C-LaBL Admin Workshop: Keep calm and Teams!

Get to grips with Teams!

Teams is the platform UiT has chosen for collaboration and communication, and all UiT employees are expected to not only know how to use it, but also actively do.

The main functions of Teams are:

  • sharing and co-editing files in dedicated areas
  • planning and following up progress on collaborative projects, events, and tasks
  • communicating to specific (groups of) people via chat, calls, and meetings

Teams is a part of the Microsoft 365 (M365) software suite. As an employee of UiT, your account is an M365 account, that you can login to at office.com. From there you can access all the apps from the M365 suite. You also probably have installed some of the desktop versions of the apps: Teams, Outlook, One Drive. these are integrated and you can do things such as:

  • see your Outlook calendar from the Teams calendar
  • add Teams folders as shortcut to your OneDrive, so you can access directly from your file system

The workshop will be tailored to the attendees: send your questions, requests and complains about Teams to me (marie-josee.h.halsor@uit.no)!

When: 23.01.25 kl 12.15–14.00
Where: B1004
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Besøkende, Inviterte, Ansatte
E-boastta: marie-josee.h.halsor@uit.no
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