UiT Environmental Humanities gathering #35 - Contact Zones: A Masterclass in Continental Philosophy (Viewing)

Contact Zones is an online event, a "masterclass" in continental philosophy and a co-learning opportunity organised in collaboration between the Posthumanities Hub at Linköping University and the Laboratoire d'études de genre et de sexualité (LEGS) in Paris.
Your Theory Map to Feminist Posthumanities - live!
What are the basic tenets of posthumanist philosophy today? How does feminist theory relate to new materialism, deconstruction to (post-phenomenology, and philosophical anthropology to the posthuman predicament? Which role have existentialism, philosophical ethology, or "French Theory" played in shaping posthumanism, be it in oppositional ways, and what can they bring to posthumanist philosophy today?
We will be viewing this masterclass together, directly following UiT Environmental Humanities gathering #34 - When the-Human-that-We-Are Is Not There: Reading Fernand Deligny