KvaNT-seminar: Team-based learning

Velkommen til høstens første KvaNT-seminar: Team-based learning ved Børge Irgens

Team-Based Learning (TBL) is highly structured way of implementing a flipped classroom, that encourages students to come to class prepared and and then use the time in class, working with a permanent team, to apply course concepts to solve problems.

In this seminar you will learn about the important processes for implementing TBL, by experiencing them from the student perspective. You will experience the team formation process, the Readiness Assurance Process that holds students accountable for their preparation and the application activities where the teams must make decisions and defend those decisions to rest of the class.

Børge Irgens is a PhD student working in the KvaNT-project. He is focusing on implementing active learning strategies in physics courses, and has been using TBL in the course FYS-1001 mechanics this semester.

KvaNT er en satsing fra Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi og er et 2-årig prosjekt 2019-2020 tilknyttet fakultetets strategiske satsing på utdanningskvalitet i høyere utdanning. En del av vårt arbeid er å gjennomføre undervisningsseminarer som tar opp relevante temaer og problemstillinger rundt undervising i naturvitenskaplige og teknologiske fag.


When: 28.10.20 kl 14.15–15.30
Where: ILP-bygget, rom 2.005
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende, Inviterte, Enhet
Contact: Marianne Iversen
E-boastta: m.iversen@uit.no

Deadline: 28.10.2020
Deadline has been reached. Sorry
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