Susannah von Hofsten,
Manuel K Langer,
Katja Korelin,
Synnøve Norvoll Magnussen,
Dominik Ausbacher,
Trude Anderssen
et al.:
Amphipathic barbiturates as marine product mimics with cytolytic and immunogenic effects on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines
Frontiers in Pharmacology 30. Mar 2023
Manuel K Langer,
Ataur Rahman,
Hymonti Dey,
Trude Anderssen,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug
et al.:
Investigation of tetrasubstituted heterocycles reveals hydantoins as a promising scaffold for development of novel antimicrobials with membranolytic properties
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023
Manuel K Langer,
Ataur Rahman,
Hymonti Dey,
Trude Anderssen,
Francesco Zilioli,
Tor Haug
et al.:
A concise SAR-analysis of antimicrobial cationic amphipathic barbiturates for an improved activity-toxicity profile
Marianne Hagensen Paulsen,
Magnus Engqvist,
Dominik Ausbacher,
Trude Anderssen,
Manuel K- Langer,
Tor Haug
et al.:
Amphipathic Barbiturates as Mimics of Antimicrobial Peptides and the Marine Natural Products Eusynstyelamides with Activity against Multi-resistant Clinical Isolates
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021
Manuel K Langer,
Annette Bayer
Total synthesis of Aspergilone A in batch and flow - A comparison
Manuel K Langer,
Ataur Rahman,
Hymonti Dey,
Trude Anderssen,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug
et al.:
Tetrasubstituted hydantoins: Novel membranolytic antimicrobials
Manuel K Langer,
Jan Fredrik Frantzen
Making antibacterial supermolecules
Manuel K Langer,
Elise Kjørstad
Forskere har laget draps-molekyler som tar knekken på bakterier
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel K Langer,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna U Ericson,
Morten B. Strøm
et al.:
Development of novel antimicrobial peptides: two classes with improved antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity
Manuel K Langer,
Jan Fredrik Frantzen
Manuels supermolekyler dreper bakteriene på fem minutter
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel K Langer,
Bartosz Michno,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna U Ericson
et al.:
In vivo toxicity and activity of newly developed novel analogues of short-cationic antimicrobial peptides as novel antibacterial agents
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel K Langer,
Bartosz Michno,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna U Ericson
et al.:
In vivo toxicity and activity of newly developed novel analogues of short-cationic antimicrobial peptides as novel antibacterial agents
Susannah von Hofsten,
Marianne Hagensen Paulsen,
Manuel K Langer,
Synnøve Norvoll Magnussen,
Dominik Ausbacher,
Annette Bayer
et al.:
A Compound Inspired by Arctic Marine Animals Kills Cancer Cells in vitro and in vivo
Manuel K Langer,
Annette Bayer
Tetrasubstituted barbiturates and hydantoins as potential antibiotics
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel Karl Langer,
Hymonti Dey,
Jonathan Hira,
Ekaterina Mishchenko,
Annette Bayer
et al.:
Novel antimicrobial and biofilm-inhibitors from marine resources
Manuel K Langer,
Marianne Hagensen Paulsen,
Morten B. Strøm,
Annette Bayer
Amphipathic Hydantoins – potential new antibiotics
Mimicing the marine antimicrobials eusynstyelamides