The research group “Education and Social Sustainability in the High North” (EDU-NOR), invites everyone to an open seminar, with professor Tanya Ovenden-Hope, Plymouth Marjon University, UK.
In her work, Tanya explores issues for England’s coastal and rural schools in attracting and retaining high quality teachers.
She invites us to discuss her research findings to see if there are synergies with teacher supply and development in rural and coastal schools in Norway.
Time: Monday March 24 at 12:00-13:00
Place: ILP-building, room 1.025
More information about Tanya:
Ovenden-Hope's latest journal papers:
Ovenden-Hope, Tanya. 2024. "An Evaluation of Education Policy in England since 2010 and the Policy Consequences for Small Primary Schools" Education Sciences 14, no. 11: 1164.
Ovenden-Hope, Tanya & Kirkpatrick, Holly 2024. "The Early Career Framework: Why Context Matters for Teacher Professional Development". Education Sciences 14: 1261.
Ovenden-Hope's latest books:
Tanya Ovenden-Hope (Editor) (2022) The Early Career Framework: origins, outcomes and opportunities. Woodbridge, John Catt Educational.
Tanya Ovenden-Hope and Rowena Passy (Eds) (2020) Exploring Teacher Recruitment and Retention: contextual challenges from international perspectives. Oxford, Routledge.