Bilde av Leiros, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder
Photo: UiT

Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros

  • Alexandra Kondratieva, Katarzyna Palica, Christopher Frøhlich, Rebekka Rolfsnes Hovd, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Máté Erdélyi et al.:
    Fluorinated captopril analogues inhibit metallo-β-lactamases and facilitate structure determination of NDM-1 binding pose
    European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, H. Adrian Bunzel, Karol Buda, Adrian J. Mulholland, Marc W. van der Kamp, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    Epistasis arises from shifting the rate-limiting step during enzyme evolution of a β-lactamase
    Nature Catalysis 2024 DOI
  • Katarzyna Palica, Fritz Deufel, Susann Skagseth, Gabriela Paula Di Santo Metzler, Johannes Thoma, Anna Andersson Rasmussen et al.:
    α-Aminophosphonate inhibitors of metallo-β-lactamases NDM-1 and VIM-2
    RSC Medicinal Chemistry 2023 DOI
  • Yuwen Jia, Barbara Schroeder, Yvonne Pfeifer, Christopher Frøhlich, Lihua Deng, Christoph Arkona et al.:
    Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Structural Effects of Quinoline-2-Carboxylates, Zinc-Binding Inhibitors of New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase-1 Re-sensitizing Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria for Carbapenems
    Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023 DOI
  • Anne Grethe Hamre, Rim Al-Sadawi Sørlie, Kirsti Merete Johannessen, Bastien Bissaro, Åsmund Røhr Kjendseth, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros et al.:
    Initial characterization of an iron superoxide dismutase from Thermobifida fusca
    JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jolyn Pan, Kjersti Lian, Aili Sarre, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros, Adele Kim Williamson :
    Bacteriophage origin of some minimal ATP-dependent DNA ligases: a new structure from Burkholderia pseudomallei with striking similarity to Chlorella virus ligase
    Scientific Reports 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mitchell Silk, Jason R. Price, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Phillip E. Thompson et al.:
    Side-Chain Interactions in d/l Peptide Nanotubes: Studies by Crystallography, NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics
    Chemistry - A European Journal 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Ane Molden Thomassen, Trine Josefine Warg Carlsen, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros :
    Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the OXA-48-like carbapenemase OXA-436
    Acta Crystallographica. Section F : Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, João Alves Gama, Klaus Harms, Viivi H. A. Hirvonen, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Marc W. van der Kamp et al.:
    Cryptic β-Lactamase Evolution Is Driven by Low β-Lactam Concentrations
    mSphere 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katarzyna Palica, Manuela Vorácová, Susann Skagseth, Anna Andersson Rasmussen, Lisa Allander, Madlen Hubert et al.:
    Metallo-β-Lactamase Inhibitor Phosphonamidate Monoesters
    ACS Omega 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Adele Kim Williamson, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Structural insight into DNA joining: from conserved mechanisms to diverse scaffolds
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Vidar Sørum, Sandra Huber, Ørjan Samuelsen, Fanny Berglund, Erik Kristiansson et al.:
    Structural and biochemical characterization of the environmental MBLs MYO-1, ECV-1 and SHD-1
    Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ørjan Samuelsen, Ove Alexander Høgmoen Åstrand, Christopher Frøhlich, Adam Heikal, Susann Skagseth, Trine Josefine Olsen Carlsen et al.:
    ZN148 Is a Modular Synthetic Metallo-beta-Lactamase Inhibitor That Reverses Carbapenem Resistance in Gram-Negative Pathogens In Vivo
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2020 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Zeeshan Muhammad, Susann Skagseth, Marc Boomgaren, Sundus Akhter, Christopher Frøhlich, Aya Ismael et al.:
    Structural studies of triazole inhibitors with promising inhibitor effects against antibiotic resistance metallo-β-lactamases
    Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 01. Aug 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Ane Molden Thomassen, Ørjan Samuelsen, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Stathis D. Kotsakis, Joakim Larsson :
    Structural insights into the enhanced carbapenemase efficiency of OXA-655 compared to OXA-10
    FEBS Open Bio 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Anthony Prandina, Sylvie Radix, Marc Le Borgne, Lars Petter Jordheim, Zineb Bousfiha, Christopher Fröhlich et al.:
    Synthesis and biological evaluation of new dipicolylamine zinc chelators as metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors
    Tetrahedron 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Vidar Sørum, Ane Molden Thomassen, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    OXA-48-Mediated Ceftazidime-Avibactam Resistance Is Associated with Evolutionary Trade-Offs
    mSphere 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Adele Kim Williamson, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Structural intermediates of a DNA-ligase complex illuminate the role of the catalytic metal ion and mechanism of phosphodiester bond formation
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2019 DATA / FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Francesca Marcoccia, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Massimiliano Aschi, Gianfranco Amicosante, Mariagrazia Perilli :
    Exploring the role of L209 residue in the active site of NDM-1 a metallo-β-lactamase
  • Sundus Ahkter, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Aya Ismael, Manuel Langer, Johan Isaksson, Tony Christopeit et al.:
    A focused fragment library targeting the antibiotic resistance enzyme - Oxacillinase-48: Synthesis, structural evaluation and inhibitor design
    European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ørjan Samuelsen, Frank Hansen, Bettina Aasnæs, Henrik Hasman, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros et al.:
    Dissemination and Characteristics of a Novel Plasmid-Encoded Carbapenem-Hydrolyzing Class D β-Lactamase, OXA-436, Found in Isolates from Four Patients at Six Different Hospitals in Denmark
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2018 DOI
  • Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Ane Molden Thomassen, Birgit Helene Berg Nesheim, Trine Josefine Olsen Carlsen, Johan Isaksson, Tony Christopeit et al.:
    The biological assembly of OXA‐48 reveals a dimer interface with high charge complementarity and very high affinity
    The FEBS Journal 2018 DOI
  • Adele Kim Williamson, Miriam Grgic, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    DNA binding with a minimal scaffold: structure-function analysis of Lig E DNA ligases
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, H. Adrian Bunzel, Karol Buda, Adrian J. Mulholland, Marc W. van der Kamp, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    Correction to: Epistasis arises from shifting the rate-limiting step during enzyme evolution of a β-lactamase (Nature Catalysis, (2024), 10.1038/s41929-024-01117-4)
    Nature Catalysis 2024 DOI
  • Klara Stensvåg, Arnfinn Sundsfjord, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Lise Nordgård :
    CANS - Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies
    2022 PROSJEKT
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Adrian H. Bunzel, Marc W. Van Der Kamp, Adrian J. Mulholland, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    Positive epistasis drives the molecular evolution of the carbapenemase OXA-48
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Vi må kanskje ta antibiotika hyppigere
    11. Aug 2022 DATA / PROSJEKT
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Kor ofte skal du ta antibiotika? Kanskje oftare enn vi gjer no, ifølge forskarar
    12. Aug 2022 PROSJEKT / DATA
  • Daniel Salamonsen, Christopher Fröhlich, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Co-selection reduces functional trade-offs in the carbapenemase OXA-48
  • Mitchell Silk, Jason R. Price, Biswaranjan Mohanty, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Philip E. Thompson et al.:
    Side-Chain Interactions in d/l Peptide Nanotubes: Studies by Crystallography, NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics
    Chemistry - A European Journal 2021 DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Charlotte Miton, Nobuhiko Tokuriki :
    Ceftazidime drives the evolution of the carbapenemase OXA-48
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    På Labben med Forskningsdagene 2020. På Institutt for kjemi, UiT. "Proteiner som gjør at bakterier er resistente mot antibiotika".
    27. Sep 2020 DATA
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Vil ha 40 prosent kvinner i toppstillingar
    24. Sep 2020 DATA
  • Tore Rasmussen Steien, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Kjemikerne prøver å stoppe kjeften på antibiotikadreperne
    Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift 18. Feb 2020 DATA
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime drive evolution of the OXA-48 carbapenemase
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Inhibitor potential of Serine- and Metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitors, and Biochemical and Biophysical characterization
    2019 DATA
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Fighting the antibiotic resistant serine-beta-lactamase OXA-48 - through altered ceftazidime activity or new inhibitors?
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Antibiotika resistens er et globalt problem. Nye inhibitorer og velkjente antibiotika, kan de sammen bli ny behandlings metode?
  • Adele Kim Williamson, Erik Hjerde, Aili Sarre, Ingar Leiros, Kristel Berg, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Discovery and design of novel DNA ligases for biotechnology
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Vidar Sørum, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Development of OXA-48 mediated ceftazidme-avibactam resistance is associated with an evolutionary trade-off
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Kampen. Den livsfarlige resistensen.
    31. Mar 2017 FULLTEKST
  • Susann Skagseth, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Forskere vil gjenreise effekten av antibiotika.
    31. Mar 2017 DATA
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Aiming for inhibitors towards beta-lactamases involved in antibiotic resistance, but starting with fragment screening. How is the progress?
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Inhibitors can help fighting antibiotic resistance bacteria, but how do we find the best inhibitors?
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Fragment screening used successfully for detecting OXA, VIM or NDM inhibitors
  • Vibeke Os, Susann Skagseth, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    "Superbugs" skal ikke lengre få herje i fred, Vil gjenreise effekten av antibiotika.
    30. Mar 2017 FULLTEKST
  • Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros :
    Enzymer involvert i antibiotika resistens
    NBS-nytt 2017 DATA
  • Adele Kim Williamson, Erik Hjerde, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Kjersti Lian, Miguel A. Ramirez, Wayne M. Patrick :
    Beyond T4: discovery and design of DNA ligases for use in biotechnological applications
  • Annette Bayer, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Sundus Akhter, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Tony Christopeit, Aya Ismael :
    Towards Antibiotic Resistance Breakers: Fragment-Based Design of OXA- 48 Inhibitors
  • Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Annette Bayer, Ørjan Samuelsen, Tony Christopeit :
    The OXA-class of β-lactamases. A structural view on antibiotic resistance
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017

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