Christopher Robert Rossi
- Remoteness Reconsidered: The Atacama Desert and International Law. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021.
- Whiggish International Law: Elihu Root, the Monroe Doctrine, and International Law in the Americas. Leiden and Boston: Brill/Nijhoff, 2019.
- Sovereignty and Territorial Temptation: The Grotian Tendency. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Broken Chain of Being: James Brown Scott and the Origins of Modern International Law. The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1998.
- Equity and International Law: A Legal Realist Approach to International Decisionmaking. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Transnational Publishers, 1993.
- Co-editor, II Temas de derecho internacional 1996. Caracas, Venezuela: García-Diffendini &Asociados, 1996.
- Assistant co-editor, Towards Nuclear Disarmament and Global Security. Boulder: Westview Press, 1984.
Journal Articles (available at:
"Arctic Anadromy and Congested Regime Governance." 52(3) Environmental Law Reporter 10193-10210 (2022).
"Water Security and Hydro-Egoism: Endogenous Hegemony and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam." __ Indiana International &Comparative Law Review __-__ (2022).
"Interstitial Space and the High Himalayan Dispute between China and India." 62(2) Harvard International Law Journal, 429-468 (2021). 40 pages.
"The Blind Eye: Jus Soli and the "Pretended" Treaty of New Echota." 9(2) American Indian Law Journal, 402-433 (2021). 31 pages.
"The Widening Gyre: Legal Formalism and International Law's Sense of Place," 11(1) Notre Dame Journal of International and Comparative Law, 107-137 (2021). 30 pages.
"Blood, Water, and the Indus Waters Treaty." 29(2) Minnesota Journal of International Law,103-158 (2020). 56 pages.
"Game of Thrones: The Qatar Crisis and Forced Expulsion on the Arabian Peninsula." 7(1) Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs,1-52 (2019). 52 pages.
"Asia-Pacific Interests in the Emerging Arctic." 9(1) Yonsei Law Journal, 1-21 (2018). 21 pages.
"The Nomos of Climate Change and the Sociological Refugee in a Sinking Century." 50(3) George Washington International Law Review, 101-138 (2018). 38 pages.
"Hauntings, Hegemony, and the Threatened African Exodus from the International Criminal Court." 40(2) Human Rights Quarterly, 369-405 (2018). 37 pages.;
"The Gulf of Fonseca and International Law: Condominium or Imperial Anticolonialism?" 3(1) Law Gentium: Journal of International Legal History, 115-153 (2018). 39 pages.
"The Migingo Island Dispute between Uganda and Kenya." 42(2) Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 659-693 (2017). 34 pages.
"Norway's Imperiled Sovereignty Claim over Svalbard's Adjacent Waters." 18(6) German Law Journal, 1497-1530 (2017). 34 pages.
"Treaty of Tordesillas Syndrome: Sovereignty ad Absurdum and the South China Sea Arbitration." 50(2) Cornell International Law Journal, 232-283 (2017). 52 pages.
"Nagorno-Karabakh and the Minsk Group: The Imperfect Appeal of Soft Law in an Overlap Neighborhood." 52(1) Texas International Law Journal, 45-70 (2017). 26 pages.
"The Transboundary Dispute over the Waters of the Silala/Siloli: Legal Vandalism and Goffmanian Metaphor." 53(1) Stanford Journal of International Law, 55-87 (2017). 33 pages.
"A Case Ill Suited for Judgment: Constructing 'A Sovereign Access to the Sea' in the Atacama Desert." 48(2) Inter-American Law Review, 28-86 (2017). 58 pages.
"The International Community, South Sudan, and the Responsibility to Protect." 49(1) New York University Journal of International Law & Politics, 129-180 (2016). 51 pages.
"'A Unique International Problem': The Svalbard Treaty, Equal Enjoyment, and Terra Nullius: Lessons of Territorial Temptation from History." 15(1) Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 93-136 (2016). 44 pages.
“Impaled on Morton’s Fork: Kosovo, Crimea and the Sui Generis Circumstance.” 30(3) Emory International Law Review, 353-390 (2016). 38 pages.
“Ex Injuria Jus Non Oritur, Ex Factis Jus Oritur and the Elusive Search for Equilibrium after Ukraine,” 24(1) Tulane Journal of International & Comparative Law, 143-173 (2015). 30 pages.
“The Club Within the Club: The Challenge of a Soft Law Framework in a Global Arctic Context,” 5(1) Polar Journal, 8-34 (2015). 26 pages.
“Jura Novit Curia? Condominium in the Gulf of Fonseca and the ‘Local Illusion’ of a Pluri-State Bay,” 37(3) Houston Journal of International Law, 793-840 (2015). 48 pages.
“A Particular Kind of Dominium: The Grotian ‘Tendency’ and the Global Commons in a Time of High Arctic Change,” 11(1) University of Toronto Journal of International Law & International Relations, 1-60 (2015). 60 pages.
“Russian Arctic Straits and the Temptation of Uti Possidetis.” 24(1) Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, 19-68 (2014). 49 pages.
“The Responsibility to Protect and the Plenitudinal Mindset of International Humanitarian Law,” 5(1-2) Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 352-395 (2014). 44 pages.
“The Northern Sea Route and the Seaward Extension of Uti Possidetis (Juris). 83(4) Nordic Journal of International Law,” 476-508 (2014). 32 pages.
Guest Editor, 17(1) Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems. War Crimes Symposium. University of Iowa College of Law (2008). 305 pages.
“Introduction: Qui Tolis Pecatta Mundi? Lebanon’s Hybrid Tribunal.” 17(1) Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, 1-7 (2008). 7 pages.
“Jus ad Bellum in the Shadow of the 20th Century,” 15(1) New York Law School Journal of International & Comparative Law, 49-82 (1994). 33 pages.
Co-author, “Arms Control Treaties: Review and Revision,” 26(3) Bulletin of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 37-40 (1984). 4 pages.
Book Chapters/Policy Publications:
“Presentacion.” In Paula Younes, La Negociación como medio de solución de controversias den el derecho internacional: El caso de Bolivia c. Chile ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia 9-10. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Grupo Editorial Ibáñez, 2022.
“Sclerotic Soft Law: Understanding the Role of the Minsk Group in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict.” EUROPP: European Politics and Policy. London School of Economics. October 27, 2020.
“Burying the Undertaker: The Concept of Civilization in the Hemispheric Relations of the Americas.” In Latin America and International Law (Matthias Packeiser & José Manuel Barreto, eds., ____) (forthcoming).
“Somalia tra elezioni e petrolio, con L’Italia sfocata di Silvia Romano.” L’Indro, May 27, 2020.
“Rethinking the Whiggish Narrative: The Monroe Doctrine and Condominium in Latin America/Repensando la Narrativa Whiggish: La Doctrina Monroe y el Condominio en América Latina.” In Derecho internacional: investigación, estudia y enseñanza, 161-99 (Paola Andrea Acosta-Alvarado, Laura Betancur-Restrepo, and Enrique Priéto-Ríos, eds., Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, 2020). 38 pages.
“Kenya and Somalia Row over Offshore Rights is Rooted in the Carve Up of Africa.” The Conversation (Global Perspectives) (March 4, 2019).
“What Migingo, The World’s Tiniest Border Dispute, Tells Us About International Law.” The Conversation (Global Perspectives) (December 6, 2017).
“The Big Political and Legal Stakes of a Feud Over a Tiny South American River.” World Politics Review (July 18, 2017).
“No Joy in Juba: South Sudan and the Search for R2P’s International Community.” Oxford Research Group, Division of Sustainable Security. 6 pages. (2016).;
"The Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities In and Against Nicaragua." In Historic U.S. Court Cases: An Encyclopedia (rev. ed., John W. Johnson, editor), New York: Garland Publishing, 228-232 (2001). 4 pages.
"El Arbitraje Venezolano de 1903: Vuelta al Futoro al Final de Siglo XX?," in II Temas de derecho internacional 1996, 105-123 (1996). 18 pages.
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