At-Sea Enforcement and Naval Warfare Seminar on 20 September 2017 in Tromsø

The Centre will hold a seminar on 20 September 2017 in Tromsø on the topic of "At-sea enforcement and naval warfare".

There will be presentations from a number of academics from the Centre and other universities and experts. The seminar will be moderated by Erik Molenaar and Don Rothwell.

Please click on the attachment to the right to see the full program.

To attend the seminar, please email Christin Skjervold ( to register. Registation is open until 1 August 2017.

Venue: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Building No. 4, Room 4.213.

When: 20.09.17 kl 10.00–16.30
Where: UiT, Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Alle
Responsible: Christin Skjervold
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