Environmental Humanities #39 Skills Circle on Fieldwork

The environmental humanities research group is organising a skills sharing circle on “engaging with sea and landscapes in fieldwork” with Eimear Tynan and Eva Cossette-Laneville.

The environmental humanities research group is organising a skills sharing circle on “engaging with sea and landscapes in fieldwork” with Eimear Tynan and Eva Cossette-Laneville.

This first circle will be focused on fieldwork in the environmental humanities broadly. Eimear Tynan and Eva Cossette will share the skills and insights they learnt doing fieldwork in coastal settings. We will read methodological works that inspired them and gain a glimpse of their fieldnotes. The second half of the gathering is dedicated to open discussion, and all are invited to share their own questions or experiences.

Our academic 'skills circles' are inspired by the knitting circle where knitters of all levels of experience come together to knit, share techniques, and experience the camaraderie of a shared activity. We invite researchers of all levels from PhD students to senior scholars who want to share their knowledge and skills, learn from others, or see how other people do things to reflect on their own methods.

All are welcome, no matter how much you have worked with fieldwork or the environmental humanities already or on what stage of your career you are, also if you come from outside UiT!

After the gathering, we can stay in Árdna until 12:00 and have lunch together (bring your own lunch)

Please e-mail sofie at sofie.e.quist@uit.no to register and receive the reading materials


Eimear Tynan is a full-time Associate Professor of landscape architecture at the Landscape Architecture Programme at the Academy of Arts. 

Eva Cossette-Laneville is PhD candidate at the Department of Language and Culture, UiT.

Sofie Elise Quist is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law, Aurora Centre, UiT

When: 10.02.25 kl 09.30–11.00
Where: Árdna
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende, Inviterte
Contact: Sofie Elise Quist
Phone: 46442613
E-boastta: sofie.e.quist@uit.no

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