Bilde av Lucas, Mary
Bilde av Lucas, Mary
Norgga árktalaš universitehtamusea

Mary Lucas

  • Eleftheria Orfanou, Barbara Zach, Adam B. Rohrlach, Florian N. Schneider, Enrico Paust, Mary Alexis Lucas et al.:
    Biomolecular evidence for changing millet reliance in Late Bronze Age central Germany
    Scientific Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sean Hixon, Patrick Roberts, Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela, Anders Götherström, Elena Rossoni-Notter, Olivier Notter et al.:
    Expedient Bayesian prediction of subfossil bone protein content using portable ATR-FTIR data
    Quaternary International 2024 DOI
  • Mariya Antonosyan, Patrick Roberts, Narek Aspaturyan, Satenik Mkrtchyan, Mary Alexis Lucas, Kseniia Boxleitner et al.:
    Multiproxy evidence for environmental stability in the lesser caucasus during the late pleistocene
    Quaternary Science Reviews 2024 DOI
  • Patxi Perez Ramallo, Carme Rissech, Lluis Lloveras, Mary Alexis Lucas, Dionisio Urbina, Catalina Urquijo et al.:
    Unravelling social status in the first medieval military order of the Iberian Peninsula using isotope analysis
    Scientific Reports 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karolina Joka, Sean Hixon, Mary Alexis Lucas, Ido Wachtel, Uri Davidovich, Luis Gonzaga Santesteban et al.:
    Exploring the potential of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of perennial plants from archaeological sites: A case study of olive pits and grape pips from Early Bronze Age Qedesh in the Galilee
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2024 DOI
  • Asier García-Escárzaga, Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti, Rosa Arniz-Mateos, David Cuenca-Solana, Manuel R. González-Morales, Jana Ilgner et al.:
    Seasonal exploitation of intertidal resources at El Mazo (N Iberia) reveals optimized human subsistence strategies during the Mesolithic in Atlantic Europe
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2024 DOI
  • Joanna A. Ciesielska, Petrus Le Roux, Erin Scott, Mary Alexis Lucas, Patrick Roberts :
    Isotopic Evidence for Socio-economic Dynamics Within the Capital of the Kingdom of Alwa, Sudan
    African Archaeological Review 2024 DOI
  • A. Spyrou, P. Roberts, M. Bleasdale, Mary Alexis Lucas, L. Crewe, A. Simmons et al.:
    Human-cattle interactions in PPNB and Early/Middle Bronze Age Cyprus! integrating zooarchaeological and stable isotope data
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2024 DOI
  • Giulia Riccomi, Rachele Simonit, Ségolène Maudet, Erin Scott, Mary Alexis Lucas, Valentina Giuffra et al.:
    Diets, stress, and disease in the Etruscan society: Isotope analysis and infantile skeletal palaeopathology from Pontecagnano (Campania, southern Italy, 730–580 BCE)
  • Phoebe Heddell-Stevens, Olaf Jöris, Kate Britton, Tim Matthies, Mary Alexis Lucas, Erin Scott et al.:
    Multi-isotope reconstruction of Late Pleistocene large-herbivore biogeography and mobility patterns in Central Europe
    Communications Biology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • C. Boulanger, P. Roberts, Mary Alexis Lucas, T. Ingicco, S. O’Connor, R. Ono et al.:
    Stable Isotope Variation in East and Southeast Asian Marine Ecosystems and its Relevance for Archaeological Analysis
    Environmental Archaeology 2024 DOI
  • Shira Gur-Arieh, Stefanie Eisenmann, Amanda G. Henry, Mary Alexis Lucas, Daniela Lenz, Ptolemaios Paxinos et al.:
    Reconstructing dietary practices at Tell Kamid el-Loz (Lebanon) during the Bronze and Iron Age III / Persian to Hellenistic periods using plant micro-remains from dental calculus and stable isotope analysis of bone collagen
    Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2024 DOI
  • Jacopo Niccolò Cerasoni, Emily Yuko Hallett, Emuobosa Akpo Orijemie, Kseniia Ashastina, Mary Lucas, Lucy Farr et al.:
    Human interactions with tropical environments over the last 14,000 years at Iho Eleru, Nigeria
    iScience 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Patxi Pérez-Ramallo, José Ignacio Lorenzo-Lizalde, Alexandra Staniewska, Mattin Aiestaran, Juantxo Aguirre, Jesús Semas Sesma et al.:
    To the field of stars: Stable isotope analysis of medieval pilgrims and populations along the Camino de Santiago in Navarre and Aragon, Spain
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • William Timothy Treal Taylor, Juan Bautista Belardi, Ramiro Barberena, Joan Brenner Coltrain, Flavia Carballo Marina, Luis Alberto Borrero et al.:
    Interdisciplinary evidence for early domestic horse exploitation in southern Patagonia
    Science Advances 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Patxi Pérez-Ramallo, José Ignacio Lorenzo-Lizalde, Alexandra Staniewska, Mattin Aiestaran, Juantxo Aguirre, Jesús Sesma Sesma et al.:
    Corrigendum to “To the field of stars: Stable isotope analysis of medieval pilgrims and populations along the Camino de Santiago in Navarre and Aragon, Spain” [J. Archaeol. Sci.: Rep. 48 (2023) 103847] (Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (2023) 48, (S2352409X23000226), (10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.103847))
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2023 DOI

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