The K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) is together with Pluricourts proudly co-organizing a one day seminar on "Pushing boundaries: potential effects of international adjudiciation on treaty practice in the Russian and Norwegian context".

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The K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) is together with Pluricourts proudly co-organizing a one day seminar on "Pushing boundaries: potential effects of international adjudiciation on treaty practice in the Russian and Norwegian context".

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Seminar on 'Pushing Boundaries: Potential Effects of International Adjudication on Treaty Practice'

The K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) is together with Pluricourts proudly co-organizing a one day seminar on "Pushing boundaries: potential effects of international adjudiciation on treaty practice in the Russian and Norwegian context".

The seminar will concern international law with a particular focus on the potential impacts of international adjudicative decisions on the future practice of international law in the Russian and Norwegian context. The seminar will include the participation by JCLOS' professor Alex Oude Elferink and JCLOS' PhD candidate Maria Neves as speakers of the seminar.

For more information regarding the programme, please visit the following link:

When: 15.04.16 kl 09.00–18.00
Where: Norwegian University Centre, St. Petersburg, Russia
Location / Campus: Other
Target group: Alle
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