Studentutveksling: sommerskole i utlandet

Sommerskole - alternativ til utveksling et helt semester
Har du ikke mulighet til å være ute et helt semester, kan sommerskole i utlandet være et godt alternativ. Hvorfor bruke sommerferien på å studere? Jo, du får både læring og kulturelle opplevelser - noe som kan gi deg en sommer utenom det vanlige. Ikke la muligheten gå fra deg!
De fleste sommerskoler varer fra to til seks uker og er studiepoenggivende. Enkelte sommerskoler kan godkjennes som en del av utdanningen ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet. Dette må avklares i hvert enkelt tilfelle med programansvarlig på studiet ditt. Hvis du skal ha studiepoeng fra sommerskolen godkjent ved UiT, må du søke om forhåndsgodkjenning fra instituttet ditt v. studiekonsulent. Lånekassen kan gi utdanningsstøtte hvis du får sommerskolen godkjent og registrert som del av studiet ved UiT. Det finnes flere stipendordninger som gir støtte til sommerkurs: Finansiering & stipendordninger .
klikk på land og/eller rull ned for oversikt over sommerskoler
Vancouver Summer Program - VSP (Canada)
The Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) is a four-week academic program that offers the opportunity to take a program package, includes two academic courses, while learning about Canadian practices and culture. Participants will attend highly interactive classes and engage in a variety of social activities while living in residence on UBC's stunning campus, located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Coast Salish people.
The UBC School of Nursing was ranked the top nursing school in Canada for 2018 by Maclean’s Magazine and is consistently among the top three nursing schools in Canada. Our excellence in health education and research methods is a significant part of the success. International students from various disciplines are invited to apply. No prerequisites are required; however, participants must be proficient in English, have a strong academic background, and be at least 18 years of age at the beginning of the session.
- Package A: Seniors’ Health and Home Care
- Package B: Interdisciplinary Global Health Leadership
- Package C: Mental Health & Wellness
SDU International Summer School
Use this unique opportunity to combine studies with cultural experiences and travelling. Be a part of one of the best learning environments in Europe and meet our inspiring professors who will teach you the latest within academics and research.
All courses are open to Danish and international full-time students, exchange students and free movers who will be working together in teams in the intensive 5 ECTS courses. SDU offers all students enrolling in the summer school accommodation service and visa service.
The Summer School will be held at one of the three campuses in Odense, Sønderborg and Kolding and you will be a part of a truly international learning environment giving you a network of friends all over the world.
VIA Summer School
VIA University College offers both summer and winter school courses. VIA Summer and Winter School’s courses take place primarily in our new, beautiful City Campus in Aarhus City Centre. We offer courses within health, education, social science, business, technology and creative industries. We welcome Danish and international students.
All courses offer hands-on experience within the respective fields and are based on an applied science approach. Many courses also offer a cross disciplinary approach and students from various disciplines attend. We also offer courses within continued education in cooperation with selected partner universities from around the world.
Summer University Programmes (Estland)
Spend your summer at a university ranked in the top 1.2% of the world’s best universities!
The University of Tartu in Estonia welcomes you to International Summer University. Gain an international academic experience from one of the oldest and most distinguished universities in the Baltic States. We welcome applications from all adults including university students, professionals and other experts, regardless of educational background. Explore the selection of interdisciplinary and subject specific summer programmes in English or find a suitable Estonian language course.
- Educational Change in Times of Rapid Technological Innovation
- European Encounters: Estonia's Economic Innovation and Baltic Regional Security
- European Encounters: Small Countries, Big Neighbours
- European Encounters: The Baltics in the European Union
- Craft Camp
- Juri Lotman and the Semiotics of Culture
LUT Summer School (Finland)
The LUT Summer School is a three-week academic event offering intensive courses, mainly at Master's-level classes in sustainability, climate action, marketing, management, and inventive thinking.
Jyväskylä Summer School (Finland)
Experience the bright summer nights in Finland, boost up your academic knowledge of STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and create social networks and memories.
All advanced Master's students, graduate students, and post-docs from the field of Mathematics and Science and Information Technology are invited to apply to the Jyväskylä Summer School. The Summer School offers courses in various fields of Science and Information Technology. You are expected to have basic knowledge from the field. All courses are taught in English, and English language competence is needed in order to be able to follow the lectures.
Haaga-Helia Summer School (Finland)
The summer school provided by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences is here and we welcome you to dive into trending topics such as Doing Business in the Nordics, Circular Economy, Digital Business and Innovative Service Design. All tailored for any internationally minded student. We will also provide you with a cultural splash of both Finland and Helsinki in this fully virtual summer school organized from 19th of July until the 30th of July.
The summer school enables you to develop your talent and earn ECTS credits, meet new friends and get a feel of Finland by modern virtual e-learning exercises.
Responsible Tourism Finland Summer School 2022 (Finland)
Are you interested in responsible tourism? Are you eager to learn how to make better places for people to live in and to visit as tourists? Join our Summer School programme in the land of thousands of lakes and the midnight sun to experience both city and rural surroundings within responsible tourism.
The Summer School programme is divided into two parts. We start in Helsinki (awarded by title of European Capital of Smart Tourism 2019) and focus in urban tourism and responsibility. We visit the Fortress of Suomenlinna Sea Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here you will have a unique chance to do fieldwork based on the pre-assignment. We also visit Helsinki’s new Central Library Oodi, which is a living meeting place for both local people and tourists. Oodi was chosen as the best new public library in the world in 2019.
We discuss overtourism and cruising issues in Responsible Tourism in Destinations Conference, which is the second part of the summer school programme. After that we will head to Central Finland, where we highlight issues in rural surroundings and responsibility, especially in the Lakeland region. Both regions are pilot projects in Sustainable Travel Finland –programme coordinated by Visit Finland and therefore offer a great learning environment for responsibility issues.
Turku Åbo Summer School (Finland)
Turku Åbo Summer School offers you Finnish world-class education in an innovative learning environment.
The fully accredited online summer courses.
Due to the uncertainties related to Covid-19 and traveling restrictions, the Turku Åbo Summer School will be organised fully online. We hope that a stress-free online execution will allow all interested to take part in Finnish world-class education from a safe distance.
There are still a few spots open for the fully credited online courses. If you haven't applied yet, see the course selection and apply before 19 May
Aalto University Summer School (Finland)
Are you ready for an inspiring summer at Aalto University? Review the application guidelines and information about tuition fees at Aalto University Summer School in the link below.
Summer School Grenoble INP (Frankrike)
Every year, Grenoble INP Graduate Schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes offers its summer schools, fully taught in English to foreign students.
Those are the opportunity for you to develop your knowledge in different fields of study through classes, conferences, lab work sessions etc. On this occasion, you will be invited to discover Grenoble and its surroundings with different kinds of activites organized by Grenoble INP - UGA (City tours, theme evening etc.)
At the heart of the French Alps, you will study within an internationally-recognised school and have the chance to work in cutting-edge research facilities, while enjoying summer surrounded by gorgeous mountains and with Europe at your doorstep.
International Academy University of Lille - France Excellence Summer School (Frankrike)
The International Academy is the summer university for international higher education & research publics in the Hauts-de-France Region.
It fosters integration and interactive exchange between students worldwide from various disciplines, offering not only exciting teachings but also welcome services, administrative support and insight into educational integration.
The International Academy of Lille organises 3 Summer Schools in July 2020 on current topics such as Automatic Control and Electrical Systems (ACES), Food and Health, and 3D building.
Grenoble INP GINSEN Summer School (Frankrike)
In 2023, Grenoble INP-UGA is holding its summer program in Grenoble, in Micro & Nanotechnology and in Smart Energy. Both courses are taught by highly-qualified teaching staff in Grenoble INP-UGA’s fields of expertise.
Université Grenoble Alpes Summer Programmes (Frankrike)
As a public university, the UGA works to serve the needs of a diverse array of learners. In addition to its traditional degree programs, we work with local and international partners to provide access to UGA expertise via short and tailored programs.
Summer School at Gradute School and Research of Economics and Management, Université Côte d’Azur (Frankrike)
Our Summer School will be in parternship with the Alliance Française Nice Côte d'Azur.
The program contains:
· 50h of FFL
· 10h of Economy-Management
· 4 cultural outing in Nice and its region
· Accommodation for 1 month
· Transfer from/to airport
A level test will be carried out at the beginning and at the end of the Summer School. The optional TCF will take place at the end of session of Summer School, organized by the Alliance Française Nice Côte d'Azur.
International Summer Schools at University of Angers (Frankrike)
Our intensive programmes help international students and young professionals develop their academic skills in a great setting. Courses take place between 24th June and 5th July and include lectures, practical workshops, company visits and cultural trips. This year’s topics cover research, primary care, simulation in healthcare, vascular medicine, plant health and organic electronics.
Summer Schools of Carré international de l’université de Caen Normandie. (Frankrike)
Carré International at University of Caen Normandy offers training courses and diplomas adapted to the needs of international students : a semester course awarded by the Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes Françaises / all levels - Summer Schools. Located at the heart of the university campus, the Carré International is easily accessible. Caen is a friendly, dynamic, cultural and sports city.
Students from UNICAEN partner institution benefit from a 30% discount on the tuition fee (420€ instead of 600€).
RTU Summer Schools (Latvia)
Summer/winter schools are an excellent, additional educational opportunity for those students who want to spend their free time outside degree studies meaningfully – acquiring new knowledge, practical skills and experience. Summer/winter schools provide not only intensive face-to-face classes, but also extracurricular activities that are created to contribute not only supplement knowledge, but also to increase socialization and cultural awareness.
International Summer School - Latvian Academy of Culture (Latvia)
During 10 summer days the International Summer School is offering lectures, workshops and visits on cultural entrepreneurship and leadership. Faculty members are experienced experts in both theory and research and most of them are also practising daily in these subjects. Participants of the International Summer School are going to have the chance to develop their own projects based on challenges from their country. Through interactive communication, lecturers are going to share their knowledge and participants will gain experience and skills. The Summer School’s lecturers will help participants develop leadership and entrepreneurial tools. The participants will engage in applying them to their own country’s cultural context such as economical concepts based on actual research questions. The main domains to be covered are performing arts, museums, cultural heritage, cultural tourism, fashion, and European subsidies. Participants are going to receive a certificate after passing the final presentations (4 ECTS).
Maastricht University Summer School (Nederland)
Maastricht Summer School (MSS) was founded in 2012 and offers courses in a variety of fields and disciplines. Our courses are geared towards students at undergraduate/bachelor level, graduate/master level and professionals.
We offer courses that are complementary to the traditional educational focus areas of the university. Maastricht Online Campus increases accessibility of knowledge accumulated at Maastricht University to anyone interested and does so at an academic level representative of the university’s drive for excellence. To discover the many options, have a look below.
Courses are taught in English by our academic staff and ECTS credits can be awarded for most of the courses.
Joint European Summer School Information Session
Windesheim is hosting an Online Joint Summer School Programme on Doing Business Across Europe in partnership with Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences and La Salle Campus Barcelona, Ramon Llull University.
This English-taught programme is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. lt aims at giving students a first-hand insight on the future of doing business responsibly and covers current trends and issues in the field of
- business ethics,
- circular economy and
- entrepreneurship & innovation.
Summer University Warsaw (Polen)
Summer University Warsaw (SUW) offers 2-week-long courses on economics and management at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). All classes are organised as lectures and workshops with numerous case studies, discussions and group projects. Bachelor’s and master’s level students have an opportunity to earn 4 or 8 ECTS credits that are internationally recognised. Our academic team includes teachers from Warsaw School of Economics and invited guest speakers from partner universities taking part in Erasmus+ KA107 exchange programme (SGH academic partners) and practitioners from international corporations (SGH business partners).
Energy, Excellence, Excitement - 3E+ (Polen)
Be a part of an unforgettable experience at one of the best technical universities in Poland - Wroclaw University of Science and Technology! Join us for a Summer of Energy, Excellence, Excitement 3E+!
Our Programme offers interactive small-scale courses (max. 10 students). Our courses are designed to provide an intensive, in-depth look at your topic of study. As 3E+ is open to applicants from all over the world you will engage in discussions with a unique group of peers!
Apart from lessons, you will get to enjoy our fun and exciting Cultural Programme! Almost every afternoon and evening we deliver a wide range of activities. From City sightseeing tours, sport activities to all day trips outside the City of Wrocław. We arrange a variety of social events to help you get to know your colleagues and Poland better while having fun!
Sommerskole i Russland
Norske studenter kan søke om stipend til utvalgte sommerskoler ved anerkjente universiteter i Russland. Stipendet dekker skolepenger, registreringsavgift og studentbolig.
Reise til og fra studiestedet og visumkostnader må du dekke selv. Du kan søke om inntil NOK 15 000. Antall stipender er begrenset.
NB! Vær oppmerksom på at sommerskolene har individuelle søknadsfrister for hvert enkelt kurs.
Hvem kan søke
Du må være registrert student ved en norsk høyere utdanningsinstitusjon vårsemesteret 2020 eller norsk statsborger og registrert student ved et utenlandsk universitet. Du må ta minimum 15 studiepoeng våren 2020 for å kvalifisere til stipend.
Barcelona International Summer School (Spania)
We encourage your students to participate as they have successfully done in our programs in the past. They are invited to join the cohort of both UPF and international students who will gather to share an enriching academic and personal experience in Barcelona.
As every year, the catalog of courses has been renewed. This year, we offer opportunities on Public Health, Humanities, Global Justice, Gender, Artificial Intelligence, Audiovisual Narratives, Archeology, Law, Ethics or Circular Economy, among others.
ULPGC Summer School ULPGC (Spania)
Every year, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) offers a Spanish Summer School, which is an intensive, three-week course that starts at the beginning of July. Summer School aims to provide foreign students with an introduction to the Spanish language and culture through a series of courses, seminars and cultural/sports activities. Students will enjoy classes alongside the Canary Islands’ warm summer, sunshine and beaches.
The Spanish course taught at the Summer School is aimed at both students with no prior knowledge of Spanish and those who, possessing basic knowledge, wish to refresh and improve their skills. The 60 hours offered on this course are divided into daily sessions of four hours, Monday to Friday. Staff are specialised in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. In class, communication skills are strengthened via a particularly dynamic, interactive and enjoyable methodology. Classes are complemented by discussions with experts in different themed areas divided into two itineraries (Sciences and Humanities) and students may choose the itinerary that best suits their profile. The Summer School also includes cultural tours, excursions and fun activities outside the classroom that will ensure students enjoy a memorable experience. The course ends with each participating student receiving a certificate from the ULPGC.
Stockholm University Law's Summer Programme (Sverige)
As a law student from one of our partner universities, you have the possibility of attending SULaw's Summer Programme. After moving online during the pandemic, the programme will make a full return to campus in 2023. So take the opportunity to study with fellow students from around the world in courses taught by top researchers in beautiful Stockholm!
Linköping University Summer Academy (Sverige)
Linköping University (LiU) warmly invites students from our partner universities to join our LiU Summer Academy. This experience gives international students an opportunity to study abroad in Sweden for one month and have an invaluable international experience. There are several high-quality courses to choose from and the students will gain cultural awareness together with other international students from all over the world. The courses offer an insight into strong areas of research and education fields in which LiU excels. Students will also have an opportunity to explore the region of East Sweden and learn about Swedish culture.
Jönköping University (JU) Summer School (Sverige)
COURSE: Purchasing Logistics with a Global Perspective (10 ECTS credits)
This summer course offered by the School of Engineering at JU, aims to give advanced knowledge of logistics in purchasing and supply chain management with a global perspective. The focus is on the purchasing function’s importance for the company result. Elements included in the course: purchasing and strategic sourcing, globalisation and Incoterms, supplier portfolio, legal aspects, sustainability KPIs and more.
University of Gothenburg Summer (Sverige)
The Summer School for Sustainability is a chance to take action on sustainability and deepen your understanding of global challenges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Join an international cohort of like-minded people for five inspirational weeks, between July 4 and August 7, in the beautiful city of Gothenburg.
University of Stockholm- Department of Law - Summer programme(Sverige)
As an exchange student from one of our partner universities, you can choose to participate in our Summer Programme, and to join us either online or here in Stockholm. Whether online or on campus, you will have the amazing opportunity to study with fellow summer students from around the world in courses taught by top researchers.
Pázmány Law Summer School (Tsjekkia)
The Summer School of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law gives an incredible summer experience in one of the most beloved cities in Europe! Don't miss it and you will get a lifetime experience!
No tuition fee for students from our partner institutions. Students pay only for the application fee and travel, accommodation and food.
Brno University of Technology Intenrnational Summer School (Tsjekkia)
Brno University of Technology is proud to inform about the upcoming summer. We are offering six summer schools for all international students and personnel from all around the globe.
The summer schools we are offering are:
University of Tübingen Summer School (Tyskland)
Come study in Tübingen and build stronger TIES!
With its traditional, yet very dynamic setting, the T-IES short-term programs at the University of Tübingen give you the unique opportunity to experience Europe up close! Here in Tübingen, we take sustainability, community, integration and - in general - working together locally on solutions for global challenges seriously. Always united, always in diversity, always Tü.
OHM International Summer School (Technische Hochschule Nürnberg - Tyskland)
Beginning in 2023, Nuremberg Tech will be hosting the OHM International Summer School (OHM-ISS). This programme enables the university to offer an opportunity to students from around the world to delve into exciting topics in an intercultural environment.
The OHM-ISS comprises various two-week courses conducted in English that reflect the breadth of fields our university encompasses. At Nuremberg Tech, an orientation towards application is the core of what we teach, which is why practitioners from business and industry are teaching alongside our faculty in the courses.
Marbrug University - Summer School (Tyskland)
Short programme
Courses on the main topic
Knowledge of German not required
ECTS: 12 - 18
Kempten University of Applied Sciences - International Summer School "Data Science for Everyone Compact" (Tyskland)
Welcome to our digital summer school on “Data Science for Everyone Compact at Kempten University of Applied Sciences! We will introduce you to some very convenient and free tools and reveal the very latest trends. And we will even show you how to make your work reproducible for the rest of the world.
"Data Science for Everyone Compact“ has been designed for students across all disciplines. They will receive an introduction to data science and will be familiarised with very useful tools, in particular the free software "R". In our digital 4-day compact program imparted via ZOOM, students will see, that “R” is both easy to learn and very practical to apply, in particular for someone who has no background of Computer Science. Group work will be offered in ZOOM breakout rooms as well.
All students who have completed the first year of higher education are welcome to join our programme, no matter if they are enrolled in a technology or a business-related course. Previous knowledge of data science is not required.
Greifswald Summer (Tyskland)
Greifswald Summer combines four weeks of intensive German lessons at various levels of proficiency and workshops with a wide range of cultural events and excursions. Improve your German language skills and spend an informative and exciting time with us!
Greifswald Summer in Detail:
- 25 hours of German lessons per week for beginners at A1 or A2 level, for advanced learners at B1 or B2 as well as C1 and C2 level with workshops to choose from that provide you with an opportunity to put your German skills into practice.
- Cultural programme and excursions in and around Greifswald and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Greifswald Buddies will immerse themselves in local student life with you
FH Münster: Summer School "Renewable Energy Systems" (Tyskland)
Professors of several engineering departments of FH Münster and Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, will teach about the most important renewable energy systems. For this Summer School we will be able to award some scholarships for students participating. Attached please find flyer and poster which can be forwarded to interested students and respective departments.
COVID-19 related information: The Summer School “Renewable Energy Systems” is planned as a face-to-face event. We are well aware that the global situation is in general very unpredictable, therefore the situation is continuously being closely monitored. If it won’t be possible to hold the Summer School as a face-to-face event, it will still take place as a virtual event. We will keep all interested students well informed about further developments and changes that may occur.
LMU Munich Summer School Programme (Tyskland)
LMU Munich School of Management - one of the leading universities for Business Administration in Europe - again offers a unique summer program for students from around the world.
The courses in the field of Finance & Accounting aim to familiarize students with approaches to solve real-world financial problems. Our lectures build on current research results preparing students for a future career in consulting, corporates and the financial industry. The graduates acquire extensive expertise (e.g. Business valuation, Squeze-Out, Carve-Out, Mergers and Acquisitions), as well as business method (e.g. machine learning, data analytics) competences and profit from an international environment.
Due to the current situation the course takes place two weeks in Munich at the LMU and one week remote. The two-weeks course phase takes place at the center of Munich and is preceded by a 1-week remote preparation phase. During the preparation phase basic key concepts will be taught online. Only in the case that the situation does not allow for a face-to-face meeting in Munich, the course will take place entirely remote giving you the security that it will take place in any case.
The course in the field of Management, Marketing and Strategic Planning addresses relevant topics of corporate communications as well as international management. It aims to foster understanding of the basics of international business and of the challenges confronting international and intercultural management as well as understanding of management communications, both on a corporate as well as on an individual level.
In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich (LMU) will be hosting the international management program.
Jade University German Summer Course
The best place to learn German is in Germany! That is why, for the 24th time, the Jade University is offering a German Summer Course .
During the course the students can improve their German language skills working in small groups under the guidance of professional language teachers. After completing the course, every participant will receive a certificate of participation. The course equals 6 ECTS.
Frankfurt Summer School - Goethe University (Tyskland)
Frankfurt Summer School offers you the experience of studying abroad for four weeks while getting to know a new culture. Our Summer School provides an international learning environment and is designed for students with an academic background in the following areas of study:
Hessen International Summer University (ISU) Marburg (Tyskland)
the University of Marburg (Tyskland)
We are proud to offer you a unique experience and program. The International Summer University gives you an amazing opportunity to dive into German culture and experience University life in Marburg for four weeks, while enhancing your knowledge on politics, history and international relations. There will be no room for loneliness or boredom, but instead loads of wonderful opportunities to make new friends and getting to know more about Hessen, Germany and Europe.
Through the International Summer University programs, the Hessen institutions of higher learning offer students from around the world the opportunity to learn about current issues from various fields and partake in German classes. You can be one of them and join us in Marburg, to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of a medium sized university town with a wonderful historical ambience. Find out more about the Hessen International Summer Universities below!
IBH SUMMER SCHOOLS in Konstanz, (Tyskland)
The Bodensee Summer School is organised by the International Bodensee Hochschule (IBH) in cooperation with the International Office of the University of Konstanz and Language Institute (SLI).
students from one of the University of Konstanz’s partner universities can apply for an intensive course in German in August. Participants receive instruction at their own language ability level - whether beginner, intermediate or advanced. In addition to the language courses, supplementary activities are offered in the afternoons and sometimes on the weekends. These include presentations on history, culture and politics as well as (city) tours and excursions throughout the Lake Constance region.
Aberystwyth University Summer Schools (Storbritannia)
Identity and Nationhood Summer School
Claims about identity and national belonging have become an increasingly important feature of political debate and dynamics around the world in recent years.
Originally developed for the Fulbright Commission, this programme is hosted by our Department of International Politics, the first of its kind anywhere in the world.
This summer school brings together experts from a range of disciplines and backgrounds to explore the nature and implications of claims of identity and nationhood for contemporary politics.
Through a combination of taught sessions and field trips, the programme offers an exciting opportunity to discuss these issues from a Welsh, British and international perspective.
Programme price £2,800 per student. Partner university programme price available on request (£2,300 for UiT students).
Please note the application deadline is 1st March 2024. Acceptances will be made on a rolling basis as there are a limited numbers of places, applications may close early.
The 7th Korea Arctic Academy Online Course
(Sør Korea)
UArctic and Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) are pleased to announce an opportunity for students from UArctic member institutions located in the 8 Arctic States to participate in the 7th Korea Arctic Academy online course together with students from Korean universities.
Due to the extraordinary situation caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and after careful consultation with KMI and UArctic, KMI have made the regretful decision to call off the physical gathering of the Korea Arctic Academy in Busan and replace it by an online course. The 7th Korea Arctic Academy will begin on August 18 and end on August 31.
The Program will include online lectures on Arctic issues (given by international and Korean experts from Arctic related organizations and research institutions in Korea.
Please submit a CV (should include email address, study program, institution) and a motivation letter (approx. 600 words/1 page) in English in one file to .
Requirements to applicants
- The student should be registered at an UArctic member institution in an Arctic State for an academic degree
- The student should have finished their second year of Bachelor study
- The student is motivated to actively participate and to enhance understanding of the Arctic and Korea
SNU International Summer Program (ISP)
(Sør Korea)
The International Summer Program at Seoul National University (SNU ISP) offers an exceptional opportunity for students to study at Korea's most prestigious university and one of the leading universities in the world. ISP offers an intensive five-week summer program led by distinguished SNU and international faculty.
Conducted completely in English, more than 35 courses are offered on a diverse range of academic fields, along with Korean cultural courses such as "Korean Language" and "Korean Arts and Crafts". Within addition to lectures, SNU ISP also offers its students opportunities to explore Korea's unique culture through customized field- trips and a number of extra-curricular activities offered throughout the duration of the program.
SNU ISP's intensive five-week summer program taught by distinguished SNU and visiting faculty members offers its participants the chance to learn in depth from experts on Korea and East Asia, as well as a variety of topics ranging from economics and business management to history, politics, sociology, and arts. SNU ISP also provides courses on Korean language and traditional arts for students wishing to learn or advance their Korean language abilities while becoming immersed in Korea's contemporary and traditional culture.
Summer Schools // FH Münster (Østerrike)
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences invites students from all over the world to join a summer school on "Renewable Energy Systems", "Acquisition of intercultural skills in and through dance/movement" and "Sustainability, Nutrition and Culinary Studies"
University of Vienna summer schools(Østerrike)
univie: summer schools are short programmes (one to four weeks). They are open to international and local students, with a focus on those studying towards a master’s or doctoral degree. This year the University of Vienna offer online and on-site schools.
Last changed: 15.12.2023 08.59