Cristiane Palaretti Bernardo,
Laurene Anne Marie Pecuchet,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim,
Berengere Husson
et al.:
Warming changes the life history composition of marine fish communities at high latitudes
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2024
Erika Steyn,
Johan C. Groeneveld,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
Effect of rotational harvesting on the size composition of Cape rock oysters Striostrea margaritacea on the east coast of South Africa
African Journal of Marine Science 2023
Hector Andrade,
Mikko Vihtakari,
Jorge Santos
Geographic variation in the life history of lane snapper Lutjanus synagris, with new insights from the warm edge of its distribution
Journal of Fish Biology 2023
E. Steyn,
J.C. Groeneveld,
Jorge Santos,
X.I. Mselegu
Trends in mussel cover, density and size at exploited and unexploited intertidal reefs in eastern South Africa
African Journal of Marine Science 2022
Teresa Borges,
Joeli Veitayaki,
Marcia Moreno-Báez,
Andres Cisneros-Montemayor,
Jorge Santos
Coastal Fisheries
Johan C. Groeneveld,
Antonio Mubango Hoguane,
Baraka Kuguru,
Fiona MacKay,
Cosmas Munga,
Jorge Santos
Estuarize-WIO: A socio-ecological assessment of small-scale fisheries in estuaries of the Western Indian Ocean
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2021
Eulalia Mugabe,
Ana N. Madeira,
Humberto S. Mabota,
Anildo N. Nataniel,
Jorge Santos,
Johan C. Groeneveld
Small-scale fisheries of the Bons Sinais Estuary in Mozambique with emphasis on utilization of unselective gear
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2021
Jorge Santos,
Johan C. Groeneveld,
Fiona MacKay,
Cosmas Munga
A regional assessment of seasonal-to-decadal changes in estuarine socio-ecological systems in the Western Indian Ocean
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 2021
Gareth L. Jordaan,
Jorge Santos,
Johan C. Groeneveld
Shark discards in selective and mixed-species pelagic longline fisheries
K.K.L. Hasini,
W. N. De Silva,
Jorge Santos
Small Pelagic Fish Value Chain and Its Contribution to Local Food Security: A Case Study in Gandara Fishing Village in Southern Coast of Sri Lanka
Tropical Agricultural Research 2020
Lilli Mittner,
Jorge Santos
Living with the Ocean. Communicating ArtScience. Arctic Frontiers. FRAM Talks. 28.01.2025
Lilli Mittner,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
AI and plagiarism in our educational practice: what to value? Introduction and comments to the article Eaton, S. E. (2023). Postplagiarism: Transdisciplinary ethics and integrity in the age of artificial intelligence and neurotechnology. International Journal for Educational Integrity.
Zoheb Mashiur,
Melania Borit,
Marianna Osokina,
Lilli Mittner,
Andreia Conceição,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
Pasts and Futures of the Seas and Coasts: An Art-Based Educational Intervention
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner
ArtScience workshop with students at Ruhuna University, (December 2024)
Norlanka Blue 2024
Lilli Mittner,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
Ocean Creations. Co-creative workshop with children and grandparents at Sesimbra Maritime Museum.
Ocean Creations 2024
Lilli Mittner,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Rikke Gürgens
FutureLab - join the time machine. Age-Exchange workshop.
Artcic Arts Festival 2024
Lilli Mittner,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Anna Gallon,
Nord Vokal
Tiden er et skip som aldri kaster anker, Narvik, Sjømannskirke (14.9.2024)
Lilli Mittner,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Anna Gallon,
Nord Vokal
Tiden er et skip som aldri kaster anker, Harstad, Kulturhuset (14.9.2024)
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Lilli Mittner,
Andreia Conceicao,
Rui Dias
Living With the Ocean: An Outdoor ArtScience Exhibition. Sesimbra Maritime Museum, Portugal (April 2024).
Coastal Cultural Centre Exhibition - Street Gallery 2024
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner,
Melania Borit,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Andreia Conceicao,
Rui Dias
Living With the Ocean: An Outdoor ArtScience Exhibition. Arctic Arts Festival, Harstad, Norway (June - August 2024).
Arctic Arts Festival (Festspillene) - Street Gallery 2024
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner
ArtScience Sri Lanka Film. 1280x720 162MB. Activities during the ArtSciences days of the project NorLanka Blue at the Ruhuna University, December 2024. Exhibition Living with the Oceans; Workshop ArtScience; Book launch - Water and People; Convocation 2024
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner,
Melania Borit,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Andreia Conceicao,
Rui Dias
Living With the Ocean: An ArtScience Exhibition. Les Ateliers des Tanneurs, Brussels, Belgium (October 2024).
Lilli Mittner,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Anna Gallon,
Nord Vokal
Tiden er et skip som aldri kaster anker. Tromsø, Verdensteater (13.9.2024)
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner
First impressions... Photovoice exhibition for all exchange students at UiT. Organized by CRAFT-lab and ArcHum at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (October-November 2024).
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
Mer enn bare Kunstig Intelligens: mulig utvikling innen tradisjonell fiskeindustri og akvakultur med fokus på digitalteknologi
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
Reise til fremtiden(e) Kvaløya VGS II [Travel to the future(s) - preparing the future]
Melania Borit,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
Reise til fremtiden(e) Sommerlyst [Travel to the future(s) - preparing the future]
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit
PhD school Blue Route - Exploring the Oceans: Resources. Technology. Governance. Ethics. A Residential Workshop held at UiT- The ARctic University of Norway, October 2023
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit,
Luís Azevedo Rodrigues,
Sara Mira
A remote digital internship at the Science Center of Lagos, September 2023. PhD- school Blue Route.
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit
Reise til fremtiden(e) Kvaløya VGS I [Travel to the future(s) - preparing the future]
Jorge Santos
Internasjonale studenter: Skal de bli eller må de dra? [International students: should they stay or should they go?]
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
Mulig utvikling innen fiskeri og havbruk med digital teknologi og kunstig intelligens (Possible developments in fisheries and aquaculture with digital technologies and artificial intelligence)
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
Imagining the futures of fisheries and coasts - Nord-Troms videregående skole avd. Skjervøy, 2022
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
Imagining the futures of fisheries and coasts - Steiner School, Tromsø, September 2022
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
A Work Experience For All:Simulated Internship In The Virtual Reality Of A Leading Fisheries Company
Jorge Santos
Centro Cultural Costeiro / Center for Coastal Culture, Maritime Museum, Sesimbra, Portugal
29. Oct 2021
Jorge Santos
NorLanka Blue: Network in Aquatic Innovation
01. Jan 2021
Jorge Santos
Oceanography and all the forgotten sciences
15. Sep 2021
Jorge Santos
Space for school and home science!
08. Sep 2021
Jorge Santos
O outro lado do Bacalhau / The other side of the cod fishery in Norway
Jorge Santos
3S - Shovel Science Strategy
14. Jun 2021
Jorge Santos
Fishing with Samir: a journey in a small jigging boat in Finmark
Jorge Santos
Project X-Press Pearl: forming and informing society about the coastal accident
01. Jun 2021
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
Imagining the future of fisheries and coasts - Kvaløya High-school, 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
AFO-JIGG: Service design thinking to improve welfare and product quality in the Norwegian small-scale fishing fleet
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Tenker nytt om kystfiskerienes fremtid
21. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Rethinking the future of coastal fisheries
28. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Nå skal et nytt prosjekt se på kvalitet og sikkerhet i juksaflåten
24. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Vil heise opp juksa som redskap
22. Apr 2020