Fredsuka i Tromsø: Dilemmas of Dialogue

Dilemmas in Dialogue:
Digging into the concept of dialogue, comparing to other approaches like mediation, negotiations, sharing some experiences and exploring opportunities. 

Workshop with  Norunn Grande, Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue: 

With increased polarization, segregation and threats against democracy, dialogue is needed more than ever.  This statement and similar ones are often seen in public discourse.
- What do we mean when we use the concept of dialogue?
- What are the potentials in applying a dialogue approach and what are the dilemmas?
- Examples from Afghanistan, Is dialogue the right approach to deal with the Taliban?
Based on longterm experience from dialogue trainings and facilitation with Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, these and other questions will be explored.

Also see FB:    (1) Peace Week: Dilemmas in dialogue | Facebook

When: 25.09.24 kl 14.00–15.00
Where: Tromsø - UiT/CPS Nedre lysthus U-06
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Ana Sanchez Laws
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When: 25.09.24 kl 14.00–15.00
Where: Tromsø - UiT/CPS Nedre lysthus U-06
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Ana Sanchez Laws
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