UiT Environmental humanities gathering # 27 Mingling & focused writing for early career folks

Inspire, support & focus for early career environmental humanities scholars and artists
Are you a PhDs, PostDoc, artist or other early career researcher that is interested in topics, theories or methods related to environmental humanities?
Then please join us for a shut up and write session followed by a casual lunch at Storkantina to exchange with one another!
A little community of likeminded folks has been organically growing in the fruitile soil of the UiT environmental humanities network gatherings.
Among future activities are regularly shut up and write meetings, mingling lunches, knowledge & skills exchange, writing & creative retreats, walking as method and so on. We are looking forward to more support and inspiration to spark!
We will meet at Breiviklia N119 from 10-12h for the writing session and will have lunch at Storkantina from 12-13h30. Do let us know if you come to the kick-off session by signing up!