UiT Environmental humanities gathering #22: Mini-symposium Nature – Art – Gender

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for UiT Environmental humanities gathering #22: Mini-symposium Nature – Art – Gender
Rossella Ragazzi

Mini-sympositum Nature – Art – Gender

Join us for four great speakers and a discussion! Note the start time of 13.00 and the location at the Academy for Music (Krognessveien 33, between the museum and NRK). Come join us at the other end of Tromsøya - we get sun longer :D

Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen: Listening to Water: Alternatives to Climate Engagement through Sound

Christine Cynn: From Emergent Futures to Local Resilience

Karolin Tampere: How Does the Landscape Shape Views of Oneself and the World? (Working Title)

Lena Gudd: Thinking-Through Soils: An Artistic and Environmental Humanities Approach

This is part of the Erasmus+ event Voices of Women taking place in Tromsø from 19th-25th November. For more details of other exciting events to join, click here: https://uit.no/tavla/artikkel/819038/listening_to_the_unknown_erasmus_multiplier_eve 

Photo credit/copyright: Rossella Ragazzi (used with permission - thank you)

Zoom link: 

Topic: EnvHums 22 Nature - Art - Gender
Time: Nov 20, 2023 12:30 PM Oslo (start time 13.00)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 672 0593 6932
Password: 761552

When: 20.11.23 kl 13.00–15.00
Where: Musikkonservatoriet (Academy for Music), Krognessveien 33, Classroom + zoom
Location / Campus: Digitalt, Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Kate Maxwell
E-boastta: Kate.Maxwell@uit.no

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