#ComWeek: How to write a communication plan for grant applications

Communication Week

How do you refine your plans for communication and stakeholder involvement in applications to the Research Council?  Welcome to a session where we look at the does and don'ts of communication planning.

With special advisor to the Research council of Norway, Thomas Evensen. Evensen will host a workshop after lunch: #ComWeek: Workshop - Advice for grant applications and how to plan for dissemination of your research

This presentation is part of Communication Week. See the whole program here.

When: 07.04.25 kl 11.15–12.00
Where: Aud 1 / Teorifagbygget, hus 1 / Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Kjetil Rydland
E-boastta: kjetil.rydland@uit.no
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