Bilde av Jensen, Stig Rune
Photo: UiT

Stig Rune Jensen

  • Christian Tantardini, Roberto Di Remigio, Magnar Bjørgve, Stig Rune Jensen, Luca Frediani :
    Full Breit Hamiltonian in the Multiwavelets Framework
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Magnar Bjørgve, Christian Tantardini, Stig Rune Jensen, Gabriel Adolfo Gerez Sazo, Peter Wind, Roberto Di Remigio Eikås et al.:
    VAMPyR—A high-level Python library for mathematical operations in a multiwavelet representation
    Journal of Chemical Physics 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gabriel Adolfo Gerez Sazo, Roberto Di Remigio Eikås, Stig Rune Jensen, Magnar Bjørgve, Luca Frediani :
    Cavity-Free Continuum Solvation: Implementation and Parametrization in a Multiwavelet Framework
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Quentin Grégoire Pitteloud, Peter Wind, Stig Rune Jensen, Luca Frediani, Frank Jensen :
    Quantifying Intramolecular Basis Set Superposition Errors
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anders Brakestad, Stig Rune Jensen, Christian Tantardini, Quentin Gregoire Pitteloud, Peter Wind, Jānis Užulis et al.:
    Scalar Relativistic Effects with Multiwavelets: Implementation and Benchmark
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stig Rune Jensen, Antoine Pacifique Romain Durdek, Magnar Bjørgve, Peter Wind, Tor Flå, Luca Frediani :
    Kinetic energy-free Hartree–Fock equations: an integral formulation
    Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anders Brakestad, Peter Wind, Stig Rune Jensen, Luca Frediani, Kathrin Helen Hopmann :
    Multiwavelets applied to metal–ligand interactions: Energies free from basis set errors
    Journal of Chemical Physics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anders Brakestad, Stig Rune Jensen, Peter Wind, Marco D'Alessandro, Luigi Genovese, Kathrin Helen Hopmann et al.:
    Static polarizabilities at the basis set limit: A benchmark of 124 species
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Joel Anderson, Robert J. Harrison, Hideo Sekino, Bryan Sundahl, Gregory Beylkin, George I. Fann et al.:
    On derivatives of smooth functions represented in multiwavelet bases
    Journal of Computational Physics: X 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stig Rune Jensen, Santanu Saha, Jose A Flores-Livas, William Huhn, Volker Blum, Stefan Goedecker et al.:
    The Elephant in the Room of Density Functional Theory Calculations
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stig Rune Jensen, Tor Flå, Dan Johan Jonsson, Rune Sørland Monstad, Kenneth Ruud, Luca Frediani :
    Magnetic properties with multiwavelets and DFT: The complete basis set limit achieved
    Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Antoine Pacifique Romain Durdek, Stig Rune Jensen, Jonas Juselius, Peter Wind, Tor Flå, Luca Frediani :
    Adaptive order polynomial algorithm in a multi-wavelet representation scheme
    Applied Numerical Mathematics 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stig Rune Jensen, Jonas Juselius, Antoine Pacifique Romain Durdek, Tor Flå, Peter Wind, Luca Frediani :
    Linear scaling Coulomb interaction in the multiwavelet basis, a parallel implementation
    International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Solveig Engebretsen, Magne Tommy Aldrin, Barbo Klakegg, Randi Nygaard Grøntvedt, Stig Rune Jensen, Ole Anders Nøst et al.:
    Pilotprosjekt PO6: Scenariosimulering av lakselus i Midt-Norge
    2025 ARKIV
  • Quentin Gregoire Pitteloud, Stig Rune Jensen, Christian Tantardini, Luca Frediani :
    Multiwavelets and relativity: Advances towards high-precision relativistic methods in real space
  • Quentin Gregoire Pitteloud, Anders Brakestad, Stig Rune Jensen, Christian Tantardini, Andris Gulans, Kathrin Helen Hopmann et al.:
    Scalar relativistic effects with Multiwavelets: Implementation and benchmark
  • Peter Wind, Magnar Bjørgve, Anders Brakestad, Gabriel Gerez, Stig Rune Jensen, Roberto Di Remigio et al.:
    MRChem Multiresolution Analysis Code for Molecular Electronic Structure Calculations: Performance and Scaling Properties
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2022 DOI
  • Vibeke Os, Stig Rune Jensen :
    Nøyaktig beregning av molekylers egenskaper
    23. Jun 2014 FULLTEKST

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