#ComWeek: Innovation with Norinnova

Communication Week

Norinnova is the innovation partner and Tech Transfer office for UiT, collaborating with researchers to transform research results into innovations.

This presentation will introduce who they are, how they work at Norinnova, and the opportunities a collaboration with them can offer researchers.

Magnus Seppola from Norinnova presents this talk about innovation. 

This presentation is part of Communication Week. See the whole program here.

When: 09.04.25 kl 09.15–10.00
Where: Aud 1 / Teorifagbygget, hus 1 / Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Kjetil Rydland
Phone: 95176509
E-boastta: kjetil.rydland@uit.no
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