autumn 2025
BIO-2406 Introduction to Fish Biology - 7.5 ECTS

Type of course

The course is primarily for students taking degree programs Fisheries and Aquaculture science (Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap) and Aquamedicine (Akvamedisin). It is also open as an elective course for exchange students who are taking a biology study program. BIO-2406 has a maximum capacity of 100 students; in the event of the course being oversubscribed priority will be given to students who have the course as an obligatory subject in their degree program.

Admission requirements

Nordic applicants: Admission requirements are generell studiekompetanse + REALFA.

Application code: 9197

International applicants: Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language requirements in English. A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway can be found on the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education website -

Course participants are expected to have a reasonable working knowledge of mathematics chemistry and aquatic biology/ecology, i.e. have taken introductory university courses (minimum 10 STP) in these subjects.

Course overlap

If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:

F-131 Biology of Fishes 6 ects
BIO-2505 Fish Biology 10 ects
FSK-2506 Introduction to fish biology 10 ects
BIO-2506 Introduction to Fish Biology 10 ects
FSK-2051 Aquatic Biology II 5 ects

Course content

Fish are of considerable importance to humans as a source of food, both from capture fisheries and through various forms of culture. Rational exploitation and management of fish stocks, irrespective of whether they be wild or captive, relies upon detailed insights into, and knowledge about, their biology. This course is an initial step towards giving you that knowledge. The course gives an introduction to the life-styles of fishes, with an emphasis on anatomy and physiological adaptations to different aquatic habitats. The following themes are covered: fish diversity and distributions, swimming, osmoregulation, respiration, feeding and digestion, reproduction and larval development, and life-histories.

The laboratory course will give you an introduction to practical work in the laboratory, data analysis and the writing of reports.

Objectives of the course

Once you have completed BIO-2406 Introduction to Fish Biology you will have developed several general scientific and biological skills and have become knowledgeable about fish, with an insight into the anatomy and physiological adaptations of fish to aquatic habitats: what fish do and how they do it.


  • You will have knowledge about the inter-relationships of the major groups of fishes in an evolutionary and developmental perspective
  • You will be able to describe the structural, functional and physiological adaptations shown by fish in relation to their environment, including the responses to environmental changes resulting from human activities
  • You will be knowledgeable about the anatomy and function of the organ systems of fish

Skills and proficiency:

  • You will be able to write scientific reports based upon the results of laboratory experiments and exercises
  • Make laboratory measurements and observations, take notes and explain the observations clearly and concisely
  • Be able to use standard laboratory equipment, e.g. stereo microscopes, electronic balances, and dissecting instruments
  • Have the ability to use identification keys for species recognition
  • Be able to use Excel for indexing data, making simple calculations and model-fitting and for the preparation of graphs and tables
  • Be able to write a scientific report according to the IMRAD format

General competence:

  • You should be able to work independently, systematically and with a focus on the task at hand
  • You should have developed the ability to work as part of a team
  • You should be able to read the work of others with a critical eye and provide constructive criticism and comment
  • You should have improved your communication skills, particularly writing skills

Language of instruction and examination

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Lectures, laboratory course followed by the writing of a laboratory report. Necessary safety training for labwork will be given.

Information to incoming exchange students

Course participants are expected to have a reasonable working knowledge of mathematics, chemistry and aquatic biology/ecology, i.e. have taken introductory university courses (minimum 10 STP) in these subjects.

BIO-2406 has a maximum capacity of 100 students; in the event of the course being oversubscribed priority will be given to students who have the course as an obligatory subject in their degree program.


More info about the coursework requirements

  • Participation in laboratory sessions with submission of a lab report (group work)
  • Course evaluation (individual work)

Re-sit examination

There will be a re-sit examination for students that did not pass the previous ordinary examination. The re-sit exam is usually held in late February or early March.
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 7.5
  • Course code: BIO-2406
  • Ekstra informasjon
  • First semester this course is given is Autumn 2026. Until then see BIO-2506.

  • Earlier years and semesters for this topic