New co-authored publication by ECOCARE team members and exchange students Cecilia Campos and Apostolos Tsiouvalas

Our brilliant students and team members Cecilia Campos (Master's Students from UniRio, visiting Tromsø in the semester January/June 2023) and Apostolos Tsiouvalas (PhD Fellow NCLOS, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, visiting Rio de Janeiro in December 2022) co-wrote the book review:

Tsiouvalas, A., & Campos, C. S. (2023). Book Review: Giulia Parola and Margherita Paola Poto, Tarumã, Waters that Speak Tarumã—A Legal Design and Visual Law Project Co-created by Law Students and the Chiquitano People: The Pollution of the Tarumã River and the Consequences on the Chiquitano People. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples0(0).

Giulia and Margherita are very grateful to the two brilliant authors who acknowledged the scientific and educational relevance of the book, which is published in two languages and co-created with the Chiquitano communities in Mato Grosso.