Bilde av Thyholdt, Sverre Braathen
Bilde av Thyholdt, Sverre Braathen
Gávpeallaskuvla UiT Romssas +4777646119 Tromsø You can find me here

Sverre Braathen Thyholdt

  • Jørgen Breivik, Nils Magne Larsen, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Øystein Myrland :
    Measuring inventory turnover efficiency using stochastic frontier analysis: building materials and hardware retail chains in Norway.
    International journal of systems science: Operations & logistics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mette Talseth Solnørdal, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    Absorptive capacity and energy efficiency in manufacturing firms – An empirical analysis in Norway
    Energy Policy 29. Jun 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eivind Hestvik Brækkan, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Frank Asche, Øystein Myrland :
    The demands they are a-changin'
    European Review of Agricultural Economics 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mette Talseth Solnørdal, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    Drivers for energy efficiency: an empirical analysis of Norwegian manufacturing firms
    Energy Procedia 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    The importance of temperature in farmed salmon growth: regional growth functions for Norwegian farmed salmon
    Aquaculture Economics & Management 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eivind Hestvik Brækkan, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    The Bumpy Road of Demand Growth—An Application to Atlantic Salmon
    Marine Resource Economics 13. Nov 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Øystein Myrland :
    How do people budget for beer? Based on money, number of units or total volume?
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Kåre Skallerud, Svein Ottar Olsen, Øystein Myrland, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Elsa Anita Solstad et al.:
    Maktbruk, svak ledelse og dysfunksjonell fakultetsstruktur kan rasere en av UiTs største suksesshistorier
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Eirik Eriksen Heen, Øystein Myrland :
    All Along the Beer Tower Determinants of beer consumption at an open air rock festival
  • Jørgen Breivik, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Øystein Myrland :
    Measuring Inventory Turnover Efficiency in Small & Medium-sized Retail Firms
  • Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Anita Michalsen, Øystein Myrland :
    A Beer is a Beer, but is it a Craft Beer? Retail Demand for Craft Beer
  • Øystein Hermansen, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    floor prices in the cod market - Market implications
  • Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    Just Like Putting Scissors to a Market: Investigating Supply and Demand Relations of Farmed Atlantic Salmon
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015
  • Sverre Braathen Thyholdt :
    The Importance of Temperature in Farmed Salmon Growth
  • Bernt Arne Bertheussen, Sverre Braathen Thyholdt, Øystein Myrland :
    Lessons learned (if any) from the Norwegian variant of the financial fair play system

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →