Collaborative Research, Education and Practice Promoting Wellbeing and Growth OPENING LECTURES

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Collaborative Research, Education and Practice Promoting Wellbeing and Growth OPENING LECTURES
Foto: Tomas Rolland

 EUGLOH og Arctic Research Center for Children and Youth at Risk (Arctic Youth) inviterer til opne foredrag om samarbeidende forskning, utdanning og praksis.

Foredrag blir gitt i sammenheng med ein workshop i regi av Arctic Youth innenfor rammene av universitetsalliansen EUGLOH 7.-11. april. Alle plenarforedrag i workshopen er opne for publikum. Her er programmet for tysdag og onsdag.

Merk at foredraga kan bli tatt opp. Basis for opptak er Berettiga interesse (GDPR 6-(1)-f, vurdert 20.12.2024).



Introduction: What is collaborative research
Rita Sørly, UiT, Head of Arctic Youth Research Centre


Short break


Transforming research impact
Ilse Julkunen, University of Helsinki

Narrative learning. Life skills and sense of belonging
Birgitta Ljung Egeland, Karlstads Universitet

Shared reading as a method in healthcare and professional education
Katarina Bernhardsson, Lunds Universitet

Co-research and co-creation with young people
Sofia Laine, Finnsh Youth Research Society

Ethical Collaboration in Indigenous Research: Strengthening Wellbeing and Participation in Sápmi
Niila Rahko, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Presentation of Arcitc Youth's work packages
Rita Sørly and work package leaders

When: 07.04.25 kl 12.45–17.00
Where: Teorifag AUD2
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter
Contact: Bror-Magnus S. Strand
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