4th UiT Environmental Humanities / miljøhumaniora interest group meeting - What is Tromsø anyway?

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for 4th UiT Environmental Humanities / miljøhumaniora interest group meeting - What is Tromsø anyway?

The UiT Environmental Humanities / miljøhumaniora interest group is growing strong and happy to invite you to its 4th informal meeting!

Meeting Agenda: 

  • Following our discussions about the possibility of alternative mappings of Tromsø, in this meeting, participants are invited to bring pictures, video- and sound recordings, images, stories, poems, and other 'artefacts' from otherwise places, spaces and co/ntra-habitation in Tromsø, and then share reflections on these from their perspectives.

Our multiple hopes with this are to continue getting to know each other, the interests that bring us to miljøhumaniora, the perspectives we bring to it, to further develop our self-understanding as an emerging miljøhumaniora interest group, to engage with and reflect on our g/local context, and further explore the possibilities of a potential, collaborative countermapping of Tromsø. Such mapping and the question 'What is Tromsø anyway?' serves to trouble dominant understandings of the city and its surroundings, and so, inspire speculation about otherwise futures for 'samliv i nord'.

Inspiration for mapping projects can be found just about anywhere, including and maybe especially right outside your door. For those wishing something to read while doing the preparatory fieldwork for the 4th UiT miljøhumaniora meeting, the following might be of interest: 


If you cannot attend the meeting, but would like to stay informed about all things UiT Miljøhumaniora / Environmental Humanities, please send a brief email to Filip Maric filip.maric@uit.no and I will add you to the mailing list.

OBS! We are using a registration form to estimate the kind of room we might need to book for the meeting. We will be in touch to confirm the final location depending on registration numbers and new COVID regulations as they come out. A Zoom-link for those wishing to attend online will be sent around on request and closer to the time. 

When: 27.09.21 kl 13.00–15.00
Where: MH2 L12.346 Rådsrom
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Filip Maric
E-boastta: filip.maric@uit.no

Deadline: 23.09.2021
Deadline has been reached. Sorry
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