Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Communication week

Welcome to a week of open lectures and workshops on communication!

Welcome to an open communication week for those of you who work or study at UiT. All the lectures are held in Aud 1 at UiT in Tromsø.

These are among the topics you can take with you (see full timetable at the top of the page):

  • Why engage in research dissemination?
  • Outreach, impact and communication policy.
  • Angle/pointing of a message.
  • Target group thinking, channel selection and communication planning.
  • How to handle the media?
  • Media logic and news criteria, sales and press releases.
  • Presentation technique.
  • Filming with a mobile phone.
  • Chronicles and written popular science communication.
  • Social media.

The content is provided by the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Teacher Education, Section for Communication and external speakers.

Starts: 07.04.25 kl 09.00
Ends: 11.04.25 kl 15.00
Where: Aud 1 / Teorifagbygget, hus 1 / Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende, Inviterte
Responsible: Karine Nigar Aarskog
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Sigrun Dancke Skaare

Sigrun Dancke Skaare


Edits and teaches courses for the member's desk of Norway's most important science website.

Audun Hetland

Audun Hetland

Assosiate professor, UiT

Researcher in CARE and passionate communicator.