Kåre Olav Holm,
Cecilie Bækkedal,
Jenny Johansson Söderberg,
Peik Haugen
Complete Genome Sequences of Seven Vibrio anguillarum Strains as Derived from PacBio Sequencing
Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 01. Apr 2018
Kåre Olav Holm,
Kristina Nilsson,
Erik Hjerde,
Nils Peder Willassen,
Debra L Milton
Complete genome sequence of Vibrio anguillarum strain NB10, a virulent isolate from the Gulf of Bothnia
Standards in Genomic Sciences 2015
Jarl Bøgwald,
Klara Stensvåg,
James Hoffman,
Kåre Olav Holm
Vaccination of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., with particulate lipopolysaccharide antigens from Vibrio salmonicida and Vibrio anguillarum
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 1992
Vera Lund,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen,
Kåre Olav Holm,
Guri Eggseth
Humoral immune responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) to cellular and extra cellular antigens of Aeromonas salmonicida
Journal of Fish Diseases 1991
Jarl Bøgwald,
Klara Stensvåg,
James Hoffman,
sigrun Espelid,
Kåre Olav Holm,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen
Electrophoretic and immunochemical analysis of surface antigens of the fish pathogens Vibrio salmonicida and Vibrio anguillarum
Journal of Fish Diseases 1990
Ragnhild Nilsen,
Vera Lund,
Kåre Olav Holm
DNA fingerprints in comparative studies of Vibrios pathogenic in fish
Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists 1990
sigrun Espelid,
Kåre Olav Holm,
Knut Hjelmeland,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen
Monoclonal antibodies against Vibrio samlmonicida - the causative agent of Coldwater Vibriosis ("Hitra disease") in Atlantic salmon, Slamo salar L
Journal of Fish Diseases 1988
Geir Totland,
Are Nylund,
Kåre Olav Holm
Fine structural study of morphological changes in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., during development of coldwater vibriosis ("Hitra disease")
Journal of Fish Diseases 1988
Kåre Olav Holm,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen
A successful vaccination of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., against "Hitra disease" or coldwater vibriosis
Journal of Fish Diseases 1987
Kåre Olav Holm,
Ellen Strøm,
Klara Stensvåg,
Jan Raa,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen
Characteristics of a Vibrio sp. associated with the "Hitra disease" of Atlantic Salmon in Norwegian fish farms
Gyobyo kenkyu - Fish pathology 1985
Kåre Olav Holm
Innføringskurs i EndNote
Kåre Olav Holm
Rapport fra den 11. EAHIL-konferansen i Helsingfors: Towards a New Information Space - Innovations and Renovations
Kåre Olav Holm
Innføringskurs i EndNote
Kåre Olav Holm
"Lifestyle blues": Om relasjoner mellom glykosylert hemoglobin og kroppsfett samt utvalgte blodlipider hos kvinner og menn i en generell befolkning - Tromsø IV
Kåre Olav Holm
Is distance learning compatible with key features of strong learning cultures in nurcing: Nurse training offered as distance learning programs or "just" improving and refining excisting teaching options?
Kåre Olav Holm
How mode of delivery may influence the quality of a study program: Regular nurse training versus a decentralised program including distance education
Kåre Olav Holm
Ragnhild Nilsen,
Kåre Olav Holm
Serological and Genetic Characterization of Yersinia ruckeri Isolates from Norwegian Cultured Salmon
Kåre Olav Holm,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen
Vaksinasjon av fisk - kort om immunapparatets virkemåte
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 1988
Ragnhild Nilsen,
Kåre Olav Holm
DNA fingerprints in comparative studies of marine Vibrios
Kåre Olav Holm,
sigrun Espelid,
Trond Ø. Jørgensen
Vaksine mot "Hitrasjuke" (kaldtvanns-vibriose)
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 1986
Kåre Olav Holm
Isolering og karakterisering av Vibrio-bakterier fra laks (Salmo salar L.) med "Hitrasjuke"