Ataur Rahman,
Manuel Karl Langer,
Bartosz Michno,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna Ulrica Ericson
et al.:
Novel synthetic cationic antimicrobial peptides and their potential in combating antibiotic resistance
Ataur Rahman,
Klara Stensvåg,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Annette Bayer,
Ekaterina Mischenko,
de Freitas Almeida Gabriel Magno
et al.:
Bioactivity profiling and mode of action studies of antibacterial and antibiofilm agents of marine origin
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
Md Sabuj Hosen,
Ataur Rahman,
Klara Stensvåg,
Gabriel Magno de Freitas Almeida
Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriophages from the Arctic
Klara Stensvåg,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Christoffer Sivertsen,
Ataur Rahman,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen
et al.:
Antibiofilm compounds from marine natural Arctic and sub-Arctic resources
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel Karl Langer,
Bartosz Michno,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Morten B. Strøm
et al.:
Novel synthetic cationic antimicrobial peptides and their potential as antibiofilm agents
Sabuj Hosen,
Gabriel Magno de Freitas Almeida,
Klara Stensvåg,
Ataur Rahman
Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriophages from the Arctic
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
Manuel K Langer,
Ataur Rahman,
Hymonti Dey,
Trude Anderssen,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug
et al.:
Tetrasubstituted hydantoins: Novel membranolytic antimicrobials
Christoffer Ågnes,
Ataur Rahman,
hege Devold,
Klara Stensvåg,
Morten B. Strøm,
Tor Haug
Antibacterial and antibiofilm activity in Arctic and sub-Arctic marine benthic invertebrates
Ataur Rahman,
Christoffer Ågnes,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Bjarne Landfald
et al.:
Molecular characterization of marine bacteria and their potential as being antimicrobial producers: a pilot study using co-cultures
Christoffer Ågnes,
Ataur Rahman,
Hege Devold,
Klara Stensvåg,
Morten Bøhmer Strøm,
Tor Haug
Antibacterial and antibiofilm compounds in six marine invertebrates from Arctic and sub-Arctic Oceans
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel K Langer,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna U Ericson,
Morten B. Strøm
et al.:
Development of novel antimicrobial peptides: two classes with improved antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel K Langer,
Bartosz Michno,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna U Ericson
et al.:
In vivo toxicity and activity of newly developed novel analogues of short-cationic antimicrobial peptides as novel antibacterial agents
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel K Langer,
Bartosz Michno,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Tor Haug,
Johanna U Ericson
et al.:
In vivo toxicity and activity of newly developed novel analogues of short-cationic antimicrobial peptides as novel antibacterial agents
Klara Stensvåg,
Ekaterina Mishchenko,
Hans-Matti Blencke,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Christoffer Ågnes,
Ataur Rahman
et al.:
Health beneficial antimicrobials from marine natural Arctic and sub-Arctic resources
Ataur Rahman,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Christoffer Ågnes,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Bjarne Landfald,
Hans-Matti Blencke
et al.:
Antimicrobial and antibiofilm potential of marine bacteria
Ataur Rahman,
Christoffer Sivertsen,
Andrea Iselin Elvheim,
Ida Kristine Østnes Hansen,
Bjarne Landfald,
Tor Haug
et al.:
Antimicrobial compounds from Arctic and sub-Arctic marine bacteria and their potential against ESKAPE pathogens
Sharifa Buchana Imani,
Odd-Gunnar Wikmark,
Klara Stensvåg,
Ataur Rahman,
Hymonti Dey,
Elisabeth Aarag Fredheim
Antibiotic resistance profiles and polystyrene biofilm formation capabilities of bacteria isolated from wastewater in Tromsø
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Ataur Rahman,
Manuel Karl Langer,
Hymonti Dey,
Jonathan Hira,
Ekaterina Mishchenko,
Annette Bayer
et al.:
Novel antimicrobial and biofilm-inhibitors from marine resources
Ataur Rahman,
Ekaterina Mishchenko,
Deanna Wolfson,
Hymonti Dey,
Johanna U Ericson Sollid,
Klara Stensvåg
The adhesion and internalization of Staphylococcus aureus into human epithelial cells