and challenges of teaching assistants (including a break), with Elena Malyutina, Hilja Lisa Huru and Maarten Beerepoot. (SLIDES)

11:15-12:15 Elective modules round 1:

  • Online teaching in small groups, with Magnus Burkow
  • How to prepare for your teaching, with Øistein Søvik (SLIDES)

12:15-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-14:00 Elective modules round 2:

  • Systematic development of your teaching: self-evaluation, student evaluation and peer review of teaching, with Maarten Beerepoot
  • Challenges being a teaching assistant and how to deal with them (based on research from NTNU), with Madeleine Lorås (NTNU) (SLIDES)

Project duration:
Spring 2021-now

Project leaders:
Hilja Huru
Maarten Beerepoot

David Coucheron
Ida Friestad Pedersen

This project has not received any funding yet.

Page administrator: Huru, Hilja Lisa
Last updated: 26.11.2024 09:26