Bilde av Paulgaard, Gry
Bilde av Paulgaard, Gry
Oahpaheaddjeoah. ja pedagog. +4777646615 99223577

Gry Paulgaard

  • Lise Herslund, Gry Paulgaard :
    Young refugees’ feelings of belonging? Encounters with rural Denmark and northern Norway
    Journal of Youth Studies 2024 DOI
  • Gry Paulgaard, Marianne Neerland Soleim :
    The arctic migration route: local consequences of global crises
    Journal of Peace Education 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gry Paulgaard, Merete Saus :
    Diverse Diversity: Contradictions and Challenges in Norwegian Rural Education
    Australian and International Journal of Rural Education (AIJRE) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lise Byskov Herslund, Gry Paulgaard :
    Refugees' Encounters With Nordic Rural Areas - Darkness, Wind and "Hygge"!
    Frontiers in Sociology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Berit Lødding, Gry Paulgaard :
    Spørsmål om tid og sted: Mulighetsrom og kvalifiseringsbaner blant ungdom utenfor videregående opplæring i Finnmark
    Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Sted som mulighetsrom og læringsarena
    Universitetsforlaget 2017 DOI
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geographies of inequalities in an area of opportunities; ambigous experiences among young men in the Norwegian High North
    Geographical Research (GEOR) 2017 DOI
  • Phyllis Ngai, Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Gry Paulgaard :
    Indigenous education in the Norwegian and U.S. contexts.
    University of Arizona Press 2015
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Place Attachment, Unemployment and Masculinity in the Age of Mobility: Young Men in the High North.
    Ashgate 2015 DOI
  • Madeleine Eriksson, Helene P Nielsen, Gry Paulgaard :
    The Internal Other: Reproducing and Reworking Center and Periphery.
    Ashgate 2015
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Oppvekst i tid og rom: Om betydning av sted i studiet av ungdom.
    Fagbokforlaget 2015
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geography of opportunity. Approaching adulthood at the margins of the northern European periphetry
    Orkana Forlag 2012 DOI
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Sentrum og periferi: Ungdom i mulighetenes landsdel
    Orkana Forlag 2012
  • Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Gry Paulgaard :
    Rural futures? Finding one’s place within changing labour markets
    Orkana Forlag 2012
  • Hilde Birgitte Hjertager Lund, Julia Melnikova, Gry Paulgaard, Laurence Lasselle :
    Exploratory workshop: Discussion around contributions to the Handbook on Communities, Families and Schooling in Education Research
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Education, Democracy, Diversity & Geography; perspectives from the North of Norway.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Education in the North of the North; Contextualizing Pedagogic to the Arctic
  • Gry Paulgaard, Merete Saus :
    Diverse Diversity: Contradictions and Place-Based Educatiobal Challanges in Nothern-Norway.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Fra Syria til Nord-Norge - om bosetting av flyktninger på mindre steder og deres møte med klima, natur og kultur.
  • Hermina Gunntorsdottir, Marcela Douglas, Merete Saus, Gry Paulgaard :
    RE approaches and strategies in Northern Europe
    Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2020 DATA / ARKIV
  • Hermina Gunntorsdottir, Marcela Douglas, Merete Saus, Gry Paulgaard :
    Introduction and rationale: An overview of refugee education Europe
    Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2020 ARKIV
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Rural resilience and Integration?
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geographies of inequality: Re-theorizing the significance of place in analyses of rural youth and education in the North of Norway.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Inclusive Perspectives on the ‘Post-Refugee-Discource’ in Education
  • Gry Paulgaard, Lise Byskov Herslund :
    Refugees re-settled in rural areas – challenges and possibilities.
  • Gunn Elin Fedreheim, Inger Marie Holm, Gry Paulgaard, Christine Smith-Simonsen, Marianne Neerland Soleim, Silje Mæhle :
    Vårt felles ansvar - UiTs akademiske dugnad for integrering av migranter og flyktninger.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geographies of Inequality. Re-theorizing the significance of place in analysis of rural youth.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geographies of opportunities and belonging. Young men in the High North.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geographies of restricted opportunities.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    The Arctic Migration Route. Concequences for Local Communities, Education Capacities and Refugees.
  • Marianne Neerland Soleim, Gry Paulgaard :
    The Arctic Refugee Route, Concequences for local communities, education capacities and refugees
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Possibilities and challenges for youth in the Barents Region
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    "Det sitt i kroppen". Om ungdom og kropp som rom for erfaring, mening og kunnskap.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Place attachment, unemployment and masculinity: Young men in The High North.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Youth, Mobility and the idea of brain drain.
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Possibilities and challenges for young people in the Barents Region
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geography of education in rural settings
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geografi og ulikhet
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Youth and Welfare
  • Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Gry Paulgaard, André Rondestvedt, Vibeke Øie :
    Prosjekt Frafall - Blikk på frafall i Troms.
  • Gry Paulgaard, Unn-Doris K. Bæck :
    Skolekutt på distriktsungdommens skuldre
    Nordlys 14. Nov 2013
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Rural youth in post industrial knowledge societies
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geografi og ulikhet
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Rural youth in post-industrial knowledge societies
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Geography of opportunity. Approaching adulthood at the margins of the northern European periphery
  • Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Gry Paulgaard :
    Rural futures! Young people in the Barents Region
  • Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Gry Paulgaard :
    Choices, opportunities and coping in the face of unemployment
    Orkana Forlag 2012
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Presentasjon av "Prosjekt frafall. Forskningsbasert kunnskap for regionale løsninger"
  • Gry Paulgaard :
    Indigenous Sovereignity Through the Humanities
  • Unn-Doris Karlsen Bæck, Gry Paulgaard :
    Youth in Barents – possibilities and challenges

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →