autumn 2025
INF-2700 Database Systems - 10 ECTS
Course overlap
If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:
D-212 Data base systems 10 ectsDOK-1012 Digital Media and Data Bases 3 ects
DOK-1012 Data Bases 3 ects
DOKGF Documentation studies, undergraduate course 10 ects
AUT-2004 Application Development 2 ects
Course content
This course is an in-depth introduction of database systems. It covers theory of data modeling, practice of database application design and implementation, and principles and practice of system-level data management. Data modeling includes different data models in general, and the relational data model in particular. The theory of relational model includes relational algebra and relation schema normalization. The practice of database application includes database schema design and SQL programming. System-level data management includes database performance, data organization on disk, indexing, query processing and optimization, transaction processing, recovery and concurrency control.Objectives of the course
Knowledge; students understand
- theory of the relational data model,
- application database design and implementation,
- physical data management and query processing,
- transaction processing, concurrency control and crash recovery.
Skills; students can
- design application databases with entity-relationship modeling and schema normalization,
- implement application databases with SQL,
- implement some system-level elements of database management systems, for example, in-memory and on-disk data processing, query processing and transaction processing.
General competence:
- Students are more competent in system-level programming.
- Students have better understanding in system performance issues in general and database performance issues in particular.
Information to incoming exchange students
This course is available for inbound exchange students.
This course has recommended academic prerequisites. Please see the «Prerequisite» section for more information.
Do you have questions about this module? Please check the following website to contact the course coordinator for exchange students at the faculty:
Examination: | Duration: | Grade scale: |
School exam | 4 Hours | A–E, fail F |
Coursework requirements:To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements: |
Written assignments | Approved – not approved |
- About the course
- Campus: Tromsø | Mo i Rana |
- ECTS: 10
- Course code: INF-2700
- Responsible unit
- Informatihka instituhtta
- Earlier years and semesters for this topic