Changing Arctic

This transdisciplinary research school trains researchers to address societal challenges in a sustainable manner

About the research school

The research school focuses on renewable energy, food security, and health and welfare in the Arctic. We will collaborate with actors in both the private and the public sector. The research outcomes will contribute to transformation and resilience in the Arctic and will thus operationalize Sustainable Development Goals. 

The training provides PhD candidates with knowledge, professional and transferable skills, and general competences that enable them to contribute to innovative and sustainable solutions for societal challenges in the Arctic.

“Changing Arctic” will arrange courses, seminars, workshops, and excursions, and will organise secondments in industry, private enterprises, NGOs, as well as public institutions involved in management and policy making. This is to ensure the relevance of project outcomes and enhance the employability of the PhD graduates.

Projects 2024


Ongoing projects


Required courses 


Become a member

Requirements for membership 


Application to become a member of the research school 

Contact us


                                                                                                            Twitter: @ChangingArctic_

Associated research schools

Arctic Graduate School in Umeå, Sweden

The Arctic in a Changing World in Rovaniemi, Finland


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