Stense Kromann Vestergaard,
Torsten Risør
“I felt like a little kind of jolt of energy in my chest”: embodiment in learning in continuing professional development for general practitioners
Advances in Health Sciences Education 2024
Olsi Kusta,
Margaret Bearman,
Radhika Gorur,
Torsten Risør,
John Brandt Brodersen,
Klaus Hoeyer
Speed, accuracy, and efficiency: The promises and practices of digitization in pathology
Social Science and Medicine 2024
Sofie Gjessing,
Trine Lignell Guldberg,
Torsten Risør,
Regitze Gyldenholm Skals,
Jette Kolding Kristensen
Would you like to be a general practitioner? Baseline findings of a longitudinal survey among Danish medical trainees
Sofie Gjessing,
Torsten Risør,
Jette Kolding Kristensen
Medical trainees’ speciality considerations at their transition from under- to postgraduate education: a descriptive, cross-sectional study
Education for Primary Care 2024
Tine Johnsgård,
Renate Elenjord,
Renata Vesela Holis,
Marit Waaseth,
Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad,
Marie Fagerli
et al.:
How much time do emergency department physicians spend on medication-related tasks? A time- and-motion study
Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Kristian Svendsen,
Tine Johnsgård,
Renata Vesela,
Eirik Hugaas Ofstad
et al.:
Completeness of medication information in admission notes from emergency departments
BMC Health Services Research 2023
Sofie Gjessing,
Jette Kolding Kristensen,
Torsten Risør
Storytelling in Focus Group Discussions: A Narrative Approach to Phenomena With Temporal Dimensions in Medical Education Research
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM) 2023
Asthildur Arnadottir,
Nanna Holt Jessen,
Torsten Risør,
Malene Plejdrup Hansen,
Maria Gaden,
Jens Søndergaard
Fokus på sammenhæng mellem klima, sundhed og økonomi er nødvendigt for et bæredygtigt sundhedsvæsen
Ugeskrift for Læger 2023
Stense Vestergaard,
Ulla Bjerre-Christensen,
Anne Mette Mørcke,
Torsten Risør
Surrendering to the process: innovation in developing CPD for general practitioners
Journal of European Continuing Medical Education 2023
Hilde Monica Risvoll,
Torsten Risør,
Kjell Hermann Halvorsen,
Marit Waaseth,
Trine Stub,
Trude Giverhaug
et al.:
General practitioners’ role in safeguarding patients with dementia in their use of dietary supplements. A qualitative study
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 08. Nov 2023
Asthildur Arnadottir,
Nanna Holt Jessen,
Martin Schønemann-Lund,
Torsten Risør
Bæredygtig sundhedsforskning: klimamæssige, økonomiske og sociale aspekter ved forskning
Lees Jessica,
Margaret Bearman,
Linda Sweet,
Torsten Risør
Technology Complements Physical Examination and Facilitates Skills Development among Health Sciences Clerkship Students: An Integrative Literature Review
Perspectives on Medical Education 2023
Christoffer Bjerre Haase,
Margaret Bearman,
John Brodersen,
Torsten Risør,
Klaus Hoeyer
Data driven or data informed? How general practitioners use data to evaluate their own and colleagues’ clinical work in clusters
Sociology of Health and Illness 2023
Christoffer Bjerre Haase,
Rola Ajjawi,
Margaret Bearman,
John Brodersen,
Torsten Risør,
Klaus Hoeyer
Data as symptom: Doctors’ responses to patient-provided data in general practice
Social Studies of Science 2023
Anne Marie Rieffestahl,
Anne Mette Morcke,
Hanne O. Mogensen,
Torsten Risør
When the Patient is Absent in Patient-Centered Communication Training: A Discursive Analysis of How Medical Students Learn to Interact with Patients
Teaching and learning in medicine 2023
Tine Johnsgård,
Renate Elenjord,
Elin Lehnbom,
Torsten Risør,
Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad,
Renata Vesela
et al.:
Emergency department physicians’ experiences and perceptions with medication-related work tasks and the potential role of clinical pharmacists
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2023
Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad,
Beate Hennie Garcia,
Tine Johnsgård,
Eirik Hugaas Ofstad,
Elin Lehnbom,
Kristian Svendsen
et al.:
Patient perceptions and experiences with medication-related activities in the emergency department: a qualitative study
Karl-Erik Bø,
Kjell H. Halvorsen,
Torsten Risør,
Elin Lehnbom
‘Illuminating determinants of implementation of non-dispensing pharmacist services in home care: a qualitative interview study’
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2023
Anne Marie Rieffestahl,
Hanne O. Mogensen,
Anne Mette Morcke,
Torsten Risør
‘If you had taken the lead…’ – a qualitative study of patients with chronic conditions and their perspective in clinical encounters with medical students
Olsi Kusta,
Charlotte Vestrup Rift,
Torsten Risør,
Eric Santoni-Rugiu,
John Brodersen
Lost in digitization – A systematic review about the diagnostic test accuracy of digital pathology solutions
Journal of Pathology Informatics 2022
Johanna Laue,
Esperanza Diaz,
Linda Eriksen,
Torsten Risør
Migration health research in Norway: a scoping review
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2021
Resha Al-Azzawi,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Torsten Risør
Context and general practitioner decision-making - a scoping review of contextual influence on antibiotic prescribing
Torsten Risør,
Charo Rodriguez
Clinical Reasoning - a Scotoma in the Medical Gaze?
Education for Primary Care 2021
Renata Vesela,
Renate Elenjord,
Elin Lehnbom,
Eirik Hugaas Ofstad,
Tine Johnsgård,
Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad
et al.:
Integrating the clinical pharmacist into the emergency department interdisciplinary team: A study protocol for a multicentre trial applying a non-randomised stepped-wedge study design
Iris Helene Borch,
Ragnhild Sandvoll,
Torsten Risør
Student course evaluation documents: Constituting evaluation practice
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 2021
David Ortiz-Paredes,
Charo Rodríguez,
Peter Nugus,
Tamara Carver,
Torsten Risør
Embedding Identity and How Clinical Teachers Reconcile Their Multiple Professional Identities to Meet Overlapping Demands at Work
Teaching and learning in medicine 2021
Iris Helene Borch,
Ragnhild Sandvoll,
Torsten Risør
Discrepancies in purposes of student course evaluations: what does it mean to be “satisfied”?
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 2020
Christoffer Bjerre Haase,
Margaret Bearman,
John Brodersen,
Klaus Hoeyer,
Torsten Risør
'You should see a doctor', said the robot: Reflections on a digital diagnostic device in a pandemic age
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2020
Anne Marie Rieffestahl,
Torsten Risør,
Hanne O. Mogensen,
Susanne Reventlow,
Anne Mette Mørcke
Ignitions of empathy. Medical students feel touched and shakened by interacting with patients with chronic conditions in communication skills training
Patient Education and Counseling 2020
Saleem Razack,
Torsten Risør,
Brian Hodges,
Yvonne Steinert
Beyond the cultural myth of medical meritocracy
Medical Education 2019
Torsten Risør
The role of pathology in diagnostic work
Publicacions URV 2018
Johanna Laue,
Torsten Risør
Refugees and healthcare services
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2017
Torsten Risør
Where does a diagnosis come from: Questions about the local context in diagnostic reasoning
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2017
Paul Worley,
Ian Couper,
Roger Strasser,
Lisa Graves,
Beth-Ann Cummings,
Richard J. Woodman
et al.:
A typology of longitudinal integrated clerkships
Medical Education 2016
Torsten Risør
Trail Blazing or Jam Session? Towards a New Concept of Clinical Decision-making
Anthropology & Medicine 2016
Torunn Bjerve Eide,
Torsten Risør
Quality in general practice–state of affairs or dynamic process?
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2024
Torsten Risør,
Bjørn Morten Hofmann
Sygdommens etik – en introduktion
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2022
Bjørn Morten Hofmann,
Torsten Risør
Sykdommens etikk - en fortsettelse
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2022
Knut Eirik Ringheim Eliassen,
Anette Fosse,
Torsten Risør,
Bjarne Austad,
Håvard Kjesbu Skjellegrind,
Torunn Bjerve Eide
et al.:
Fastlegeordningen dør
Dagsavisen 2022
Tine Johnsgård,
Ingvil Nagelhus,
Elaine Fjellstad,
Elin Lehnbom,
Renate Elenjord,
Torsten Risør
et al.:
Exploring physicians’ experiences with and perceptions of medication related work tasks in emergency departments – a qualitative study.
Johanna Laue,
Torsten Risør,
Tordis Sørensen Høifødt,
Unni Ringberg,
Marit Nymoen Aasbrenn,
Oda Martine S. Øverhaug
et al.:
Tanker om medisinens mørke bakgårder
Utposten 2021
Knut Eirik Ringheim Eliassen,
Anette Fosse,
Torsten Risør,
Bjarne Austad,
Håvard Skjellegrind,
Torunn Bjerve Eide
et al.:
Brev til Helseministeren i forbindelse med redningsaksjon for fastlegeordningen
Torsten Risør,
Karen Waltorp,
Uffe Juul Jensen
Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund 2020
Kylie J Mansfield,
Anita Iversen,
Maja-Lisa Løchen,
Torsten Risør,
Lyndal Parker-Newlyn,
Greg E Peoples
North and South: Rural Medicine attracts students with a similar approach to learning
Iris Helene Borch,
Ragnhild Sandvoll,
Torsten Risør
Students want to co-create their education, but do we let them? Evaluation in health profession education
Torsten Risør
Globale utfordringer i eget nabolag - hvordan kan akademia bidra med tanke på flyktningkrisen?
Torsten Risør
Små steder - store spørsmål. Forskning i, med og for kommunene
Torsten Risør
Legestudenter vil ikke snakke om sex
28. Nov 2016
Anita Iversen,
Torsten Risør
På vei mot en ny lege - eller?
Marianne Vibeke Trondsen,
Line Lundvoll Warth,
Kari Dyb,
Torsten Risør,
Hege Kristin Andreassen
Promoting Patient Voices on the
Internet. Ethical considerations about web-based dissemination of research on patient narratives.