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Tidligere arrangementer

Arrangementer  2024/25

Dette er møter og arrangementer for studenter og ansatte der formålet er å bygge fellesskap og kultur for innovasjon og entreprenørskap.  

28.02.2025   Innovasjonsfrokost; Hvordan ta forskninga raskere i bruk?

                    Kommuners ansvarsforståelse, drivere og barrierer for sikring av bebyggelse mot flom og skred.

                     v/Eli Sandberg, SINTEF og Lene Sandberg, UiT

                     Hvordan kan kommunene involvere og mobilisere samfunnets ressurser på nye måter?

                     v/Une Tangen, KS

31.01.25      Innovation breakfast; How turn your ideas into reality? The event included: 

                    Information about research-based innovation
                    You have a good idea, now what?
                    Submitting a “DOFI” and techonolgy transfer
                    Introduction to IPR
                    Exampels of commercialised technology from UiT
                    Spinoff, startup and licensing of new technology
                    by/Bronwyn Smithies, Business Developer at Norinnova

27.09.24      Understanding Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in academia

                    What do a researcher need to know about intellectual property and patents
                    v/Chief Patent Examiner Line Nicolayssen, Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO)

                    IPR as a part of the tech transfer process​ v/Business Developer Ingrid Skjæveland, Norinnova AS

30.08.2024  From research to impact – funding opportunities

                    Funding opportunities from Research council of Norway v/Eirik Fosse, RCN

                    Experience with Proof of Concept applications - TTO and researcher perspective v/Bronwyn Smithies, Norinnova AS

22.05.2024  Seminar om prosjektutvikling og workshop i RehabLos

                    RehabLos | UiT Velkommen v/Cathrine Arntzen, UiT

                    Innovasjon | UiT v/Elisabeth Blix Bakkelund, UiT

                    Kunnskapskommunen - HelseOmsorg Nord - Forskning, innovasjon og kunnskapsutvikling 

                     v/Trude Hartviksen, Vestvågøy kommune

                    Frå idé til prosjekt i offentleg sektor ( v/Lars Onsøyen, Forskningsrådet

07.03.2024  Workshop for idea development, collabotative learning and innovation, UiT campus Alta

                    UiT Innovasjon v/Elisabeth Blix Bakkelund

                    Department of Tourism and Northern studies at UiT v/Hans Petter Frøhaug

                    Department of Tourism and Northern studies at UiT v/Per Kåre Jakobsen

                    Department of Child Protection and Social work at UiT v/Synnøve Thomassen Andersen

                    Tools for research-based idea and project development v/Bjørn Gjellan Nielsen, The research council of Norway

23.02.2024   Innovasjonsfrokost; Step by step from researcher to entrepreneur

                     Jon Marius Aareskjold-Drecker, associate professor at the Academy of Music and founder of Unifractal AS

                     Inger Lin Uttakleiv Ræder, Office of research and innovation, UiT

                     Ingrid Skjæveland NorInnova TTO.

19.01.2024  Innovasjonsfrokost; Upcoming opportunities in European Innovation Council (EIC)

                    Theresa Mikalsen, Section  for research and innovation, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

                    Waqar Ahmed from The Research Council of Norway

                    Krishna Agarwal, UiT The Arctic University of Norway           


Sist endret: 03.03.2025, endret av: Elisabeth Blix Bakkelund