autumn 2025
TEK-3002 Risk and Reliability Engineering - 10 ECTS

Type of course

The course may be taken as a singular course.

Admission requirements

Opptakskode 9371

Course overlap

If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:

SM210 Risk analysis 3 ects
SM400 Reliability Engeneering, Introduction 5 ects

Course content

The course content is organised in four modules:

Module 1: Introduction to Reliability Engineering and Life Data Analysis. This module discusses basic definitions and concepts of reliability, statistical theory related to reliability, the most commonly used distributions for product life, product life data classification, parameter estimation methods, confidence bounds determination, and goodness-fit-test methods for life data distribution.

Module 2: Introduction to System Reliability. This module discusses the fundamentals of system reliability, fundamentals of reliability block diagrams (RBDs), system reliability determination, system reliability optimization, and simulation on system reliability using Monte Carlo method.

Module 3: Introduction to reliability testing and design out of uncertainty. This module discusses acceleration life test, the typical failures in mechanical & electronic system, design out of uncertainty for typical engineering system, and maintainability & availability calculation.

Module 4: Introduction to risk assessment and management. This module discusses the concept of risk and vulnerability, theories and methods of risk analysis, hazard identification by using empirical data, risk evaluation, etc., and the decision process, economic loss evaluation, cost / benefit analysis, ALARP.

Recommended prerequisites

STA-2001 Stochastic Processes

Objectives of the course


The student ...

  • understand the basic concepts of system’s risk and reliability
  • understand basic techniques and tools in analysis of failure data to find the best-fit distribution
  • has knowledge to analyse the uncertainty reverent to failure of technical systems.


The student ...

  • able to apply concepts and theories of risk and reliability engineering to complex technical systems.
  • able to quantitatively analyse failure data for technical system.
  • able to analyse and optimize system reliability.
  • able to analyse accelerated life data and access uncertainty in a technical system.

General competence

The student ...

  • has deep insight into relevant professional and ethical issues
  • has deep understanding of risk and reliability issues.
  • can conduct risk and reliability analysis for engineering systems.

Language of instruction and examination


Teaching methods

  • 36 hours lectures
  • 4 hours experiments

Information to incoming exchange students

This module is open for exchange students with a bachelor's degree in engineering.



Examination: Weighting: Duration: Grade scale:
Off campus exam 4/10 A–E, fail F
School exam 6/10 4 Hours A–E, fail F
UiT Exams homepage

Re-sit examination

Students who do not pass the previous ordinary examination can gain access to a re-sit examination. Only parts that are not passed must be retaken.
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: TEK-3002
  • Earlier years and semesters for this topic