UiT Environmental humanities gathering #23: Tasting session

Welcome to an end-of-semester environmental humanities tasting session!

Bring with you one item (artefact, object, picture, song, music, abstract, poem, text, video, whatever you like), maximum one page / 3 minutes, inspired by your understanding of or work on the environmental humanities, and be prepared to talk about it for up to 5 minutes.

After the tasting session we will plan Spring 2024. (There are already some names on the list, so don't worry, if you don't want to present/speak/lead a session next semester, it is still safe to attend.)

Anyone who wishes to join in a social gathering afterwards/evening is most welcome to do so :) - please mark on the registration form if you have any preferences.

When: 06.12.23 kl 14.30–16.00
Where: Árdna
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Kate Maxwell
E-boastta: Kate.Maxwell@uit.no

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