Francesca Giardini,
Melania Borit,
Harko Verhagen,
Nanda Wijermans
Modeling Realistic Human Behavior in Disasters. A Rapid Literature Review of Agent-Based Models Reviews
Loïs Vanhée,
Melania Borit
Thirty Years of Sense and Sensibility in Agent-Based Models: A Bibliometric Analysis
Loïs Vanhée,
Karin Danielsson,
Lena Enqvist,
Kalle Grill,
Melania Borit
Hack it with EDUCHIC! educational hackathons and interdisciplinary challenges—Definitions, principles, and pedagogical guidelines
European Journal of Education 2024
Sebastian Achter,
Melania Borit,
Clémentine Cottineau,
Matthias Meyer,
J. Gareth Polhill,
Viktoriia Radchuk
How to conduct more systematic reviews of agent-based models and foster theory development - Taking stock and looking ahead
Environmental Modelling & Software 2023
Loïs Vanhée,
Melania Borit
Ethical By Designer - How to Grow Ethical Designers of Artificial Intelligence (Extended Abstract)
Rana Tallal Javed,
Osama Nasir,
Melania Borit,
Loïs Vanhée,
Elias Zea,
Shivam Gupta
et al.:
Get Out of the BAG! Silos in AI Ethics Education: Unsupervised Topic Modeling Analysis of Global AI Curricula (Extended Abstract)
Loïs Vanhée,
Melania Borit
Viewpoint: Ethical by Designer - How to Grow Ethical Designers of Artificial Intelligence
The journal of artificial intelligence research 2022
Sebastian Achter,
Melania Borit,
Edmund Chattoe-Brown,
Peer-Olaf Siebers
RAT-RS: a reporting standard for improving the documentation of data use in agent-based modelling
International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice 2022
Rana Tallal Javed,
Osama Nasir,
Melania Borit,
Loïs Vanhée,
Elias Zea,
Shivam Gupta
et al.:
Get out of the BAG! Silos in AI Ethics Education: Unsupervised Topic Modeling Analysis of Global AI Curricula
The journal of artificial intelligence research 2022
Timo Szczepanska,
Andreas Angourakis,
Shawn Graham,
Melania Borit
Quantum Leaper: A Methodology Journey From a Model in NetLogo to a Game in Unity
Timo Szczepanska,
Patrycja Antosz,
Jan Ole Berndt,
Melania Borit,
Edmund Chattoe-Brown,
Sara Mehryar
et al.:
GAM on! Six ways to explore social complexity by combining games and agent-based models
International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice 2022
Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen,
Melania Borit,
Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat
Using storytelling in undergraduate dental education: Students' experiences of emotional competence training
European journal of dental education 2022
Peer-Olaf Siebers,
Sebastian Achter,
Cristiane Palaretti Bernardo,
Melania Borit,
Edmund Chattoe-Brown
First Steps Towards RAT: A Protocol for Documenting Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process
Jørn Weines,
Melania Borit
Better Game Worlds by Design: The GAS Framework for Designing and Analyzing Games Based on Socio-Ecological Systems Thinking, Demonstrated on Nusfjord (2017)
Flaminio Squazzoni,
J Gary Polhill,
Bruce Edmonds,
Petra Ahrweiler,
Patrycja Antosz,
Geeske Scholz
et al.:
Computational Models that Matter During a Global Pandemic Outbreak: A Call to Action
JASSS : Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 2020
Melania Borit,
Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat
GoDental! Enhancing flipped classroom experience with game-based learning
Flaminio Squazzoni,
J. Gareth Polhill,
Bruce Edmonds,
Petra Ahrweiler,
Patrycja Antosz,
Geeske Scholz
et al.:
Computational Models That Matter During a Global Pandemic Outbreak: A Call to Action
JASSS : Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 2020
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit,
Loïs Vanhée
Modelling the “Captain’s Nose”: Exploring the Shift Towards Autonomous Fishing with Social Simulation
Springer Proceedings in Complexity 2020
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Melania Borit,
Michaela Aschan
An interdisciplinary insight into the human dimension in fisheries models. A systematic literature review in a European Union context
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Holger Pötzsch,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Melania Borit,
Cornel Borit
Between ‘Stochastic Parrots’ and ‘Skynet’: Imaginaries of Data in Films on AI and Autonomous Technologies
Zoheb Mashiur,
Melania Borit,
Marianna Osokina,
Lilli Mittner,
Andreia Conceição,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
Pasts and Futures of the Seas and Coasts: An Art-Based Educational Intervention
Zoheb Mashiur,
Melania Borit
Ecological Crisis and Misanthropy in Video Games: Beyond Extractivism and Extinction
Holger Pötzsch,
Melania Borit
Kritisk KI-literacy i lærerutdanning og videreutdanning
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Lilli Mittner,
Andreia Conceicao,
Rui Dias
Living With the Ocean: An Outdoor ArtScience Exhibition. Sesimbra Maritime Museum, Portugal (April 2024).
Coastal Cultural Centre Exhibition - Street Gallery 2024
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner,
Melania Borit,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Andreia Conceicao,
Rui Dias
Living With the Ocean: An Outdoor ArtScience Exhibition. Arctic Arts Festival, Harstad, Norway (June - August 2024).
Arctic Arts Festival (Festspillene) - Street Gallery 2024
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Lilli Mittner,
Melania Borit,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Andreia Conceicao,
Rui Dias
Living With the Ocean: An ArtScience Exhibition. Les Ateliers des Tanneurs, Brussels, Belgium (October 2024).
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
Mer enn bare Kunstig Intelligens: mulig utvikling innen tradisjonell fiskeindustri og akvakultur med fokus på digitalteknologi
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
Reise til fremtiden(e) Kvaløya VGS II [Travel to the future(s) - preparing the future]
Melania Borit,
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos
Reise til fremtiden(e) Sommerlyst [Travel to the future(s) - preparing the future]
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit
PhD school Blue Route - Exploring the Oceans: Resources. Technology. Governance. Ethics. A Residential Workshop held at UiT- The ARctic University of Norway, October 2023
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit,
Luís Azevedo Rodrigues,
Sara Mira
A remote digital internship at the Science Center of Lagos, September 2023. PhD- school Blue Route.
Antonio Jorge Fonseca Antunes Santos,
Melania Borit
Reise til fremtiden(e) Kvaløya VGS I [Travel to the future(s) - preparing the future]
Zoheb Mashiur,
Melania Borit,
Riyan J. G. van den Born,
Bernadette F. van Heel,
Krisztina Jonas,
Max Priebe
et al.:
FLOW D1.1 Open Access Transdisciplinary Dataset FLOW Encyclopædia
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
Mulig utvikling innen fiskeri og havbruk med digital teknologi og kunstig intelligens (Possible developments in fisheries and aquaculture with digital technologies and artificial intelligence)
Krisztina Jonas,
Melania Borit
Whose voice is heard? Ethics for safeguarding just and sustainable Arctic marine social-ecological futures
Patrycja Antosz,
Sukaina Bharwani,
Melania Borit,
Bruce Edmonds
An introduction to the themed section on ‘Using agent-based simulation for integrating qualitative and quantitative evidence’
International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice 2022
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
Imagining the futures of fisheries and coasts - Nord-Troms videregående skole avd. Skjervøy, 2022
Petter Olsen,
Shaheen Syed,
Melania Borit,
Céline Boéchat
Application, limitations, costs and benefits related to the use of blockchain technology in the seafood industry
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
Imagining the futures of fisheries and coasts - Steiner School, Tromsø, September 2022
Jorge Santos,
Melania Borit
A Work Experience For All:Simulated Internship In The Virtual Reality Of A Leading Fisheries Company
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
AFO-JIGG: Service design thinking to improve welfare and product quality in the Norwegian small-scale fishing fleet
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Tenker nytt om kystfiskerienes fremtid
21. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Rethinking the future of coastal fisheries
28. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Nå skal et nytt prosjekt se på kvalitet og sikkerhet i juksaflåten
24. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos,
Roger B. Larsen
Vil heise opp juksa som redskap
22. Apr 2020
Melania Borit,
Petter Olsen
Beyond regulatory compliance – Seafood traceability benefits and success cases
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2020
Melania Borit,
Jorge Santos
Imagining the future of fisheries and coasts - Kvaløya High-school, 2020
Harko Verhagen,
Melania Borit,
Giangiacomo Bravo,
Nanda Wijermans
Springer Proceedings in Complexity 2020
Petter Olsen,
Melania Borit,
Shaheen Syed
Applications, limitations, costs, and benefits related to the use of blockchain technology in the food industry