Stipends for EUGLOH university collaboration - mobility and courses

The International Cooperation Section at UiT The Arctic University of Norway is now offering new stipends. These are earmarked to university employees who would like to initiate activities which stimulate increased cooperation between UiT and at least one other partner university in the EUGLOH alliance.

The stipend will preferably be used for travel between two partner universities, but it can also be used to support other types of activities.

Besides from covering travel expenses, the stipend can be supplemented with other sources of funding (e.g. ERASMUS, annuum or project funding).

The stipend is only given to applicants who plan to initiate a new project or promote existing projects in areas such as education, research, innovation or cooperation between scientific institutions.

If we receive more applications than available stipends, we will prioritize applications that align with existing goals for international cooperation, within EUGLOH and/or UIT. Applications for travel funding to/from less visited partners will also be prioritized.

Click here to send us an application for a stipend.

New applications will be received and evaluated continually until the end of 2025.

Frist: 31.12.2025
Lenke: Klikk her
Ansvarlig: Bredesen, Kim
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