autumn 2024
ELE-3602 Power System Operation and Control - 5 ECTS
Admission requirements
A relevant undergraduate Bachelor degree in Engineering program in power electronics and electrical machines. Basic knowledge in power systems is also an advantage.
In addition, the following requirements must be met:
- minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3), 5 credits in statistics and 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required.
Application code: 9371
Recommended prerequisites: General knowledge of energy systems and stationary and dynamic properties of the power system. Basic skills in financial and technical-economic planning.
Course content
- European main grid power system is built up.
- Regulators, transmission system operators and power exchange.
- Roles and responsibilities of the different actors.
- Guidelines from ACER/CEER and ENTSO-E
- From Nordic grid code to network codes.
- Different sources for power production and their system properties.
- Balancing of power systems in generally.
- Different markets and balancing in the planning phase.
- Different markets and balancing in the operating phase.
- Capacity allocation and congestion management. Consequences.
- Wholesale, Retail and Financial market.
- Auxiliary services.
- Aggregation of reserves.
Objectives of the course
After completing the subject, the candidate will have the following learning outcome:
- Organization of the European electric power system.
- Interaction between production, grid and market.
- Regulation of the electric power system based on market mechanism.
- Bid to power exchange from a power companies available resources.
- Create production plans from the power exchange prices.Balancing their own commitments by deviations from plans.
- Calculate reserves and bid the reserve marketsManage congestion through area pricing and countertrade.
- Could explain area pricing and countertrade - different incentives for investments.
- Could explain the socio-economic consequences of major capacity constraints,with winners and losers.
General competence:
- The candidate will have competence to operate a power company with different types of sources for power production, conventional and renewable.
- The candidate will be able to operate the main grid and see both of these two separate different businesses in a markets- and monopoly perspective.
- The candidate should be able to see the need for market development as an incentive for the efficiency improvement of the power system.
Examination: | Date: | Duration: | Grade scale: |
School exam | 13.12.2024 09:00 |
3 Hours | A–E, fail F |
Coursework requirements:To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements: |
Exercise | Approved – not approved |
- About the course
- Campus: Narvik |
- ECTS: 5
- Course code: ELE-3602
- Responsible unit
- Elektroteknologiija instituhtta
- Earlier years and semesters for this topic