map over Campus Tromsø.

Keynote speakers: Drs. Barbara Neis and Sharon Roseman, Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada." /> map over Campus Tromsø.

Keynote speakers: Drs. Barbara Neis and Sharon Roseman, Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada." />

Gender, Mobile lifestyles and Places - An International Conference

October 14 - 16th, 2014. UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Center for Women and Gender research (Kvinnforsk) Room C-1007 HSL Building. HSL is building 4 in this map over Campus Tromsø.

Keynote speakers: Drs. Barbara Neis and Sharon Roseman, Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada.

This international conference will investigate the relationships between gender, work mobilities, lifestyles and place in multiple sectors from service through to transportation and communications, retail and resource extraction and manufacturing in Arctic and subarctic contexts. Place is conceptualized broadly. It includes, but is not limited to, home, workplace, neighborhood, and community.

We particularly welcome papers that address:

  1. the ways in which men’s and women’s work-related mobile practices (e.g. migration, commuting and\or mobile work) relate to place, to industrial sectors, to gender and to institutions such as households, unions, business and community associations, etc.
  2. how these mobile practices are represented in the media, official papers, and areas of cultural expression within the local, regional and national contexts in question.

We are interested in papers that emphasize empirical, theoretical and methodological questions. Papers based on research that is in its early stages and research that is completed or close to completion are welcome. 

- fulltext version of the first call for papers is available here.

The conference is sponsored by the research project Mobile Lifestyles: Perspectives on Work Mobilities and Gender in the High North funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Important dates and pratical information

  • Deadline for submission of papers: July 7st, 2014. (This also includes the Norwegian project-participants)
  • The final program will be distributed to the participants by the 15th of September.
  • Participation at the conference is free, but the participants must pay their own travel and stay.
Starts: 14.10.14 kl 09.00
Ends: 16.10.14 kl 16.00
Where: C1007
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Alle
Responsible: Torunn Berger

Deadline: 11.08.2014
Deadline has been reached. Sorry
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Vedlegg / Bilder:
Full text call for papers workshop (3)