Velina Ninkova,
Jennifer Lynn Hays,
Noa Lavi,
Aishah Ali,
Silvia Lopes da Silva Macedo,
Helen Elizabeth Davis
et al.:
Hunter-Gatherer Children at School: A View From the Global South
Review of Educational Research 2024
Jennifer Lynn Hays,
Velina Ninkova,
Noa Lavi,
Sheina Lew-Levy,
Silvia Lopes da Silva Macedo,
Helen Davis
et al.:
Autonomous hunter-gatherer children in hierarchical schools: a review of the literature from the global South
Hunter-Gatherer Research 2024
Irene Bellier,
Jennifer Hays
Indigenous peoples rights: global circulation, colonial
heritage, and resistance
Jennifer Hays
Defining the terms of indigenous peoples' rights in Namibia: the role of the International Labor Organization
Jennifer Hays,
Robert Hitchcock
Land and Resource Rights in the Tsumkwe Conservancies - Nyae Nyae and N≠a Jaqna
Jennifer Hays,
Jakob Kronik
The ILO PRO169 programme: Learning from technical cooperation in Latin America and Southern Africa
International Journal of Human Rights 2019
Jennifer Hays
Définir les termes des droits des peuples autochtones:
I'Organisation internationale du travel en Namibie
L'Harmattan 2019
Jennifer Hays
Interpretations of San Ethnicity and Identity in Namibia: Two Ethnographic Accounts
Journal of Southern African Studies 2019
Irene Bellier,
Jennifer Hays
Les Droits des peuples autochtones: circulations globales, heritages coloniaux, resistances
L'Harmattan 2019
Jennifer Hays,
Velina Ninkova,
Edmond Dounias
Hunter-gatherers and education: Towards a recognition of extreme local diversity and common global challenges
Hunter-Gatherer Research 2019
Jennifer Hays,
Velina Ninkova
Vertical and Horizontal Mobility among the Ju|’hoansi of Namibia
Peter Lang Publishing Group 2018
Velina Ninkova,
Jennifer Hays
"Walking in your grandfather's footsteps": Kinship and knowledge transmission among the Ju/'hoansi (Namibia)
AnthropoChildren 2017
Jennifer Hays
À qui appartient l'éducation ? Les Écoles de village et les Ju|’hoansi de Nyae Nyae, Namibie
Les Cahiers de la recherche sur l'éducation et les savoirs 2016
Jennifer Hays,
Irene Bellier
Éducation, apprentissage et droits des peuples autochtones. Quels savoirs, quelles compétences et quelles langues transmettre pour un mode de vie durable ?
L'Harmattan 2016
Jennifer Hays
Who owns education? Schooling, learning and livelihood for the Nyae Nyae Ju|’hoansi
Journal of Namibian Studies: History Politics Culture 2016
Jakob Kronik,
Jennifer Hays
Limited Room for Manoeuvre: Indigenous peoples and climate change adaptation strategies
Routledge 2015
Jennifer Hays
Educational rights for indigenous communities in Botswana and Namibia
International Journal of Human Rights 2011
Jennifer Hays,
Megan Biesele
Indigenous rights in southern Africa: international mechanisms and local contexts
International Journal of Human Rights 2011
Jennifer Hays
Introduction to the Special Issue: Indigenous Education in Southern Africa. Research and Action
Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education 2011
Jennifer Hays,
Cwisa Cwi
The Nyae Nyae Village Schools 1994-2010: An Indigenous Mother-Tongue Education Project After 15 Years
Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education 2011
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Steps Forward and New Challenges: Indigenous Communities and Mother Tongue Education in Southern Africa
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 2009
Jennifer Hays
The Other Side of ‘All’: Comparing Global Discourses of Education with a Community’s Choices – the case of the Nyae Nyae Ju|’hoansi in Namibia
Michigan State University Press 2009
Jennifer Hays
Learning Indigenous Knowledge Systems
HSRC Press 2009
Rodney K Hopson,
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Schooling and education for the San in Namibia: Between a rock of colonialism and the hard place of globalization
Elsevier 2008
Jennifer Lynn Hays,
Amanda Siegrühn-Mars
Education and the San of Southern Africa
Indigenous Affairs 2005
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Indigenous Rights in Education: The San of Southern Africa in Local and Global Contexts
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Anguished Laments”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Education, Representation, and Development for the San of Botswana
Ufahamu 2002
Jennifer Lynn Hays
“We Should Learn as We Go Ahead”: Finding the Way Forward for the Nyae Nyae Village Schools Project
Perspectives in Education 2002
Irene Bellier,
Jennifer Hays
Scales of Governance and Indigenous Peoples
Routledge 2020
Jennifer Hays,
Irene Bellier
Echelles de Gouvernance et Droits des Peuples Autochtones
L'Harmattan 2019
Jennifer Hays
Owners of Learning: The Nyae Nyae Village Schools Over Twenty Five Years
Basler Afrika Bibliographien 2016
Jennifer Hays,
Irene Bellier
Quelle éducation pour les peuples autochtones ?
L'Harmattan 2016
Velina Ninkova,
Jennifer Hays,
Noa Lavi,
Aishah Ali,
Silvia Lopes da Silva Macedo,
Helen Davis
et al.:
Hunter-gatherer children at school: A view from the Global South
Jennifer Hays,
Velina Ninkova,
Edmond Dounias
Hunter-gatherer education Special issue: Introduction
Hunter-Gatherer Research 2019
Jennifer Hays,
Velina Ninkova,
Edmond Dounias
Hunter-Gatherer Education Special Issue
Hunter-Gatherer Research 2019
Jennifer Hays
Hunter-gatherer scale and global approaches to human rights
Jennifer Hays,
Velina Ninkova,
Sidsel Saugestad
The Research and Advocacy Group for Hunter Gatherer Education
AnthropoChildren 2018
Jennifer Hays
Ingjerd Hoëm: Languages of Governance in Conflict. Negotiating Democracy in Tokelau
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2017
Jennifer Hays,
Velina Ninkova
Social, Economic and Geographic mobility among the Ju/’hoansi of Namibia
Jennifer Hays,
Irene Bellier,
Torjer Andreas Olsen
Education, Learning and Indigenous Rights : What knowledge(s), skills and languages for sustainable livelihoods?
Forum for development cooperation with indigenous peoples - website 2014
Jennifer Hays
Recognizing indigenous tracking skills in Namibia: potential benefits, implications, and challenges
Jennifer Hays
The Invasion of Nyae Nyae: A case of ongoing aggression against indigenous peoples in Namibia
Jennifer Lynn Hays,
Cwisa Cwi
The Nyae Nyae Village Schools: 15 Years of Mother Tongue Education for an Indigenous Community
Jennifer Lynn Hays
The Other Side of ‘All.’ Comparing global discourses of education with a community's strategic choices: The case of the Nyae Nyae Ju/'hoansi in Namibia
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Examining Educational Rights for Indigenous Communities in Southern Africa
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Education, Rights and Survival for the Nyae Nyae Ju|’hoansi: Illuminating Global and Local Discourses
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Learning indigenous knowledge systems
Jennifer Lynn Hays
For the Benefit of All: Mother Tongue Education For Southern African Minorities. A comprehensive summary report from the Regional Mother Tongue Conference, a conference on multilingualism in Southern African Education, 1-2 June 2005
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Steps Forward and New Challenges: Mother Tongue Education in Southern Africa
Jennifer Lynn Hays
Rethinking ‘Education for All’: Matching Global Rhetoric with Local Reality