My way is to work with human emotions -Gestalt psychology

Gabriela Sirbu (Romania) 

In 2004 I got into a Master’s program in, in Norway. In theory, I learned about political systems and the basics of democracy. Some of my graduate colleagues went on to Ph.D.’s, others are now working as diplomats, politicians or teachers. I’m not. For the time being I have a regular job within the university administration. Still I can say I’m using my skills as a peace negotiator every single day. After all, conflicts are everywhere, from the kindergarten to marriage and on to the grave.

Missing training with practical negotiations skills in my studies, I have hence concluded that a more suitable qualification for solving conflicts would be psychology; and not just any kind, but Gestalt psychology. This is a psychoanalytical method that works with human emotions. After all, our emotions are what leads us both to conflicts and finding happiness. Awareness and good management of the emotions and feelings each and one of us has can absolutely lead to a more peaceful social environment. Even if it is hard to believe, everything starts with and within us. Having, or creating a peaceful environment around us, at the small scale of our home, our job, our friends, our neighborhood, our village or town, can contribute to Peace in general. All it takes are more people willing to allow themselves the time and the effort to work with themselves. Just like Mahatma Gandhi says in the original quote: Become the change you want to see in the world. Each and every one of us can make a difference just by becoming the people we wish we were surrounded by.”

Page administrator: Ekaterina Trunova
Last updated: 28.06.2018