December 17, 2021 Winter Workshop: A Story About Knowledge. Co-creazione di saperi in diritto e studi globali. Turin

The co-creation of knowledge in the field of law and global studies lays its foundations in legal creativity and legal design, and in indigenous methodology, three forms of participatory action research (PAR) that allow people to become aware of their own positioning in research and to see where margins and silences are created. 

Moving from theory to practice, the workshop, facilitated by Arianna Porrone and Margherita Paola Poto, provides the foundation for understanding and exploring this field of study. The course revolves around the interaction with our recently published book, A Story About Knowledge. A Learning Tool to Engage with Illustrated Storytelling in Law and Global Studies.

A Story About Knowledge stems from an Arctic-inspired story and revolves around a great and mysterious question addressed by the Creator to the animals and their elements: where can knowledge be found and protected?

The answer is articulated in a journey through space and time, through silence and action. For this reason and many others, the book is conceived as a narrative and artistic silent journey. Valentina Russo is the artist. Arianna and Margherita are suggesting new ways to explore storytelling.

The book is part of a big project, started in 2019 and now named ECO_CARE. Arianna and Margherita draw and erase lines around characters, worlds and realities, aspiring to involve people of all ages who love art, travel, research, the silence of music and nature. The steps so far include: (1) the wonderful cover (Mucho Amor, 2019: Water and Earth; (2) the interactive manual to reflect, meditate and create, designed for scholars in Academia and beyond (Aracne, 2021), (3) the silent book (Aracne, forthcoming Winter 2021).