Confirmed Keynotes:

Tomas Heidar, President, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

David Freestone, Professor of International Law, Georgetown University, Co-rapporteur ILA Committee International Law and Sea Level Rise


Annual NCLOS Conference 2024: “Future Trajectories for the Law of the Sea”

5 November

19:00 Social Activity and Dinner for Speakers - Detailed information to follow

6 November

8:00 -> Registration

8:45 -> Welcome. Tore Henriksen, Dean of the Faculty of Law

8:50->Introduction, Vito De Lucia, Director, Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea

9:00 -> Keynote: Tomas Heidar, The Convention as a Living Instrument” (Title TBC)

9:50: coffee break

10:00 Panel 1: The COSIS Advisory Opinion


  • Jianping Guo & Louis Galo McDonough Monroy, “Future Trajectories for International Fisheries Law in Addressing Climate Change: Implications from the COSIS Advisory Opinion”
  • Anemoon Soete, “The potential impact of ITLOS’ recent climate change advisory opinion on uses of the seas in areas beyond national jurisdiction”
  • Philip Steinberg and Romain Chuffart, “The Ocean as Legal Matter in ITLOS Advisory Opinion in Case No. 31 of 21 May 2024”

Rapporteur: Sofie Quist

11.00 -> coffee beak

11:15 -> Panel 2: Deep seabed Mining


  • Tajra Smajic, “Climate Change and Deep Seabed Mining: Implications of the COSIS Advisory Opinion”
  • Valentina Chabert, “A contractual approach to environmental protection: the role of the International Seabed Authority in private resource exploitation activities in the Area?”
  • Maria Madalena das Neves, “Changing values and change in law of the sea: A discussion from the perspective of Norway's position on seabed mining”


12:15: -> coffee beak

12:30 -> Panel 3: Autonomous Vessels

Moderator: Youri van Logchem

  • Thobisa Simelane"The Impact of New Technologies on the Legal Status of Seagoing Vessels: Focus on Surface Micro-Contraptions Used for Marine Scientific Research"
  • Hwon LEE, “The strategic deployment of UMVs: Implications for ISR operations and EEZ security jurisdiction”
  • Barbara Stępień, “Challenges of Law Enforcement at Sea in the Era of Autonomous Vessels”


 13:30 -> Lunch

14:30 -> Keynote: David Freestone, “International Law Dimension of Sea Level Rise”

15:20 -> Coffee Break

15:30 -> Panel 3: Maritime Security

Moderator: Jessica Schechinger

  • Laurence Teillet, “Abandoning the crime of piracy for increased justice and accountability”
  • Anh Vo, “Military Contexts and Legal Contests: Reconciling International Laws to Eliminate Grey Zone Tactics at Sea”
  • Chin-Chia Tien, “The Creation of a Grey Current: Disruption of the Law of the Sea Order in the Pacific”


16:30 -> Coffee Break

16:45 -> Panel 4: Climate Change

Moderator: Eva van der Marel

  • Federica Catonini, “The enhancement of ocean carbon sinks through carbon dioxide removal technologies: regime interaction in climate change and ocean law”
  • Henrik Ringbom, “The Irrelevance of UNCLOS for Regulating Ship-Source Pollution Today - The Case of Climate Change”
  • Massimo Starita, “Maintaining maritime zones in the face of sea-level rise: An “emerging” customary rule and problems of transitional law”

Rapporteur: Mana Tugend

 17:45 -> End of the Day

 19:30: Conference Dinner


7 November

9:00  ->  Keynote: TBD,

9:50 -> coffee break

10:00 -> Panel 1 Regional Perspectives

Moderator: Alexander Lott

  • Vasco Becker-Weinberg, “Geopolitics and assertion of rights in the Artic in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine”
  • Shiyue Lu, “Revisiting the ‘Unsettled’ South China Sea Case: Recalibrating Settlement Pathways Amid Legalistic Campaigns and Political Rea”
  • Constance M. Johnson, “Subsumption, rejuvenation or statis: what does the new BBNJ Agreement mean for regional governance of the marine Antarctic?”


11:00 -> coffee break                    

11:15-> Panel 2 BBNJ

Moderator: Endalew Enyew

  • Karen Scott and Neil Craik, “Environmental Impact Assessment under the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Agreement and the Equivalence Exception”
  • Joanna Mossop, “The BBNJ Agreement: Possibilities, Challenges and Lost Opportunities”
  • Rania Djojosugito, “Future Re-Entry of the International Space Station: Obligations Following Article 28 of the BBNJ Agreement on the Impact of Space Activities in Point Nemo”

Rapporteur: Claudia D’Andrea

12:15-> Coffee break

12:30 -> Panel 3: Spitzbergen Session

Moderator: Lena Schøning

  • Jacqueline Joyce F. Espenilla, “Implications of the BBNJ Agreement on private sector “green” initiatives on the high seas: A case study of The Ocean Cleanup”
  • Vonintsoa Rafaly, “Thinking infrastructurally the ocean: toward a new narrative for ocean governance in the Anthropocene Era”
  • Solène Guggisberg, “The protection of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: the role of non-user States”


13.30 -> Lunch

14:30 -> Panel 5: Young Voices on Ocean Futures


  • César Soares de Oliveira, “The Law of the Sea in The 22nd Century: Towards an Ecocentric Future?”
  • Mana Tugend, “A New Trajectory for the Law of the Sea: Towards Relational Oceans”
  • Sofie Elise Quist, “A multispecies justice perspective on the future of food from the sea”


15.45 -> Coffee Break

16.00 -> High-level Panel on Future Trajectories on the Law of the Sea

Moderator: Richard Barnes

Panelists: Joanna Mossop, Henrik Ringbom (TBC), David Freestone, + TBD


17:30 end of conference



NB Program as of 12 September 2024. Some changes may be introduced.