Second French-Norwegian Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (FN-ICMC2)

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Second French-Norwegian Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (FN-ICMC2)
Abhik Ghosh

Welcome to the Second Åsgård Horizon French-Norwegian Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (FN-ICMC2) at UiT June 19-20, 2025!

Above left: Group photo from FN-ICMC1 in Dijon. Front row: Organizers Claude Gros (Université de Bourgogne) and Abhik Ghosh (UiT). Right: Wine tasting; UiT chemists Krister Johannessen, Simon Larsen and Jørn Hansen, who will serve as local organizers in Tromsø. Photo: Abhik Ghosh

The First Åsgard Horizon French-Norwegian Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (FN-ICMC1) launched in Dijon in May 2024, following a grant from the Institut Français de Norvège under the Åsgard Horizon exchange programme. The aim was to create an annual forum for discussion on materials and coordination chemistry for junior and senior researchers from both countries with a view to facilitating existing and future collaborative projects and implementing them within the framework of bilateral programmes, including the Åsgard and Åsgard Research Plus programmes, the Hubert Curien Aurora exchange programme (PHC), and tinternational collaborative projects of the Research Council of Norway and the CNRS. FN-ICMC1 brought together nearly 50 participants at the Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin, Le Village by CA, Dijon, France.

The Second Åsgard Horizon French-Norwegian Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (FN-ICMC2) will be held at UiT June 19-20, 2025. As of March 20, 2025, the majority of invited speakers are in place, with several slots still open for contributed talks and posters. Confirmed invited speakers include Abraham B. ALEMAYEHU (UiT), Tom Christian Holm ADAMSEN (University of Bergen), Mohamed AMEDJKOU (University of Oslo 🇳🇴), Laurie ANDRE (Université de Bourgogne 🇫🇷), Frédéric BOLZE (Université de Strasbourg 🇫🇷), Penny BROTHERS (The University of Auckland 🇳🇿 and UiT 🇳🇴), Gabriel CANARD (Aix-Marseille Université 🇫🇷),  Sachin Maruti CHAVAN (University of Stavanger 🇳🇴), Jeanet CONRADIE (University of the Free State 🇿🇦 and UiT 🇳🇴), Taye DEMISSIE (University of Bostwana 🇧🇼 and UiT 🇳🇴), Nicolas DESBOIS (Université de Bourgogne 🇫🇷), Stéphanie DUROT (Université de Strasbourg 🇫🇷), Jørn H. Hansen (UiT 🇳🇴), Denis JACQUEMIN (Nantes Université 🇫🇷), Erwan LE ROUX (University of Bergen 🇳🇴), Michel MEYER (Université de Bourgogne 🇫🇷), Mali Husby ROSNES (University of Bergen 🇳🇴), Kenneth RUUD (UiT 🇳🇴), Jean-Marc SIMON (Université Bourgogne 🇫🇷), and Olivier SIRI (Aix-Marseille Université 🇫🇷).

A preliminary schedule will be available at this website by April 15, 2025.

Starts: 19.06.25 kl 14.00
Ends: 20.06.25 kl 17.00
Where: TEKNOBYGGET Auditorium, 1.022
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende, Inviterte
Link: Klikk her
Contact: Abhik Ghosh
Phone: +47 45476145
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