Thi Thanh Ngan Le,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Eivind Hestvik Brækkan,
Arne Johannes Eide
Climatic events and disease occurrence in intensive Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp farming in the Mekong area of Vietnam
Minh Nhat Pham,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Kari Anne Braathen,
Maria Wilhelmina Skalska-Tuomi
Controlling the stock or the habitat – The crisis of native invasive encroachment in the grazing land of Norwegian reindeer husbandry
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM) 2024
Viktoria Kahui,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Margrethe Aanesen
Comparative analysis of Rights of Nature (RoN) case studies worldwide: Features of emergence and design
Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi,
Tove Hilde Ågnes Utsi,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Victoria Gonzalez,
Snorre Hagen
et al.:
The increase of an allelopathic and unpalatable plant undermines reindeer pasture quality and current management in the Norwegian tundra
Thi Thanh Ngan Le,
Claire W. Armstrong
Choice of climate risk adaptive measures in shrimp farming—A case study from the Mekong, Vietnam
Aquaculture Economics & Management 2023
Huu-Luat Do,
Claire Armstrong
Ghost fishing gear and their effect on ecosystem services – Identification and knowledge gaps
Margrethe Aanesen,
Claire Armstrong,
Trude Borch,
Reinhold Fieler,
Vera Hausner,
Gorm Kipperberg
et al.:
To Tell or Not to Tell: Preference Elicitation with and without Emphasis on Scientific Uncertainty
Thi Thanh Ngan Le,
Eivind Hestvik Brækkan,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Arne Eide
Determinants of inefficiency in shrimp aquaculture under environmental impacts: Comparing shrimp production systems in the Mekong, Vietnam
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2022
Claire W. Armstrong,
Margrethe Aanesen,
Stephen Hynes,
Robert Tinch
People do care about the deep sea. A comment on Jamieson et al. (2020)
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2022
Nesha Dushani Salpage,
Margrethe Aanesen,
Claire W. Armstrong
Willingness to pay for mangrove restoration to reduce the climate change impacts on ecotourism in Rekawa coastal wetland, Sri Lanka
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2022
Bich Xuân Bui,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah,
Stephen Hynes,
Katherine Needham
Valuing High Seas Ecosystem Conservation
Thi Hong Nga Cao,
Arne Eide,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Le Kim Long
Measuring capacity utilization in fisheries using physical or economic variables: A data envelope analysis of a Vietnamese purse seine fishery
Rob Tinch,
Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah,
Claire W. Armstrong
Exploring Perspectives of the Validity, Legitimacy and Acceptability of Environmental Valuation using Q Methodology
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics (JOCE) 2021
Rob Tinch,
Stephen Hynes,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Wenting Chen
Prospects for Valuation in Marine Decision Making in Europe
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics (JOCE) 2021
Godwin Kofi Vondolia,
Stephen Hynes,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Wenting Chen
Subjective well-being and stated preferences: Explorations from a choice experiment in Norway
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 2021
Margrethe Aanesen,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Tom M. Van Rensburg
Do we choose differently after a discussion? Results from a deliberative valuation study in Ireland
Stephen Hynes,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Bich Xuân Bui,
Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah,
Katherine Simpson,
Robert Tinch
et al.:
Have environmental preferences and willingness to pay remained stable before and during the global Covid-19 shock?
Stephen Hynes,
Wenting Chen,
Godwin Kofi Vondolia,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Eamonn O'Connor
Valuing the ecosystem service benefits from kelp forest restoration: A choice experiment from Norway
Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Stephen Hynes,
Bich Xuân Bui,
Katherine Simpson
Assessing public preferences for deep sea ecosystem conservation: a choice experiment in Norway and Scotland
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2021
Cao Thi Hong Nga,
Arne Eide,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Le Kim Long
Economic performance and capacity utilisation in vietnamese purse seine fishery
Asian Fisheries Science 2020
Godwin K Vondolia,
Wenting Chen,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Magnus D Norling
Bioeconomic Modelling of Coastal Cod and Kelp Forest Interactions: Co-benefits of Habitat Services, Fisheries and Carbon Sinks
Environmental and Resource Economics 2020
Stephen Hynes,
Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah,
Stephen O’Neill,
Katherine Needham,
Bich Xuân Bui,
Claire W. Armstrong
The impact of nature documentaries on public environmental preferences and willingness to pay: entropy balancing and the blue planet II effect
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2020
Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah,
Bich Xuân Bui,
Stephen Hynes,
Claire W. Armstrong
Public perceptions of deep-sea environment: Evidence from Scotland and Norway
Frontiers in Marine Science 10. Mar 2020
Nils Christian Stenseth,
Mark R. Payne,
Erik Bonsdorff,
Dorothy Jane Dankel,
Joel Marcel Durant,
Leif G. Anderson
et al.:
Attuning to a changing ocean
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2020
Claire W. Armstrong,
Naomi Foley,
Dag Slagstad,
Melissa Chierici,
Ingrid H. Ellingsen,
Marit Reigstad
Valuing blue carbon changes in the Arctic ocean
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Bente Sundsvold,
Claire W. Armstrong
Found in translation: identifying ecosystem services through public consultation statements in a marine spatial planning process
Claire W Armstrong,
Godwin K Vondolia,
Naomi Foley,
Lea-Anne Henry,
Katherine Needham,
Adriana M Ressurreição
Expert Assessment of Risks Posed by Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities to Ecosystem Services in the Deep North Atlantic
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Margrethe Aanesen,
Claire W. Armstrong
Trading off co-produced marine ecosystem services: Natural resource industries versus other use and non-use ecosystem service values
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Claire W. Armstrong,
Margrethe Aanesen,
Thomas van Rensburg,
Erlend Dancke Sandorf
Willingness to pay to protect cold water corals
Claire W. Armstrong
A conceptual bio-economic ecosystem service model
Fagbokforlaget 2019
Claire W. Armstrong,
Nguyen Thi Kim Anh
Building research and educational capacity in Vietnam and Sri Lanka on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems management: Challenges, achievements and lessons learned
African Minds 2019
Bich Xuân Bui,
Claire W. Armstrong
Trading off Tourism and Fisheries
Environmental and Resource Economics 2019
Luc Doyen,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Stefan Baumgärtner,
Christophe Béné,
Fabian Blanchard,
Abdoul Ahad Cissé
et al.:
From no whinge scenarios to viability tree
Ecological Economics 2019
Claire W. Armstrong,
Huu Luat Do,
Roger Bertram Larsen
Tapt fiskeredskap - hva mener fiskere?
Aksel Mjøs,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Atle Harby,
Idar Kreutzer,
Anders Oskal,
Ivar Baste
et al.:
I samspill med naturen. Naturrisiko for næringer, sektorer og samfunn i Norge
Claire Winifred Armstrong,
Huu Luat Do,
Roger Bertram Larsen
Opinion: Lost fishing gear - what do fishers think?
World Fishing 2024
Vigdis Vandvik,
Claire W. Armstrong,
David Nicholas Barton,
Trine Bekkby,
Marit Ruge Bjærke,
Bálint Czúcz
et al.:
Stortinget må sette kunnskapen i arbeid for å stoppe naturtapet
Claire W. Armstrong
Hva sier våre resultater om dagens kongekrabbe forvaltning? En bioøkonomisk analyse
Claire W. Armstrong
Hva sier våre resultater om dagens kongekrabbe forvaltning? En bioøkonomisk analyse
Julide Ceren Ahi,
Claire Armstrong
Estimating the socially optimal fish stock: incorporating society’s prioritisation of ecosystem services
Julide Ceren Ahi,
Claire Armstrong
Estimating the socially optimal fish stock: incorporating society’s prioritization of ecosystem services
Kristine Grimsrud,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Øyvind Paasche,
Bente Pretlove,
Thina Margrethe Saltvedt
Nasjonalregnskap for havet og havøkonomien”
Nina Mikkelsen,
Mette Skern-Mauritzen,
Geir Ottersen,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Per Arneberg,
Per Fauchald
et al.:
BarentsRisk- assessing cumulative impacts on the Barents Sea Ecosystem
Kari Anne Bråthen,
Maria Tuomi,
Tove Aagnes Utsi,
Claire W. Armstrong
MONEC - Et tverrfaglig prosjekt for fremme av utmark med stort biologisk mangfold
Godwin Kofi Vondolia,
Stephen Hynes,
Claire Armstrong,
Wenting Chen
Subjective well-being and stated preferences: Explorations from a choice experiment in Norway
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 2021
Tove Aagnes Utsi,
Nigel Yoccoz,
Claire Armstrong,
Victoria Gonzalez,
Snorre Hagen,
Ingibjörg Svala Jónsdóttir
et al.:
Evergreening of the tundra – blindspot in the management of a social-ecological system?
Nina Mikkelsen,
Mette Skern-Mauritzen,
Geir Ottersen,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Per Arneberg,
Per Fauchald
et al.:
Defining ecosystem vulnerabilities and risks of cumulative impacts in a unifying Ecosystem Risk Assessment Framework
Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe,
Vidar Christiansen,
Linda Nøstbakken,
Claire W. Armstrong
Myter om lakseskatt
Dagens næringsliv 04. Mar 2020
Bjørn Hersoug,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Camilla Brattland,
Einar Eythórsson,
Sanne Bech Holmgaard,
Jahn Petter Johnsen
et al.:
"Når det blåser i fra ØST" - Om bruken av økosystemtjeneste-perspektivet i kystsoneplanleggingen
Stephen Hynes,
Wenting Chen,
Kofi Vondolia,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Eamonn O'Connor,
Nadia Papadopoulou
et al.:
Valuing the Benefits from Marine Ecosystem Restoration: A Choice Experiment (D7.3)