The Decline of the Rule of Law in Russia: From Telephone Law to Asset Seizures

The "Pax Slavica in Flux" research group and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) will host this joint hybrid event, at which Professor Yarik Kryvoi, a BIICL employee, will present a paper (for an abstract and bio see below)

Abstract: Although the last two presidents of Russia were both lawyers, the rule of law has dramatically deteriorated in Russia, particularly after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Already before 2022, Russia already ranked poorly in international studies on constraints on government powers and property protection and its judiciary was heavily influenced by the executive branch. Russia offered a fairly efficient system of dispute resolution for non-politicised cases, yet the outcomes of politicized cases were always easy to predict. The situation has rapidly deteriorated since February 2022, with increased pressure on human rights, opposition groups, and independent media. Even minor expressions of dissent often lead to harsh prison sentences, and there's a trend of state expropriation of commercial enterprises, particularly foreign-owned assets. Recent examples include the seizure of assets from companies like ExxonMobil, Danone, and Carlsberg. "Telephone justice" remains prevalent, where judges receive unofficial instructions on how to rule in certain cases. As the war in Ukraine continues, these trends are likely to strengthen, further undermining the rule of law in Russia.

About the speaker: Professor Yarik Kryvoi is a Senior Research Fellow in International Economic Law at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. He has been a practising lawyer at various private law firms, with a focus on international law, since 2007. He holds PhDs from University College London and Moscow State Law Academy, an LLB from St Petersburg State University, and an LLM from Harvard Law School. Professor Kryvoi often acts as a Russian law expert in litigation and arbitration proceedings in various jurisdictions.

Zoom registration link

When: 09.12.24 kl 10.15–12.00
Where: SVHUM C-1002
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Responsible: Andrei Rogatchevski
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