Collaborative Research, Education and Practice Promoting Wellbeing and Growth PLENARY TALKS

EUGLOH og Arctic Research Center for Children and Youth at Risk (Arctic Youth) inviterer til opne foredrag om samarbeidende forskning, utdanning og praksis.
Foredrag blir gitt i sammenheng med ein workshop i regi av Arctic Youth innenfor rammene av universitetsalliansen EUGLOH 7.-11. april. Alle plenarforedrag i workshopen er opne for publikum. Her er det opne programmet for dag 1.
Merk at foredraga kan bli tatt opp. Basis for opptak er Berettiga interesse (GDPR 6-(1)-f, vurdert 20.12.2024).
09:00 | Welcome with weather forcast | Store Audotorium [MazeMap] |
09:15 |
10:00 | Break | |
10:15 |
11:00 | Break | |
11:15- 12:00 |
OPEN LECTURE Professor Rita Sørly, IBS, UiT
Project assosiate in True North 2026, Ida Solvang
Project associate in True North 2026, Synne Sandvik Lockert
project associate in True North 2026, Oda Nigist Wigstøl
09:00 | Welcome with weather forcast | Store Audotorium [MazeMap] |
09:15 |
10:00 | Break | |
10:15 | OPEN LECTURE Unlocking Collaboration: Harnessing Digital Innovation in Interdisciplinary Projects Professor Synnøve Thomassen Andersen, IBS, UiT |
11:00 | Break | |
11:15- 12:00 |