Bilde av Ragazzi, Rossella
Photo: Hege I. Hanssen

Rossella Ragazzi

  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Looking at Bruegel: Sensibility and Sensitivity in Ethnographic Filmmaking.
    Presses de l'Université de Montréal 2023 DOI
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Disaster, traces of displacement, and mizuaoi seeds.
    Nordisk Museologi 2022 DATA / ARKIV
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Supper for the Dead Souls
    Visual Anthropology Review 2020 DOI
  • Rossella Ragazzi, Giacomo Nerici :
    Discourses, Practices and Performances in Sámi Museology at Tromsø University Museum
    Nordisk Museologi 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Ragazzi, R. (2019). Firekeepers. Journal of Anthropological Films, 3(1), e2700.
    Journal of Anthropological Films 2019 DOI
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Visual Anthropology in Sardinia: review
    Social Anthropology 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Trude Arthursdotter Fonneland, Camilla Brattland, Ingrid Kristine Sommerseth, Rossella Ragazzi :
    Rávdnji Rávdnji - den strie straumen. Samiske spor i Tromsøområdet
    Utstilling 2024
  • Trude Arthursdotter Fonneland, Ingrid Kristine Sommerseth, Camilla Brattland, Rossella Ragazzi :
    Rávdnji - den strie straumen
  • Trude Arthursdotter Fonneland, Rossella Ragazzi :
    Introduction to the forthcoming book Memory Institutions and Sámi Heritage (Routledge 2024).
  • Ingrid Kristine Sommerseth, Trude Arthursdotter Fonneland, Camilla Brattland, Rossella Ragazzi :
    Genialt, høyst på tide! om Rávdnji den nye utstillingen på Tromsø Museum
    18. Jun 2024 DATA
  • Ingrid Kristine Sommerseth, Trude Arthursdotter Fonneland, Camilla Brattland, Rossella Ragazzi :
    Ná loktejit oidnosii Romssa čiegus sámi historjjá
    17. Jun 2024 DATA
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    We are what we choose to remember, but we are also what we choose to forget». Policies of preservation of non-fictional Sámi film archives in Norwegian Sápmi
  • Trude Fonneland, Camilla Brattland, Rossella Ragazzi :
    An Institutional Home for Luohti (Joik)
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Romanihjulet i krigens gjørme
    Klassekampen 13. Apr 2022
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Mødre i lenker
    Klassekampen 12. Mar 2022
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Freya er død- Lenge leve Freya
    Klassekampen 22. Aug 2022
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Relations asymétriques, négociations et miroitements dans les productions audiovisuelles à caractère de recherche en Sápmi (Norvège
  • Trude Fonneland, Rossella Ragazzi, Persen Heidi A., Per helge Nylund, Christel Slettli Hansen, Bjørn Hatteng :
    Ládjogahpir - I formødrenes fotspor
    Midlertidig Utstilling 2021
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Cinema documentario di Luigi Di Gianni (1926-2019)
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Espressioni di resilienza presso i Sami di Norvegia
    Ecologia della Salute 2021
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Sami of Northern Europe
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Treasures of Indigenous Peoples : Sami of Northern Europe
    special exhibition 2020
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    So.Di.Sami Final Conference
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    The Expanded Photograph
    special exhibition 2020
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Musica e rivitalizzazione linguistica presso i Sámi norvegesi del nuovo millennio
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    L’antropologia visuale oltre e intorno il film etnografico
  • Cathrine Baglo, Jukka Nyyssönen, Rossella Ragazzi :
    Museums as arenas for the production and circulation of knowledge on Sámi cultures, societies and identities
    Nordisk Museologi 2019
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Len Kamerling: Strange and Sacred Noise. Film and Talk
    Exhibition Small Projects Art Gallery 2019
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    The Nordic Eye (and Mind) meets the South. (chair and co-organiser)
    international symposium 2019
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Trajectories. Online Journal of Heritage and Collaborative Studies. Presentation
    Trajectories 2019
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    2019 DATA
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Eleven Monogatari from Lásságámmi
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Perfomativity and Mediatization of Cultural Heritage through Artistic Intervention and Filmmaking in Sápmi
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Artistic Intervention and Filmmaking in Sápmi (Norway): shaping new forms of cultural heritage
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Sami Joik: chanting and resilience
    Impulse 2018
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Museums Constellations: the future of museums
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Saami soundscape: Living together, performance cultural conviviality in Sapmi.
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Discourses, Practices and Performances in Sámi museology, Tromsø University Museum
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Sami people of Norway and their musical expressions
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    From Samekulturen, through Sápmi becoming a nation to Sami Stories- exhibiting Samis in transition
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    La Educación, la Diversidad y la Desigualdad en el Mundo Global del Siglo XXI
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    LIGNE D - Les anges pneumatiques
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    The Máze Artists Group: T.Lund Guttormsen
    24. Sep 2017
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Museum en Route
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Member of selection committee international anthropological film festival NAFA
    Nafa 37 International anthropological film festival 2017
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Key concepts in artistic research
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Cultural critique in the film The Square
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Cinema di osservazione e transculturale
  • Rossella Ragazzi :
    Sami Exhibitions and Visual Anthropology at Tromsø University Museum

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →