KvaNT lunch seminar: "Challenges being a teaching assistant and how to deal with them – findings from a European research project"

with Madeleine Lorås, NTNU

Teaching assistants (also called gruppelærereseminarlærerevit.ass. etc) are essential for many of the larger courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology at UiT and at other universities. This lunch seminar will give an insight in some of the challenges the teaching assistants meet - and more importantly, how to deal with them. Madeleine Lorås will present results from an European research project.

The seminar is in English. 

After the seminar there is a Q&A with Lorås for those who wish to stay for more discussions.

Madeleine Lorås is a research fellow in computer didactics at Excited center for excellent IT education at NTNU, and have contributed in Gruppelærerdagen and the TA-day at NT-fak since fall 2020 with computer didactical modules for our TAs in computer science.

Zoom: https://uit.zoom.us/j/61553811499?pwd=bFRod1pJWVhsUklhS1hpV3o1M0hWUT09

Meeting ID: 615 5381 1499
Password: 083357



When: 25.05.21 kl 11.15–12.00
Where: Zoom
Location / Campus: Digitalt
Target group: Studenter, Besøkende, Inviterte, Enhet, Ansatte
Contact: Hilja Lisa Huru
E-boastta: hilja.huru@uit.no
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