Arctic Technology & Icing Research Group (arcICE)
Photo: Jan-Arne Pettersen

Arctic Technology & Icing Research Group (arcICE) is a part of institute of industrial technology of UiT. This research group focuses on developing improved scientific understanding of atmospheric ice accretion physics and technological issues realted to Arctic cold climate technology. The research group covers wide range of topics related to cold climate technology, which mainly includes:

These research topics covers analytical, numerical and experimental analysis. The research group members has good experience and wide research network on both national and international levels. The research group has a good lab based , high performance computational resources and field observations based icing research infrastructure to carry out the advance research activities to meet the industrial demands. This includes:

arcICE research group has strong link with industry, acadmia and research organizations on national and international level and has been awarded with various national and international research grants.



Research Projects Grants

Research Infrastructure

arcICE research group has developed an "Icing Research Lab" that is facilitated by latest technology & modern equipment for carrying out the experiments related to atmospheric ice accretion. 

Atmospheric icing in cold regions of the world, especially in the Arctic regions, affects different sectors of everyday life, be it the construction sector or aviation, automotive or power transmission. Ice accretion limits the use of certain technologies and materials that are applicable in normal climatic zones. In order to simulate ice accretion in the laboratory and imitate the natural icing conditions, arcICE group has established research infrastructure that includes lab facilities, field monitoring station and computer aided engineering tools for advance numerical simulations. 

1) Portable Icing Wind Tunnel

The icing  tunnel at Cold Climate Lab in UiT Narvik attributes itself with a test section dimension of 45.7cm × 47cm × 83.5cm and advanced air automizing nozzles producing droplets with MVD range of 20µm—80µm. The distinguishing feature of this icing tunnel is its easy portability for outdoor testing of different models. The maximum achievable wind speed is 10ms-1. The temperature control unit supported with HMI can maintain temperature at any value between -20.0℃ to +30.0℃. Other salient features are as follows:

Icing Wind Tunnel, UiT Narvik
Ice Thickness/Mass Measurement
Soft Rime Formation
Hard Rime Formation
Glaze Formation

2) Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel

arcICE research group has an open loop wind tunnel supported by a 3-axis balance system to measure lift, drag & pitch of model under observation. This balance system is also interfaced with Data Acquisition System (DAQ System) to directly record pressure readings & aerodynamic forces. Other specifications are as follows:

Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel-UiT Narvik

3) Cold Climate Chamber

Cold climate chamber comprises of 3 separate rooms equipped with chillers and frequency controlled ice generators. Cooling system is able to regulate temperature between -20.0℃ to +30.0℃ and is made functional by Human Machine Interface (HMI). All the rooms implement programmable thermocouples, weather sensors etc. CCTV camera and thermal infrared camera are available for live video monitoring. An advanced DAQ system is able to record data from multiple sensors during experimentation.


4)  Computer Aided Engineering Softwares

Cold climate lab is used extensively for aerodynamic testing and is thus facilitated with advanced and latest softwares used worldwide for R&D purposes. The available state-of-the-art Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) numerical solvers include:

5) Field Ice Monitoring Station

An ice monitoring station is installed by Icing Research Group near Linken tower at Narvikfjellet (located at 1006 m.a.s.l). The objective is to collect longterm metreological dataset for educational & research purposes in order to study ice accretion phhysics and resultant ice loads on structures. 

This field ice monitoring station consists of various advance icing sensors, meteorological sensor and dual lens heated web camera that can help us to closely study the ice accretion physics and resultant ice load on structures. Web camera is available for 24-hours monitoring using 4G connection. This field station consists of following sensors.

  1. Meteorological heated sensor0 (Wind speed, direction, temperature, humidity, pressure etc.)
  2. HoloOptic T44 sensor (ice detection and icing rate) I
  3. CETROLL sensor/KVT
  4. ICELOAD Monitor/Combitech (with 30 mm cylinder dia)
  5. ICELOAD Monitor/Combitech (with 57 mm cylinder dia)
  6. ICEMET sensor/Oulu University (droplet size & MVD)
  7. Heated dual lens web camera/KVT 4G data communication setup

6) Portable Field Spray Bar Icing System

Spray bar system at UiT is a portable, horizontal array spraying mechanism that can be used both indoor & outdoor for icing experiments. It can simultaneously house 6 air automizing sparying nozzles that can produce droplets with MVD 20µm—80µm. Applications of spray-bar system include: ice accretion studies on small or medium size scaled models, effect of air-water proportional variation for ice formation, deicing system development etc.

Spray Bar System To Create Droplets With MVD 20µm—80µm

Several experiments have been conducted by research group at UiT using this spray bar system to study icing on airfoil/bridge models and general purpose drones to study ice impact on them.

Studying Airfoil Icing Using Spray Bar System
UAV Icing Test

 7) Thermal IR Camera Ice Detection System

Icing Research Group is utilizing its capabilities in devising techniques to identify different icing types based on emissivity and thermal detection. For this purpose FLIR A615 camera modified to sustain subzero icing conditions is being used along with IR Control software utility. The future studies in this arena may lead to reverse engineering i.e.: designing an anti-icing/deicing system after identifying a specific ice type using thermal IR.

Soft Rime, Hard Rime & Glaze Under Thermal IR
Outdoor Applications Of Thermal IR Camera

 8) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) System

arcICE group has an advance PIV system, connected with aerodynamic subsonic wind tunnel. The system can be used to study the complex flow behavior for various applications. 



  1. Huang, Yafei; Chen, Yangning; Yang, Xin; Yang, Zhongyi; Ouyang, Zhan; Jiang, Xingliang; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Study on icing characteristics of bundled conductor of transmission line based on shadowing effect analysis. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2025 ;Volum 231.
  2. Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Keshavarzi, Samaneh; Adeel, Yousuf; Muhammed, Manaf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Harvey, Derek; Momen, Gelareh. Exploring Heat Transfer in Freezing Supercooled Water Droplet through High-Speed Infrared Thermography. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2025 ;Volum 229.(104358)


  1. Muhammed, Manaf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'On the Fidelity of RANS-Based Turbulence Models in Modeling the Laminar Separation Bubble and Ice-Induced Separation Bubble at Low Reynolds Numbers on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Airfoil. Drones 2024 ;Volume 8.(148)
  2. Han, Xingbo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Asif, Hamza; Mäkynen, Anssi; Juttula, Harri; Molkoselkä, Eero; Kaikkonen, Ville. Atmospheric icing meteorological parameter study using field experiments and simulation. Meteorological Applications 2024 ;Volum 31.(6)
  3. Deng, Ying; Xingliang, Jiang; Wang, Hongxia; Yang, Yang; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Liao, Yi; Wu, Jianguo; Zhao, Mingguan. Multimodal analysis of saddle micro-terrain prone to wind disasters on overhead transmission lines. Electric power systems research 2024 ;Volum 229.
  4. Lotfi, Arefeh; Adeel, Yousuf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Study of Heat Distribution in Railway Switch Using Resistive Heater in Cold Climate Conditions. Applied Sciences 2024 ;Volum 14.(18)
  5. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Jin, Jiayi. Multiphase modeling of atmospheric ice accretion on wind turbines. : Multiphysics of Wind Turbines in Extreme Loading Conditions. Academic Press 2024 ISBN 978-0-323-91852-7. s. 217-232
  6. Adeel, Yousuf; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.,' Development of Anti-/De-Icing System based on Active Thermography. I: 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2024) Conference Proceedings. Norway: UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024 ISBN 978-82-7823-257-6. s. 313-317
  7. Adeel, Yousuf; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel,' Optimizing Gridded Heater Arrangements in Anti-/De-icing Systems through Multiphysics Thermal Simulation. I: 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2024) Conference Proceedings. Norway: UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024 ISBN 978-82-7823-257-6. s. 193-197
  8. Punde, Pravin Bhausaheb; Birkelund, Yngve; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Han, Xingbo,' In-Cloud Icing - A case study at Fagernesfjellet, Norway using Weather Research and Forecasting model and observations. I: 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2024) Conference Proceedings. Norway: UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024 ISBN 978-82-7823-257-6. s. 157-163
  9. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Han, Xingbo; Pettersen, Jan-Arne; Søraas, Øyvind; Asif, Hamza; Wang, Marius; Olavsbråten, Morten Monland, 'Meteorological Parameters Effect on Atmospheric Icing - A Field Experimentation Study. I: 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2024) Conference Proceedings. Norway: UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024 ISBN 978-82-7823-257-6. s. 343-34
  10. Omar Badran, Belal Alemour and Mohd Roshdi Hassan ,’ Improving the Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composite Using Graphene Nanoplates for De-icing Processes’- IWAIS 2024.
  11. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Birkelund, Yngve; Lu, Jinmei; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Barabady, Javad.
    Exploring Knowledge Gaps on Atmospheric ice Accretion. EU Research [Fagblad] 2024-03-22
  12. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Lotfi, Arefeh; Pettersen, Jan-Arne; Adeel, Yousuf,' An experimental investigation on the application of conductive heaters for anti-icing and de-icing on railway switches. I: 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2024) Conference Proceedings. Norway: UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024 ISBN 978-82-7823-257-6. s. 403-408
  13. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Sokolov, Pavlo,' Equations of motion for supercoolded water droplets in atmoshperic icing - an overview.. I: 20th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2024) Conference Proceedings. Norway: UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024 ISBN 978-82-7823-257-6. s. 374-389
  14. Punde, Pravin Bhausaheb; Birkelund, Yngve; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Han, Xingbo. Assessing the Performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model in Simulating Atmospheric In-Cloud Icing Over Fagernesfjellet, Norway. EGU General Assembly 2024; 2024-04-14 - 2024-04-19


  1. Adeel, Yousuf; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. A review of infrared thermography applications for ice detection and mitigation. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2023
  2. Lotfi, Arefeh; Pettersen, Jan-Arne; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Railway Overhead Powerline Conductors- A Numerical Case Study. The International Journal of Multiphysics 2023
  3. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Study of Airflow Behavior for Duplex Circular Cylinders. The International Journal of Multiphysics 2023
  4. Adeel, Yousuf; Khawaja, Hassan; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Conceptual design of cost-effective ice detection system based on infrared thermography. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2023
  5. Lotfi, Arefeh; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Railway operations in icing conditions: a review of issues and mitigation methodsPublic Transport 2023
  6. Muhammed, Manaf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Steady and Time Dependent Study of Laminar Separation Bubble (LSB) behavior along UAV Airfoil RG-15. The International Journal of Multiphysics 2023
  7. Lou, Wen-juan; Zhang, Yue-Long; Gu, Li; Luo, Gang; Bai, Hang; Huang, Ming-Feng; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Bian, Rong.  'An improved rigid rod method for wind-induced swing response prediction of heavily iced transmission lines'. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 2023
  8. Muhammed, Manaf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Ice Accretion on Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—A Review Study. Aerospace 2023
  9. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Muhammed, Manaf, 'In-Cloud Icing Effects on Aircraft/UAV Aerodynamics and Flight Operations'. International Conference on Aeronautical Science, Egineering & Technology; 2023-10-03 - 2023-10-05
  10. Manaf Muhammed, 'UAV operations in icing conditions' nICE research seminar 2023.
  11. Arefeh Lotfi,' Lab based experimental study of icing on railway switches' nICE research seminar 2023.
  12. Adeel Yousuf,' Prospects of infrared thermography for ice protection systems' nICE research seminar 2023.
  13. Xingbo Han,'Monitoring of icing environmental parameters and numerical simulation icing on structures'. nICE research seminar 2023. 


  1. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Study of Dry Ice Growth on Duplex Cylinders'. Multiphase Science and Technology 2022; DOI: 10.1615/MultScienTechn.2022044169
  2. Muhammed, Manaf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Ice Accretion on Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle—A Review Study'. Drones (2022) ;Volum 6.(86)
  3. Azad, Zeeshan; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Cable Propelled Gondola System Operation in Icing Conditions. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering (IJSSE) 2022 ;Volume 12. p. 403-412
  4. Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Karlsson, Timo. 'Wind Turbine Ice Detection Using AEP Loss Method - A Case Study'. Wind Engineering : (2022) The International Journal of Wind Power .
  5. Kangash, Aleksei; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Maryandyshev, Pavel; Brillard, Alain. 'Simulating wind characteristics through direct optimization procedures: illustration with three Russian sites'.  (2022) International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering.
  6. Igarashi, Wakana; Muto, Reina; Kurihara, Daiki; Yamazaki, Masafumi; Iwai, Ken Ichi; Sakaue, Hirotaka; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Kimura, Shigeo. ,'Improvement of ILM calculation by Pre Processing of the Acquired Data' . (2022) WinterWind- International Wind Energy Conference.
  7. Muto, Reina; Igarashi, Wakana; Kurihara, Daiki; Yamazaki, Masafumi; Iwai, Ken Ichi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Sakaue, Hirotaka; Kimura, Shigeo., 'A note on ice detection of wind turbine blades by a rotating cylinder type ice sensor'. (2022) WinterWind- International Wind Energy Conference
  8. Kangash, Aleksei; Pankratov, E V; Kosarev, I A; Maryandyshev, Pavel; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.
    Investigation of ice accretion effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wind turbine blade tip after a short icing event. 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference: Improving Energy Efficiency, Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development in Agriculture; 2022-01-23 - 2022-01-27
  9. Kangash, Aleksei; Maryandyshev, Pavel; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Numerical study of icing impact on the performance of pitch-regulated large wind turbine. Wind Engineering: The International Journal of Wind Power 2022
  10. Adeel, Yousuf; Khawaja, Hassan; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Conceptual Design of Ice Detection/Mitigation System Based on Infrared Thermography'. MULTIPHYSICS 2022.
  11. Lotfi, Arefeh; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Pettersen, Jan-Arne, 'Multiphase Numerical Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Railway Overhead Powerline Conductors'. MULTIPHYSICS 2022.
  12. Muhammed, Manaf; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Time dependent study of Laminar Separation Bubble (LSB) behavior along UAV airfoil RG-15'. MULTIPHYSICS 2022.
  13. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Study of Airflow Behavior for Duplex Circular Cylinders'. MULTIPHYSICS 2022.
  14. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Atmospheric icing on structures, UiT research perspective. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022
  15. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Li, Ran. Torsional stiffness of iced power transmission lines. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022
  16. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Deng, Ying. Micro terrain effects on icing of structures. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022
  17. Muhammed, Manaf. UAV operations in icing conditions. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022
  18. Adeel, Yousuf. Ice mitigation system of offshore structures. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022
  19. Lotfi, Arefeh. Railway operations in icing conditions. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022
  20. Sokolov, Pavlo. Icing on power transmission lines. arcICE Icing Seminar; 2022


  1. Qin, hu; Xing, Xu; Dongbing, Leng; Lichun, Shu; Xingliang, Jiang; Pancheng, Yin; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. 'A method for measuring ice thickness of wind turbine blades based on edge detection'. Cold Regions Science and Technology 2021
  2. Tahir, Syed Abdur Rahman; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Vertical axis wind turbine operation in icing conditions: A review study. Wind Engineering' : The International Journal of Wind Power 2021
  3. Jin, Jia Yi. 'Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Wind Turbine Blades'. Faculty of Engineering Science & Technology: UiT- The Arctic University of Norway 2021 (ISBN 978-82-7823-227-9) 
  4. Sokolov, Pavlo. 'Study of the in-cloud dry ice accretion on cylinders for low values of the Stokes number'. UiT- The Arctic University of Norway 2021 (ISBN 9788278232293) 
  5. Tahir, Syed Abdur Rahman; Awoniyi, Taiwo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Offshore Wind Energy in Ice Prone Cold Regions- An Overview of Technological Gaps and Needs'. 7th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies; 2021-10-27 - 2021-10-28
  6. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel, 'Study of Wind Turbine Operations in Icing Conditions. Northern Axis Barents Link Project Seminar, NaRFU Russia.
  7. Yafei Huang, Muhammad S.Virk, Xingliang Jiang, 'Ice accretion study of FXBW4-220 transmission line composite insulator and anti-icing geometery optimization' (2021), Electrical Power Systems Research, vol 194.
  8. Adeel, Yousuf; Khan, Babur Zaman; Hussnain, Farhan; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Pedersen, Dag Ravn, 'Study of Ice Accretion Using an Open Loop Portable Icing Tunnel'. IEEE 4th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICNST); 2021-06-26 - 2021-06-28.
  9. Odongo, Christopher Ouma, Muhammad S.Virk & Mohamed Y Mustafa, 'Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Production from Wind Energy in Narvik. UiT- the Arctic University of Norway 2021 135 s.


  1. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Aerodynamic forces on iced cylinder for dry ice accretion – A numerical study. (2020) Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 
  2. Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Qin, hu; Jiang, Xingliang. 'Study of Ice Accretion on Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade using 2D and 3D Numerical Approach'. IEEE Access 2020
  3. Huang, Yafei; Jiang, XingliangVirk, Muhammad Shakeel. ‘Study of inverted T-shape insulator strings in icing conditions’. (2020), Cold Regions Science and Technology; vol 173.
  4. Huang, Yafei; Jiang, XingliangVirk, Muhammad Shakeel. ‘Study of wind flow angle and velocity on ice accretion of transmission line composite insulators’. (2020), IEEE Access.
  5. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. ‘An investigation into empirical ice density formulations for dry ice growth on cylinders’. (2020), Cold Regions Science and Technology.
  6. Jia Yi Jin, Rizwan Ghani, Muhammad Shakeel Virk,’ Wind Turbine Wake Effects on Wind Resource Assessments – a Case Study’. (2020) E3S Web of Conferences; Volume 186.
  7. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.,’ Wind Turbine Operations in Icing Conditions. 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering (REEE 2020).
  8. Yousuf, Adeel; Jin, Jia Yi; Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.
  9. Study of ice accretion on wind turbine blade profiles using thermal infrared imaging. (2020) Wind Engineering: The International Journal of Wind Power.
  10. Lindvall, Johannes; Lee, Leon; Lehtomäki, Ville; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Hann, Richard; Revstedt, Johan; Jin, Jia Yi. ‘A CFD benchmark: Ice accretion on a wind turbine blade.’ (2020) WinterWind Conference.
  11. Lindvall, Johannes; Lee, Leon; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Jin, Jia Yi; Lehtomäki, Ville; Hann, Richard; Revstedt, Johan, ‘A CFD benchmark study of ice accretion on a wind turbine blade and a comparison to the ice accretion of a rotating blade cylinder model. (2020). WinterWind- International Wind Energy Conference.


  1. Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. ‘Experimental study of ice accretion on S826 & S832 wind turbine blade profiles’ (2019) Cold Regions Science and Technology. (DOI:
  2. Pavlo Sokolov & Muhammad S Virk,’ Droplet distribution spectrum effects on dry ice growth on cylinders, Cold regions science & technology (2019). Vol 160, pp 80-88. (DOI:
  3. Jia Yi Jin, Muhammad S Virk,’ Study of Ice Accretion and Icing Effects on Aerodynamic Characteristics of DU96 Wind Turbine Blade Profile’ Cold regions science & technology (2019). Vol 160, PP 119-127.
  4. Ghani, Rizwan; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mustafa, Mohamad; Kangash, Aleksei; Maryandshev, Pavel. Wind energy at remote islands in arctic region—A case study of Solovetsky islands. (2019) Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
  5. Rizwan Ghani, Muhammad S Virk, Aleksei Kangash, Pavel Marayandshev, Viktar Lubov & Mohamad Mustafa,’ Review of energy demands and wind resource assesement of the Solovetsky Archipelago’ (2019), International journal of smart grid and clean energy, vol 8 (4), pp 430-435.
  6. Jia Yi Jin, Muhammad S Virk, Torgeir Blæsterdalen,’ Icing events assessment of a wind park in high wind speed’ (2019), International journal of smart grid and clean energy, vol 8 (3), pp 276-281.
  7. Alsabagh, Abdel S.Y.; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Xu, Yigeng; Badran, Omar. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of The Effect of Atmospheric Icing on the generated power of wind turbines. (2019) International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  8. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Modelling of dry ice accretion on cylinders- a case study of present analytical state. (2019) International Workshop of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Structures (IWAIS)
  9. Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Ice accretion on wind turbine blade- an experimental study of S819 airfoil. (2019) International Workshop of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Structures (IWAIS)


  1. Pavlo Sokolov, Jia Yi Jin & Muhammad S Virk,’ Accreted ice mass ratio (k-factor) for rotating wind turbine blade profile and circular cylinder’ (2018), Wind Energy, DOI: 10.1002/we.2298
  2. Jia Yi Jin, Muhammad S Virk,’ Study of ice accretion along symmetric & asymmetric airfoils’ (2018), Journal of wind engineering & industrial aerodynamics, vol 179, pp 240-249.
  3. Pavlo Sokolov & Muhammad S Virk,’ Analytical parametrization of droplet collision efficiency on cylinders – a review study, Cold regions science & technology (2018).
  4. Edison H Caicedo & Muhammad S Virk,’ Aeroacoiustic response of wi76nd turbine blade in normal and icing conditions’ (2018). Wind Engineering; DOI :
  5. Jia Yi Jin, Pavlo Sokolov & Muhammad S.Virk ‘ Wind resource assessment in cold regions- a numerical study’ (2018) applied mechanics and material; vol 875, pp 94-99.
  6. Edison H Caicedo & Muhammad S Virk,’ Numerical study of NACA 0012 aeroacoustics response of normal and icing conditions’ (2018) applied mechanics and material; vol 875, pp 89-93.
  7. Byrkjedal, Øyvind; Iversen, Emilie C.; Nygaard, Bjørn Egil Kringlebotn; Gutman, Igor; Mc Innes, Harold; Karlsson, Timo; Virk, Muhammad; Welgaard, Øyvind. Development of a reliable modeling system for the calculation of rime ice loads on overhead transmission lines. Winterwind 2018; 2018-02-06 - 2018-02-08
  8. Ghani, Rizwan; Mustafa, Mohamad; Virk, Muhammad; Kangash, Aleksei; Maryandyshev, Pavel; Lubov, Viktor. Review of energy demands and wind resource assessment of the Solovetsky Archipelago. 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (ICREE 2018)
  9. Jin, Jia Yi; Blæsterdalen, Torgeir; Virk, Muhammad. Icing Events Assessment of a Wind Park in High Wind Speed. 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (ICREE 2018)
  10. Sokolov, Pavlo; Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. On the empirical k-factor in ice accretion on wind turbines: A numerical study. I: 2017 2nd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2017). IEEE conference proceedings 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-2156-1
  11. Virk, Muhammad; Afzal, Faizan. Review of Icing Effects on Wind Turbine in Cold Regions. E3S Web of Conferences2018 ;Volume 72


  1. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. ‘Ice accretion on circular cylinder in relation to its diameter’. Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power2017 ;Volum 41.(1) s. 55-61
  2. Afzal, Faizan; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Review of icing effects on wind turbine in cold regions. (2017), 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy
  3. Byrkjedal, Øyvind; Nygaard, Bjørn Egil Kringlebotn; Welgaard, Øyvind; Gutman, Igor; Karlsson, Timo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mc Innes, Harold; Iversen, Emilie C.; Fredbo, Maren; Ágústsson, Hálfdán. Development of a reliable modeling system for the calculation of rime ice loads on overhead transmission lines. (2017), European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
  4. Jiayi, Jin; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. SCADA Data Ananlysis of Wind Farm in Cold Climate Regions. The 17th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2017);
  5. Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Seasonal weather effects on wind power production in ice prone regions - a case study. (2017), 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy
  6. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Atmospheric icing intensity on slowly rotating hexagonal prism and cylinder with fins. AIP Conference Proceedings2017 ;Volume 1798
  7. Nygaard, Bjørn Egil Kringlebotn; Byrkjedal, Øyvind; Welgaard, Øyvind; Gutman, Igor; Karlsson, Timo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mc Innes, Harold; Iversen, Emilie C.; Fredbo, Maren; Ágústsson, Hálfdán. Development of a reliable modeling system for the calculation of rime ice loads on overhead transmission lines. IWAIS2017
  8. Sokolov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Jin, Jia Yi. On the Empirical k--factor in Ice Accretion on Wind Turbines: A Numerical Study. (2017), 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy;
  9. Solokov, Pavlo; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Karlsson, Timo; Tiihonen, Mikko. Ice Accretion on Cylinders for Different Droplet Distribution Spectrums. The 17th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2017)
  10. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Atmospheric Icing of Transmission Line Circular Conductor Bundles in Triplex Configuration. I: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2016), October 21-23, 2016, Shanghai, China. IEEE conference proceedings 2017 ISBN 978-1-5090-3068-2. p. 24-28
  11. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. Wind Turbine Blade Profile Thickness Effects on Atmospheric Ice Accretion. I: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2016), October 21-23, 2016, Shanghai, China. IEEE conference proceedings 2017 ISBN 978-1-5090-3068-2. p. 96-99


  1. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Numerical study of atmospheric ice accretion on rotating geometric cross sections with fins’. (2016). Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows ;Volum 8.(1) s. 3-14
  2. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mustafa, Mohamad.‘State of the Art Review of Atmospheric Icing Sensors’. (2016), Sensors & Transducers Journal ;Volum 198.(3)
  3. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Ice accretion on circular cylinder in relation to its diameter’ (2016).Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power. s. 1-7
  4. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Multiphase Numerical Study of Ice Accretion on Circular Cylinders in Duplex Configuration’. (2016).  Applied Mechanics and Materials ;Volum 851. s. 249-254
  5. Muhammad Virk,’ Effect of wind turbine blade profile symmetry on ice accretion’ (2016). Applied Mechanics and Materials ;Volum 863. s. 229-234.
  6. Bilal, Muhammad; Birkelund, Yngve; Homola, Matthew Carl; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Wind over complex terrain e Microscale modelling with two types of mesoscale winds at Nygårdsfjell’. (2016).Renewable Energy 2016 ;Volum 99. s. 647-653
  7. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; kosugi, kenji; mochizuki, shigeto.‘Experimental Validation of Icing Rate Using Rotational Load’. (2016).Cold Regions Science and Technology 2016 ;Volum 127. s. 18-24
  8. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mustafa, Mohamad.‘Multiphysics Based Design Study of an Atmospheric Icing Sensor’. (2016), The International Journal of Multiphysics
  9. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Hu, Q; Jiang, X.‘Multiphysics based Numerical Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on a Full Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade’. (2016).  The International Journal of Multiphysics ;Volum 10.(3) s. 237-245
  10. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Field Study of Ice Detection on Structures Using Passive Thermal Infrared Imaging’. (2016). SENSORCOMM, International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications 2016 s. 25-29


  1. Alsabagh, Abdel S.Y.; Xu, Yigeng; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Badran, Omar.Atmospheric ice loading and its impact on natural frequencies of wind turbines. (2015) Wind Engineering : The International Journal of Wind Power, Volume 39.(1) s. 83-96
  2. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Makarova, Marina; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Polanco Pinerez, Geanette.
    A case study to estimate thermal conductivity of ABS in Cold Climate Chamber. (2015). International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
  3. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.Torque and Axial Loading Physics for Measuring Atmospheric Icing Load and Icing Rate. (2015). Sensors & Transducers Journal. s. 136-145
  4. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Polanco Pinerez, Geanette.Atmospheric ice accretion on non-rotating vertical circular cylinder. (2015). International Journal of Engineering and Technology 
  5. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Polanco Pinerez, Geanette; Victor, Sojo; Jose, Da Paixao; Antonio, Vidal; Orlando, Aguillon.Encapsulated Water Hammer: Theoretical/Experimental Study. (2015). International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 
  6. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Rashid, Taimur.Charge Transfer Scheme for Atmospheric Ice Sensing. (2015).Sensors & Transducers Journal ;Volume 184.(1) s. 146-152
  7. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.Using Multiphysics for Detecting Atmospheric Ice Through MuVi Graphene – Atmospheric Icing Sensor. (2015)- Proceedings of the 2015 Comsol Conference.
  8. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.MuVi – Hybrid Atmospheric Icing Sensor. (2015). Proceeding of International Workshop of Atmospheric Icing on Structures. 
  9. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.Numerical Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Wind Turbines. (2015). Proceeding of International Workshop of Atmospheric Icing on Structures. 


  1. Geanette Polanco & Muhammad S. Virk,’ Numerical study of wind resource assessment of a complex terrain’ (2014), Wind Engineering, volume 38, issue 2, pp 19-26.
  2. Rashid, Taimur; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Mustafa, Mohamad; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.
    A field study of atmospheric icing analysis in a complex terrain of the high north. International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems (2014); Volum 5.(4) s. 189-197
  3. Alsabagh, Abdel S.Y.; Xu, Yigeng; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Badran, Omar.
    Serious Consequences due to Excessive Ice Accumulation on a Typical Wind Turbine. (2014)- Winterwind International Wind Energy Conference
  4. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Mughal, Uzair; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. 
    Cognitive Decision Making for Measuring Icing Load for Cold Regions. I: Proceedings 5th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2014). IEEE conference proceedings (2014)- ISBN 978-1-4799-7280-7. s. 283-288
  5. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.Analytical Modeling of Conductivity of Atmospheric Ice - Part I.  AIP Conference Proceedings 1637. American Institute of Physics (2014) ISBN 978-0-7354-1276-7.
  6. Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S. Virk,’ Efficacy of Electric Motors in Cold Regions’. (2014), Winterwind conference, Sweden.
  7. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Evaluation of Torque and Axial Loading Physics for Atmospheric Icing Sensors’.  The Eighth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2014). International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2014 ISBN 9781634396141. s. 32-38
  8. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.Physical Techniques for Robust Measurement of Icing Parameters,  ICCCT 2014-International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, Narvik, Norway, 26-28 May 2014. Narvik: NORUT Narvik 2014 ISBN 978-82-999624-0-7. s. 49-49
  9. Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Shape Optimization of Atmospheric Icing Sensor Using Cognitive Computer Aided Approach’: Proceedings 5th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2014). IEEE conference proceedings 2014 ISBN 978-1-4799-7280-7. s. 279-282
  10. Mughal, Uzair; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel. ‘Design and Manufacturing of Atmospheric Icing Sensor Using a Computer Aided Manufacturing Facility’: ICCCT 2014 Abstracts of the International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, ISBN 978-82-999624-0-7. s. 53-53
  11. Petrich, Christian; Mustafa, Mohamad; Sand, Bjørnar; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Bård, Arntsen; Nilsen, Trond.‘ColdTech - Sustainable Cold Climate Technology’. International Conference on Cold Climate Technology 2014, ICCCT 2014.
  12. Polanco, Geanette; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Homola, Matthew C.‘Wind Turbine's Operation in High North’: ICCCT 2014 Abstracts of the International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, Narvik, Norway, 26-28 May 2014. Narvik: NORUT Narvik 2014 ISBN 978-82-999624-0-7. s. 16-16
  13. Rashid, Taimur; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Application of Self and Mutual Capacitance Techniques for Atmospheric Ice Detection and Measurements’. I: ICCCT 2014 Abstracts of the International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, Narvik, Norway, 26-28 May 2014. Narvik: NORUT Narvik 2014 ISBN 978-82-999624-0-7. s. 52-52
  14. Rashid, Taimur; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.Cognitive Adaptability of Capacitive Sensors for Cold Regions. Proceedings 5th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2014). IEEE conference proceedings 2014 ISBN 978-1-4799-7280-7. s. 289-294
  15. Rashid, Taimur; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.‘Feasibility of Charge Transfer Based Atmospheric Ice Sensing’. The Eighth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2014). International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2014 ISBN 9781634396141. s. 27-31
  16. Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Mustafa, Mohamad.Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Structures Using CFD Based Multiphase Numerical Approach. International Conference on Cold Climate Technology 2014, ICCCT 2014; 2014-05-26 - 2014-05-28
  17. Xu, Yizhong; Mustafa, Mohamad; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Polanco, Geanette.
    Numerical Modeling of Snowdrift Development Around a Porous Fence. International Conference on Cold Climate Technology 2014, ICCCT 2014; 2014-05-26 - 2014-05-28
  18. Xu, Yizhong; Mustafa, Mohamad; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Polanco, Geanette.
    Numerical Modeling of Snowdrift Development Around a Porous Fence. I: ICCCT 2014 Abstracts of the International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, Narvik, Norway, 26-28 May 2014. Narvik: NORUT Narvik 2014 ISBN 978-82-999624-0-7. s. 18-18
  19. Zaman, Kamran; Mustafa, Mohamad; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.
    Intelligent Anti/Deicing System for Structures in Cold Regions. International Conference on Cold Climate Technology 2014, ICCCT 2014; 2014-05-26 - 2014-05-28
  20. Zaman, Kamran; Mustafa, Mohamad; Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel.
    Intelligent Anti/Deicing System for Structures in Cold Regions: ICCCT 2014 Abstracts of the International Conference on Cold Climate Technology, Narvik, Norway, 26-28 May 2014. Narvik: NORUT Narvik 2014 ISBN 978-82-999624-0-7. s. 54-54.


  1. Muhammad S Virk, Taimur Rashid & Mohamed Y Mustafa, ‘Atmospheric ice monitoring system operating at remote locations in cold regions, (2013), International journal of Energy and Environment , volume 4, issue 5, pp 895-902.
  2. Muhammad S. Virk, Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Circular overhead powerline conductors installed in tandem arrangement, (2013), International journal of computational multiphase flow, volume 5, issue 1, pp 73-81.
  3. Umair N Mugh1, Muhammad S. Virk & MUSTAFA, M. Y., Review of Capacitive Icing Sensor. (2013), Sensor & Transducer Journal , volume 18, pp 24-32.
  4. Rizwan Ghani & Muhammad S. Virk, Experimental study of atmospheric ice detection on wind turbine blades using thermal infrared techniques, (2013), Wind Engineering, volume 37, issue 1, pp 71-78.
  5. Sharavan K B, Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S. Virk, Experimental study of relative permittivity of atmospheric ice. (2013), International journal of Energy and Environment, volume 4, issue 3, pp 369-376.
  6. Yizhong Xu, Muhammad S. Virk, Jason Knight, Mohamad Y. Mustafa, George Haritos, Factors influencing the performance of porous wind shield, (2013), Applied mechanics and materials, volume 321-324, pp 799-803.
  7. Kamran Zaman, Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S Virk, Design of an intelligent deicing system for offshore structures, (2013), Applied mechanics and material, volume 321-324, pp 1602-1608.
  8. Abdul Salam Y A, Muhammad S. Virk, William Tiu & Yigeng Xu, A Review of effect of atmospheric ice accretion on structural behavior of wind turbine blades. (2013), Wind Engineering, volume 37, pp 59-70.
  9. Muhammad S. Virk, Application of Passive Thermal Infrared Imaging to Study Ice and Snow Accretion on Automobiles in Cold Regions, (2013), advanced material research, volume 739, pp 481-485.
  10. Muhammad S.Virk, Taimur Rashid, Umair N Mughal, Kamran Zaman & Mohamed Y Mustafa, Multi sensor atmospheric icing station performance in cold climate- a case study. (2013), 7th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SNESORCOMM 2013) Barcelona. ISBN: 978-1-61208-296-7.
  11. Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S. Virk, Atmospheric icing sensor- an insight. (2013), 7th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SNESORCOMM 2013), Barcelona. ISBN: 978-1-61208-296-7.
  12. Muhammad S.Virk, Taimur Rashid, Umair N Mughal & Mohamed Y Mustafa, Ice detection on road surface using passive thermal infrared technique. COMADEM 2013, Helsinki. ISSN 1363-7681
  13. Muhammad Virk, Umair N Mughal & Mohamed Y Mustafa, Field Measurements of Atmospheric Icing from an Ice Monitoring Station Installed at Fagernesfjellet in Northern Norway, COMADEM 2013, Helsinki. ISSN 1363-7681
  14. Umair N Mughal, Muhammad S Virk & MUSTAFA, M. Y. Dielectric Potential for Ice measurements. (2013), 39TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING AND ECONOMICS AMEE13. American Institute of Physics (AIP),  ISBN 978-07354-1198-2. s. 212-220
  15. Muhammad S Virk. Numerical study of super cooled water droplet splashing and distribution spectrum on atmospheric ice accretion of wind turbine blade. (2013), 39TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING AND ECONOMICS AMEE13. American Institute of Physics (AIP) , ISBN 978-07354-1198-2. s. 163-171.
  16. Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S Virk,’ Universal dielectric response of atmospheric ice using COMSOL’ (2013), COMSOL user conference, Rotterdam Netherland, ISBN: 978-0-9910001-5-9.
  17. Taimur Rashid, Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S.Virk, ‘Atmospheric icing sensors for UAV’s’ (2013), 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2013). IEEE conference proceedings 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-1544-6. s. 725-728.
  18. Umair N Mughal, Taimur Rashid & Muhammad S.Virk, ‘E- driven technology for cold regions’4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2013). IEEE conference proceedings 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-1544-6. s. 683-686.
  19. Umair N.Mughal, Taimur Rashid & Muhammad S.Virk, ‘Intelligent ice protection system for offshore structures in high north’ 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2013). IEEE conference proceedings 2013 ISBN 978-1-4799-1544-6. s. 665-669.
  20. Geanette Polanco & Muhammad S.Virk, ‘Role of advance CAE tools in wind resource assessment optimization of complex terrains’ 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2013). IEEE conference proceedings 2013 ISBN 978-1-4799-1544-6. s. 687-691.
  21. Muhammad S.Virk, Atmospheric Icing on structures: COLDTECH-RT3 Perspective, 15th International Workshop on Atmospheric icing on structures (IWAIS-2013), Newfoundland Canada 8-11 September 2013.


  1. Muhammad S. Virk, Matthew C. Homola & Per J. Nicklasson, Atmospheric Icing on Large Wind Turbine Blades, (2012), International Journal of Energy & Environment, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.1-8.
  2. Muhammad S.Virk, Atmospheric ice accretion on air intake louvers of buildings in cold regions, (2012), International journal of Multiphysics, volume 6, number 4, pp: 379-390.
  3. H. A. Khawaja, S. A. Scott, Muhammad. S. Virk ,M. Moatamedi, ‘Qualitative Analysis of Accuracy in Voidage Computations in CFD-DEM simulations’ (2012), International journal of computational multiphase flow, volume 4, number 2, pp. 183-192.
  4. Umair N Mugh1, Muhammad S. Virk & MUSTAFA, M. Y., Atmospheric icing sensor- a conceptual review using matter and icing electromagnetism, (2012), International journal of Multiphysics, volume 6, number 4.
  5. Muhammad S Virk, Matthew C Homola, Per J Nicklasson and Per Arne Sundsbø, Performance losses due to ice accretion for a 5 MW wind turbine, (2012), Wind Energy , volume 15, number 3, pp: 379-389.
  6. Muhammad S.Virk, Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on onshore Structures using CFD based numerical appraoch. 9th International conference heat transfer, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics (HEAFAT 2012) 16-18, July 2012, Malta. ISBN: 978-1-86854-986-3.
  7. CALAY, R. K., MUSTAFA, M. Y. & Muhammad S. Virk, Analytical analysis of Fuel Cell - Gas Turbine Hybrid Power System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency. American institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings; Nov2012, Vol. 1497 Issue 1, p84-91, ISSN: 0094243X.
  8. Umair N. Mughal, Muhammad S. VIRK, & Mohamed Y. Mustafa., Review of Capacitive Atmospheric Icing Sensors. SENSORCOMM 2012: The Sixth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, 19-24 August 2012, Rome Italy. ISBN: 978-1-61208-207-3.
  9. MUSTAFA, M. Y., Muhammad S. VI, AL-HAMDAN, Q. Z. & MUGHAL, U. N. Experimental Investigation of Appropriate Conditions for Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Onshore Structures in the Arctic Region. 2nd LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS (LACCOTAM 2012) 24-26 September 2012, Caracas, Venezuela. ISBN : 978-980-7541-00-8
  10. Muhammad S. Virk, KAENNAKHAM, S., MUSTAFA, M. Y. & MOATAMEDI, M. Review of Potential Threats & Challenges to the Arctic Region. The 2nd Latin American & Caribbean Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (LACCOTAM2012), 24-26 September 2012, Caracas, Venezuela
  11. Muhammad S. Virk & MUSTAFA, M. Y. Multiphysics Analyses of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Structures. The 2nd Latin American & Caribbean Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (LACCOTAM2012), 24-26 September 2012, Caracas, Venezuela. ISBN : 978-980-7541-00-8
  12. Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S Virk, A Numerical Comparison of Dielectric based Measurement of Atmospheric Ice Using Comsol, COMSOL user Conference, 10-12 October, 2012, Milan, Italy, ISBN: 978-0-9910001-5-9.
  13. MUSTAFA, M. Y., Muhammad S. VIRK, HAMDAN, Q. Z. & Umair N Mughal. Mathematical Prediction of In-Cloud Icing Conditions Using Data from a Ground Meteorological Station. (2012), 38th Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
  14. Umair N Mughal, Muhammad S Virk & Mohamad Y Mustafa, Using The Molecular Structure Of Atmospheric Ice For Information Sharing, , (2012), Arctic Frontiers  Conference, Tromsø, Norway.
  15. Muhammad S Virk, Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Circular Overhead Power Line Conductors in Tandem Arrangement, (2012), Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, Norway.
  16. Muhammad S.Virk, Atmospheric Icing on structures, ColdTech Workshop 2012, DNV-Oslo, Norway
  17. Rizwan Ghani & Muhammad S.Virk, Offshore Ice detection using Infrared based image processing techniques, ColdTech Workshop 2012, DNV-Oslo, Norway.
  18. Kamran Zaman & Muhammad S.Virk, Intelligent anti/deicing system for large offshore oil platforms, ColdTech Workshop 2012, DNV-Oslo, Norway.
  19. Umair N Mughal & Muhammad S.Virk, Design of robust atmospheric icing sensor, ColdTech Workshop 2012, DNV-Oslo, Norway.
  20. Mohamad Y Mustafa, Muhammad S Virk, Visual mapping of an atmospheric icing incident at the top of a coastal mountain, ColdTech Workshop 2012, DNV-Oslo, Norway.


  1. Muhammad. S. Virk, Mohamad. Y. Mustafa & Qusai-Alhamdan, A review of measurement techniques of Atmospheric Ice accretion on Structures, (2011), International journal of Multiphysics, volume 5, number 3, pp: 229-240
  2. Muhammad. S. Virk, Atmospheric ice accretion on non-rotating circular cylinder, (2011), International journal of computational multiphase flow, volume 5, number 4, pp: 197-205.
  3. Muhammad. S. Virk, Numerical study of atmospheric ice accretion on various geometric cross sections, (2011), Wind engineering, volume 35, number 5, pp: 607-614.
  4. Muhammad S. Virk, Matthew C. Homola, Per J. Nicklasson  and Per A. Sundsbø, Modelling of ice induced power losses and comparison with observations, Winterwind -2011, February 8-10, Ume°a, Sweden,
  5. Muhammad S Virk, Numerical Study of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Circular Cylinder, (2011), 7th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer 18-22 July 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
  6. Muhammad. S. Virk, 'Multiphysics Modeling of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Circular Overhead Power Line Conductors in Tandem Arrangement', (2011), Multiphysics Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  7. Muhammad. S. Virk, Umair N Mughal & ' Atmospheric Icing Sensors - A Step into Icing Electromagnetism' , (2011), Multiphysics Conference, Barcelona, Spain
  8. Muhammad. S. Virk, Mohamad. Y. Mustafa & Qusai-Alhamdan, Experimental Field Measurements of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on Structures, , (2011), Multiphysics Conference, Barcelona, Spain
  9. Muhammad. S. Virk , Qusai-Alhamdan & Mohamad. Y. Mustafa , Atmospheric Ice Detection and Measurement Using Image Processing Based Techniques in the Visible and Infrared Spectrums', (2011), Multiphysics Conference, Barcelona, Spain
  10. Muhammad S. Virk , Abdel Salam Y. Alsabagh & William Tiu ,Effect of Atmospheric Ice Accretion on the Dynamic Behaviour of Wind Turbine, , (2011), Multiphysics Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  11. Muhammad. S. Virk, Mohamad. Y. Mustafa & Qusai-Alhamdan, 'Atmospheric ice monitoring station in Narvik, Nordområdekonferansen 2011, 14-15 November Bodø, Norway.
  12. Muhammad. S. Virk, Mohamad. Y. Mustafa & Umair N Mughal, 'Atmospheric ice accretion on power network cables, Nordområdekonferansen 2011, 14-15 November Bodø, Norway.
  13. Muhammad. S. Virk, Mohamad. Y. Mustafa & Umair N Mughal, 'Development of new atmospheric icing sensors, Nordområdekonferansen 2011, 14-15 November Bodø, Norway.
  14. Muhammad. S. Virk, Mohamad. Y. Mustafa , M Moatamedi, & Alsabagh Alsalam , 'Design of water shock wave tube for testing composite shell structures, Nordområdekonferansen 2011, 14-15 November Bodø, Norway.
  15. Muhammad. S. Virk, Matthew C Homola & Per J Nicklasson, 'Atmospheric Ice accretion on large wind turbine blades, Nordområdekonferansen 2011, 14-15 November Bodø, Norway.
  16. Muhammad. S. Virk, Atmospheric Icing & Sensors, ColdTech Mini Conference 2011.
  17. Muhammad. S. Virk, Atmospheric Icing & Sensors: Ongoing work status and work plan, ColdTech Work shop 2011.


  1. Muhammad S Virk, Matthew C Homola and Per J Nicklasson, Relation between angle of attack and atmospheric ice accretion on large wind turbine blades, (2010), Wind Engineering, Volume 34, no 6, pp: 607-614.
  2. Muhammad S Virk, Matthew C Homola and Per J Nicklasson, Effect of rime ice accretion on aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbine blade profiles, (2010), Wind Engineering , Volume 34, no 2, pp: 207-218
  3. Muhammad S Virk, Matthew C Homola, Tomas Wallenius, Per J Nicklasson and Per Arne Sundsbø, Effect of atmospheric temperature and droplet size variation on ice accretion of wind turbine blades, (2010), Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, volume 98, pp: 724-729.
  4. Muhammad S Virk, Matthew C Homola and Per J Nicklasson, Multiphysics modelling of atmospheric ice accretion on wind turbines, (2010), Multiphysics Conference, Kumamoto, Japan.



Arctic Technology & Icing Research Group (arcICE)

Lodve Langes Gate 2.
8505- Narvik, Norway.
Institute of Industrial Technology, IVT Faculty- UiT, Narvik
+47 76 96 61 83
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